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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. What I am most interested in sound wise is how firefights will sound. With 1:1 modelling I guess we will see 1:1 sound too? That would be great. Instead of the on/off fits of gunfire as in CMx1, will we might be treated to more fluid small arms fire? What I mean is varied intensities of firing: From the occasional shot to a cacophony of automatic fire as the fighting get more intense.
  2. May I add that the recent Distant Guns: Russo-Japanese War has impact shockwaves too and it looks great. It's not a graphical step backwards for me, far from it. I do not know why but it looks very pleasing. But Peter Cairns is right in regards to the 'Hollywood' gasoline explosions. It may be what many look for in an exlosion but it does little for me. I vastly prefer a 'real' explosion. A quick flash, chuncks of dirt and debris being flung about and a lingering column of smoke.
  3. Doh! Forgot which forum I was in. [ July 29, 2006, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  4. Now now, we won't have false modesty here, you've been drunk far longer then that. Keep up the good work.
  5. Found the owners of the 'Bradley', a military vehicles rental business. http://www.armytrucks.com/page1.html has a much better picture of the odd creature. Not a ACV-S, the uper hull is shaped completely different. What a puzzle.
  6. Are they filming in Turkey by any chance? Might be the ACV-S though I can't get a good piccie of the hatch layout. *edit* It's also a front right engined job but some other pictures I've seen haver several kinds of turrets and MG in the right forward position which would suggest ther's an opening there. Not the driver hatch but it needn't be for Hollywood magic. [ July 27, 2006, 02:48 AM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  7. Looks like an 'enhanced' M-113 to me.
  8. Understood that, Moon. But I'm VERY dissapointed that with the modular system we still won't get close to CMBO. But if BFC scale the thing down as much as I'm getting the impression CMx2 is hoing to be you end up with something equally niche, in my opinion. Just so you know.
  9. Lasting peace between Syria and USA signed, Shock Force cancelled. BFC start work on CMx2:WWII.
  10. Great... a blog. Yet another place to visit on my travels through this interweb thingymejig. Couldn't you guys (BFC) just come to the forum and tell us stuff?
  11. As compared to the single stand alone battle with it's inevitable flag rushes? I've finally started an ROQC campaign and aside from a dubious core force composition it plays far more realistic then anything CM has had to offer up to now, including operations. No more sacrificing a squad to deliver a mortal blow to the enemy if you suspect you won't see replacments for a long while. With all the nattering on about force multipliers in the Shock Farce forum the refusal to add a 'game mutiplier' campaign is surprising to say the least. I'm willing to bet most people playing Steel Panthers post CM did so because of the campaign system. SP isn't very good when compared to CM yet it's still being played today. So why not add to CM that which made people return to SP long after it's sell by date expired? [ June 28, 2006, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  12. my fingers are crossed .... and have been for a while </font>
  13. You could buy it here direct from the Battlefront website. The downside is that they probably aren't the cheapest but the upside is that every coin ends up with the guys who made the game. And they aren't bigshot publisher but a bunch of nice guys who could use every bit of cash to make even better games. Naturally I realize that as a 13 year old you aren't awash with money but I'd still very much would like you to consider buying it from BFC directly because CM is probably the best value-for-money purchase you are ever going to make. I know it was for me. If not, look for it at shops that have a good reputation re: stocking PC titles, they might have a copy lying around dirt cheap. It'll be a rare find though. Or maybe Google for it in the area where you live. In the end it doesn't really matter where you buy CM from, just that you buy it. You'd kick yourself if you didn't.
  14. You've got to wonder what happened to the other secret forums. You never know,maybe it's the Shock Farce forum that got removed. OMG OMG Shock Farce cancelled! W00t! I wouldn't get your hopes up from Shock Farce being in the 'under development' column. So is Modern Naval Sea Battles. Not a word on that one since '04
  15. I don't think it's anywhere near as complicated as that. AFAIK the TacAI looks at two things when deciding when to fire the HC/T round: 1)How much of the special round has it got. The fewer the less likely it is to fire it. 2)The hit percentage. If it is low it will rather fire an AP round to gage the range then waste it's precious special. When that percentage gets raised to a point where it's reasonable to fire it will. Hence your better experiences with better crews. They will get a good firing solution faster thus will find it less objectionable to fire it's T/HC round. A conscript will need to bang away for several minutes before it's hit percentage gets good enough to chance a T/HC round.
  16. A complete guess here but mightn't lethality be an issue here? At 100m both guns will have no problems penetrating the target so the 'T' round will not give you an advantage. But the regular round is a big ass round (with a charge?) while the 'T' round has just the Tungsten core penetrating thus lower lethality. That would produce the curious gap between the differing range at 100m and also why it closes again at longer ranges. There the normal AP round will start having difficulties penetrating while the 'T' round will still penetrate, thus copensating for it's lower lethality. The AI, only checking for the highest penetration chance when looking up which round to use, thus opts for the 'T' round. Pretty much the same thing happens when firing on HT and the like with a 75mm+ gun. The AI will insist on using AP while a HE round is far more likely to take it out. [ June 20, 2006, 11:28 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  17. I hope it won't make it in. Don't get me wrong. In itself it is a charming feature but half the fun of CM is stringing something awfully complex together and sweating it out while waiting to see if you haven't messed things up. Besides, there is just so much the oppostion could do to throw a spanner in the works that it won't be all that useful in the end. Better use the brain jar nutriant needed for this to make CM work even better in single player. Mind you, all this from a player who still refers to this title as Shock Farce so my opinion doesn't count for much.
  18. Nope, that'd be the GAU-12 25mm Gatling cannon you are thinking off. Installing a .50 cal weapon would make no sense, you'd have to get a teensy bit too close with the Herc to do any good with it. I always thought the GAU name was for gatling gun systems but GAU-21 is what saner people call an M3M. Made by FN, you'd never suspect it from the Belgians but they make seriously fine weaponry.
  19. Abbot & ASL veteran: Stop being such hypersensitive nongs. That's not even close to what Peter said. What tosh! No US citizenship is required to understand the words he used, basic English reading skills will suffice. Any offence is solely contained in your "extrapolation" and what you "perceived" to be written.
  20. Not out of the box. Operations will be improved, so they say.
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