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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Javelin uses a CLU (Command Launch Unit) - not some large tripod type stand. Easy to overlook when you check out the units. There is also the possibility the offending Javelin users died so you might want to check out the KIAs?
  2. Possible spoilers though nothing to specific # # # # # This scenario is a balancing act - if you lead with infantry you'll run out of time. If you lead with AFVs you'll most likely end up with wrecks. It's a wee bit of a juggle between caution and aggressive fire and manoeuvring.
  3. Yup they know bad guys are ahead and the clock is ticking - briefing at the end states - "There are only two crossing points over the river at this location. This location, forming as it does a ‘choke point’ is the most likely location for any trouble. You check your watch – 0900Hrs. At that moment a warning from brigade comes over the radio –“Enemy mechanised unit heading for your AO. ETA your location 1000Hrs – expect trouble.”
  4. Wittmann's Swords at Villers - covers the intial stages of his action at Villers Bocage; Wittmann's Demise covers his ill fated last attack. Bil Hardenberger did one of his excellent AARs for Wittmann's Demise that's worth checking out.
  5. Thanks The key to doing these is time in the detail - that takes w hile. I can crack out the big details in pretty quick order it's the finishing that is the time sink on these maps. Re your question - You mean what maps I've made? On reflection I'm pleased with the two Wittmann series maps for CMBN - mainly because there was so much photo evidence I could even get small details correct - or at least correct for some key sections. I'm please with the Studienka map in Red Thunder and it's near cousin Kharalyk in CMBS. I'm working on another CMBS map at the moment (based on Morning Coffee) which I'm finding engrossing to play about on. So guess no clear winner
  6. Also mind that 'bogging' also represents vehicle breakdowns/track thrown etc etc.
  7. Thanks Vein The time factor in this did cause some debate amongst testers. I came down on the time pressure aspect of it - to try and force the UKR player's hand a wee bit Although I like largish maps and OOBs I'm into small unit tactics and sometimes these wee maps just focus you into being the platoon commander. Also I can take the time to really detail the smaller maps. Great to hear it's all being enjoyed by players
  8. Wow! That's very impressive How'd you manage that? Yeah - good tactics but still as you say it's an openish map with lot's of long range fire fights and not a few surprises. Kudos to you mate. Although TBH it was your trade, was it not, for a while?
  9. You can't use modern armour like WWII tin cans with this modern stuff guys.The lasing warnings are designed to keep armour alive. BMPs can ruin even a M1s day with their 30mm cannon. Sending tanks around a corner into a waiting BMP is asking for trouble. I'd back off and either send in infantry to infiltrate the buildings or find another way round.
  10. Discussion here and some tips on how to manage this: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118098-question-about-being-lased-all-the-time/ As c3k says though - if your armour is being lased that's not a good thing cos whatever is behind it stands a good chance of being able to seriously **** up your armour!
  11. Hi Rinaldi Thanks for the video playthrough. I really enjoyed watching how someone plays this. Great fun to see how you went about it. Good effort by the way Re the update - yeah the new patch did make changes to the TOE. If you have redone the scenario I'm happy to re-upload the revised version to the repository and update the scenario. Likewise if you get onto 'Huzzar!'. I'm pretty committed to doing some Black Sea stuff at the moment but if you've done the grunt work I'm happy to re-upload. Feel free to drop me an email to george at coldclimbs dot com if you are up for that? Thanks again for the excellent video report.
  12. Order 'fast' then your armour will drive at full speed - ignoring the 'laser' warnings - to their most likely, but glorious deaths. Works for me. On a more serious note - laser warnings are enemy units using lasers as part of their target acquisition - hence why your units become spooked by it. Next stop is something nasty in the crew compartment... Ordering 'fast' will see your units move forward and ignore the 'laser' warnings but this means that whatever is lasing them can/could also kill them. When you know something is 'out there' lasing units you can go for the balls to the wall all out charge and hope you have enough to ID and kill whatever it is or you try IDing where the possible shooter is and see if you can have several AFVs move against it. It'll only be able to lase one of your AFVS and hopefully the other may get eyes on an engage.
  13. This stills hold true: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/82077-assaulting-a-building-fierce-and-agille/
  14. Must say these mods are superb - I'm enjoying the firework display that is a BMP-3 going boom! Also muzzle flashes are great as are the tracers. In fact the whole package is mint
  15. A few scenario creation tips that might streamline the process for some folks. I use a tablet and pen to draw scenarios. With the map overlay function it means you can sketch in the main details really quickly. Creating AI Plans - most common mistake is designers trying to micromanage - don't. Keep AI Plans 'big picture' with grand tactical sweeping moves, not inch by inch movement. Use the ground/terrain and trust the Tac AI when it comes to the nitty gritty. Testing AI Plans is best done in WEGO - you can very quickly fast forward turns. Saves hours. Briefings are best done in a word processor I think - means spelling can be picked up. If you are not that savvy at doing briefings then extract an existing briefing from a scenario and tweak to match your scenario. Mind it's not rocket science - it's the game within a game. So start small or even better open up a small scenario and start to tweak it - change out units (but reallocate the AI Plan, scoring etc), improve the map - all that stuff means you can learn how to slowly. FWIW overall I'm pretty happy with how the editor works. You just need to spend time using it just like you need to invest time in playing scenarios to get good at CM.
  16. Thanks guys - pleased to hear you're liking it
  17. I'd add Morning Coffee to this list as I'd class it as Small - as the Russians you have a less than a couple of platoons and it's on a medium map (around 1.5km x 1.5km).
  18. Hi Rokko Yup it's one of mine - glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the praise I enjoyed doing this wee map. It started out life as a quick and dirty playtest map for early builds and then morphed into what you played. Yeah the time thing came up during playtesting. On balance the feedback was to keep a bit of pressure on. If players wish they can crack it open in the editor and add ten minutes - although be careful what you wish for
  19. Both - I enjoy the unique demands each method makes on the player.
  20. From CMSF but still holds true for CMBs: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/72762-mount-embark/
  21. Sounds like you are doing well I adjusted the vehicle repair modifier in the campaign script so hopefully you'll get any 'stuck' AFVs back for the next mission. Yeah the Syrian (AKA Russians) are pretty good in this. I did artificially raise their crew levels to give a National Training Centre feel to the engagements. If you win this you'll most likely do well when you go to serve in the Ukraine with the US armoured forces
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