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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. You can’t tie reinforcements to triggers. Not possible in current game engine.
  2. Yeah it didn't get any better after this action either... The 501st’s record through August 1944 was so poor that on the 22nd August 1944, as you say, Major von Legat was relieved of his command. It is also reported that he had links to the 20th July 1944 conspiracy to kill Hitler. I can't find any record of what happened to him after this.
  3. My workaround to save my wrist is plot movement orders in platoon packets with 15s min time gaps. This fits into a one minute time slot. Also if something buggers up your carefully crafted plan you don't lose fifteen minutes careful plotting...
  4. @ErwinTo follow on from what @Lucky_Strikesays, aye it is one of the most fascinating series of images I've seen (next to the other book of images covering 'Ilse' relief of Kovel all published by RZM.com Yeah the follow on images of the grenadiers in their SPW show them all helmeted. Interestingly majority of images in the sequence of senior officers 9and some senior NCOs) show them all wearing soft caps - M43s or 'crusher' caps whilst the grunts all appear to be wearing helmets. As an aside, this diagram from a period - 1944 German manual - gives suggested spacings so I reckon Kümmel was closer to the shooting bit than we'd maybe expose our battalion commanders on the CM battlefield! The diagram shows battalion HQ staff being 100m behind the point company and around 400m from the leading vehicle of the advance guard. Guess terrain etc would dictated how close/far the HQ would be in reality. Given his key role would be co-ordinating his battalion and especially ensuring the heavy company (just behind him) was best placed to support the attack should resistance be encountered.
  5. Would be useful if you could post your PC specs please so folks can tailor advice and support to help get you up and running? Or you could file a tech support ticket with BFC and ask them to help get you up and running? https://community.battlefront.com/forum/114-cm2-general-tech-support/
  6. Well it does if you know the context. https://www.panzerwrecks.com/product/kampfgruppe-muhlenkamp-5-ss-panzer-division-wiking-eastern-poland-july-1944-2/ This image was taken in combat. It’s from a series. The next images further on show other troops in other carriers taking cover.
  7. Good spot That's the look and context I was aiming for.
  8. Photo below shows SS-Sturmbannführer Paul Kümmel in action, Poland summer 1944. Photo taken by Ernst Baumann.
  9. It’s an addition. Changes the battalion CO peaked cap to a M43. But you need the M43 mod installed.
  10. Debussing - SPW and their rides Poland, summer 1944.
  11. Brilliant - thank you very much Oh and my thanks to @mjkerner for the advice on how this is done also. Oh and to @Frenchy56for the originals. I installed your files @Lucky_Strike and all works swimmingly! Thank you. I did manage to work out how to rename the smock for the heid bummer in the outfit, so defo looks lot more "combaty" and less like a target! Cheers guys for the help - much appreciated thank you. Cheery!
  12. Any modding experts know how to change the peaked cap for the German senior officer I. E. the battalion commander please? I tried amending the hat file name but just ended up with the M43 texture wrapped the peaked hat. Ta muchly!
  13. Doh! Ah cool. I had thought I’d removed other uniform mods. I’ll double check. Thx for the info. Cheery!
  14. Has anyone done this so the senior German officer peaked cap (e.g. battalion CO) uses the M43? I'm seeing some odd texture issues with the battalion CO who is still wearing their peaked officers cap. Lower officer ranks e.g. company COs and tank tan COs are wearing the M43 fine and its excellent - cheers ta
  15. Poland summer 1944, early morning. Panthers moving out. King Tigers from Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 501 about to engage Soviet IS-IIs. They did better in-game than they did in RL!
  16. Yeah I can’t even install WTII now. Its not picking up Java exe even when pointed to it.
  17. @Heinrich505 Its great seeing this campaign come to life. Re resupply etc. I’d have to check the detail but vehicles being repaired depends on a variety of factors and are set via the campaign script. It also ties in with the campaign timeline ie needs sufficient time between actions for units to be repaired/recovered. So you should get any immobilised vehicles back at some point. IIRC this next action is a tough one. Make sure others do the heavy lifting
  18. https://www.benning.army.mil/Armor/eARMOR/content/issues/2021/Spring/2Santiago_Garcia21.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0OVM_np-DwcXhrGSZpUClhmEhMQ1wRrsRMlM6atKoK_jEx9XUMqvnFyf4
  19. You’ve excelled yourself mate. Totally hooked on your account which really brings home the human cost of combat. Good effort in securing the objectives though. And good luck with your next mission.
  20. From the Russian archives, here's a Russian file for the Flak Towers in Vienna. Even if you can't speak Russian the file still has an interesting array of diagrams, photos and maps. https://wwii.germandocsinrussia.org/de/nodes/1375#page/1/mode/grid/zoom/1 Cheery!
  21. Excellent! Good effort on making the dash im not sure what’s coming next. I’ll have to go check the campaign flow chart and see what’s what!
  22. @Heinrich505 An excellent bit of scene setting. I’m a bit on tenterhooks now, knowing what von Schroif and his unit face. I’m looking forward to seeing the attack being pressed home. Keep up the great work Cheery! George
  23. @Heinrich505 Well thank you! this is an excellent read. You’ve got a gift for story telling. It’s fascinating I see these missions come to life. I truly appreciate this and it makes the work putting this campaign together all the worthwhile. Im also pleased to hear the device of gaming each unit with the * works. I was hoping it would lead to some investment in what happens to your guys. As an aside I’m reading Realm of a Dying Sun by Douglas Nash and part 1 highlights how heavy casualties were in SPW units as they were used as fire brigade units. Plus they’d smaller squads. Wikings III Battalion “Germania” we’re reduced to a handful of SPW and men in a few weeks. It’s tough one keeping your guys intact in this campaign. I ended up leaning heavily on my armour to try to avoid panzer grenadier casualties but that often did not go well. The campaign highlights how such units can be quickly attrited. I’m looking forward to the next instalment of your novel AAR. Thanks again for taking the time to write this up. Cheery!
  24. It appears to be ok but must admit not my area of expertise.. https://www.ima-usa.com/products/original-german-wwii-m42-summer-normandy-ss-chicken-wire-helmet-stamped-hkp66?variant=26158229189
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