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Everything posted by Webwing

  1. The HIDE command works as hold fire. You will hear the soldier shouting "Hold your fire!" when you press it. Problem is it does not work while moving. In this case what I would do is give a QUICK command close to the area where you will have LOS to the enemey and then SLOW and at the end of this waypoint the HIDE command. They will crawl and then hold fire once to the objective. --
  2. It will be out before Christmas, hopefully. --
  3. Thanks for the answers. Would be great to have an official word on that. It would help loads to balance my campaign. --
  4. I'd like to know how exactly victory or defeat is awarded at the end of the mission. Also how are the points added to calculate the campaign results. I supose it is in 25% increments since you have 4 levels up and 4 down. Lets say Red and Blue can make 100 points each. Playing the Blue Side. Red 100 X 0 Blue - Total Defeat Red 100 X 25 Blue - Major Defeat Red 100 X 50 Blue - Tactical Defeat Red 100 X 75 Blue - Minor Defeat Red 100 X 100 Blue - Draw Red 75 X 100 Blue - Minor Victory Red 50 X 100 Blue - Tactical Victory Red 25 X 100 Blue - Major Victory Red 0 X 100 Blue - Total Victory I conclude that to achieve a Total Victory in a campaign you need at least one Total Victory and all the others must be Major Victories. Are those assumptions correct? It's late and I can't really think strait! Thanks --
  5. Thanks. I don't think this campaign is for every one. There is not a single Abrams in the whole campaign. Only 2 Strykers and even then in only a couple of missions. Not much in terms of artillery either. But if you like infantry... well, I can bet you will enjoy it. I'm still messing with the last mission but had a great time playing it just now. --
  6. Cpl Steiner, I should have asked you to be my military adviser for the Ghost campaign! It would sure have added some more realism to it. --
  7. Bump. Holly crap! I was looking for something like this! I'm thinking of redoing all the maps in my campaign to include those symbols....
  8. Hm... hard to say. Sometimes instead of trying to find the bug is just less time consuming to delete the units and add them again. Sometimes units get on top of each other and you think you place all units but didn't Rename your units and when playing the mission ask cease fire and see which units are where. Hope it helps. --
  9. -- Field Marshal Blücher is testing it and is doing a fantastic job, I must say. All graphics, briefings and AI is done and working well. Done loads of balancing but you know how that works. It's never really finished you just decide when you want to stop. I'm dealing with 7 missions here! It's a nightmare!!! :eek: But answering your question: I want it out before Christmas. --
  10. GunzAbeam, Thanks for the comments. --- JohnO, Don't worry about the text thing. I just asked you to take a look and give your oppinion not to proof read it. --- Thanks. But although it's not obvious and I did spend some time doing graphics, briefings, etc. I can garantee that 70% if not more of the time I spent doing this campaign is been spent adding a trench here, some trees there, a little elevation to block LOS, delete this squad, add another unit there, change the experience of another one, etc. Balancing the missions so that they will be fun and challenging to play. Not only pretty graphics to look at. Still I think the graphics add another dimention to the project. --- Glad you didn't mind me quoting you in my add! I needed a few famous names to give credibility to the project! --- I quite like the Madonna reference! ---- Thanks, Took me some time to figure your nick! Clausewitz!!!! So obvious now!!! ---- Save your awe for the Normandy Landing mission! You'll know what I mean when you play it. Many references to WWII in this one!. --- Hey friend! Hows TOW going? -- Thanks, First game where I could do a campaign really close to what I wanted... --- I hope you like infantry. Some missions you'll have more than 800 on the map at once! --- [ December 17, 2007, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  11. Thanks! It's already a classic IMO. It's just that some people see the glass half empty. I concentrate on the half full bit. --
  12. No problem, I don't expect to be in the credits. I'll send you an email as soon as I can (hopefully in the next few days). </font>
  13. Not mentioned in the manual by the way. It says "time" but not relative to what. I think if you are used to it(devs) is obvious, but if you are not(most of the players) it's not. I spent a lot of time testing this to find out. I figured initially that it was relative to the order and not to the mission. Then the reinforcements. Now I know that for them it is also relative to the mission not the time they arrive. But that is hardly obvious. This should be in an updated version of the manual to save other people the trouble of finding this out the hard way. The last patch didn't address that. The manual still the same. --
  14. AFAIK modding in CMSF means skinning. You can change the paint on top of the models not the models themselves. You can also change the sounds. --
  15. I guess a field commander's English would be a lot better than mine! I'm not a native speaker, but that sure is no excuse for mistakes. Design is my thing really not writing. Excuses, excuses again... I'm aware of some of the mistakes and was planing on proof reading this again before the campaign was uploaded. Love to get your email with the corrections. Would be really great. I'll give credit, in the final version, for everyone that helped with this campaign. ---
  16. Thanks to all for the comments. Hope I won't let you down with the campaign. Besides the competition is getting tougher everyday with so many great missions being released. But you didn't get fooled did you? By now it's obvious I work for advertising. And you know how that works. A lot of hipe for products that... well... aren't all that good! --
  17. Read THIS : http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=003443 --
  18. [Edited: January 03, 2008] - - You know how ads are, a lot of impact but not 100% accurate. The ad above is no exception. There is some support from units other than infantry in the missions of this campaign. It was impossible for me to design longer missions without the addition of support assets. Still infantry accounts for most of the forces in all missions. For this reason they have a different pace than you are normally used to. This is not a realistic campaign in the sense that infantry would not be fighting with so little support. Still I tried to make it as believable as possible. There are many excellent missions with combined forces to be downloaded. I tried to experiment with something different. Besides, I like the WWII feel this sort of missions have. Hope you like it too. Have fun! - DO NOT DOWNLOAD IF YOU DON'T INTEND TO PAY IT NOW. WAIT TO DOWNLOAD LATER AND GET AN UP TO DATE VERSION BY THEN. - --> Download it from CMMODS <-- -- [ January 04, 2008, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  19. I guess this MOD tools where one of the best things BF could have released. It keeps people busy doing those beautiful things. And the ones here are really awesome! Congratulations to all. --
  20. M1A1TankCommander, Ha!!! Great. Beautiful work. Where is the download link!!!! Gime the link!!!! ---
  21. Hey MikeyD, They look sweeeeeeet! Congratulations. Great job. I'll download and give it a try as soon as I finish my little something. --
  22. hm... Thanks Cpl Steiner, I haven't got the time to test it. But I'll need to get to it. Its something really important when working with buildings in missions... --
  23. -- Its virtually finished but I still need at least one other person to play the whole thing start to finish to check a few details before I can upload. I could have people test separate missions but since you lose soldiers along the way... Also there is the flow of the story that needs to be checked. Anyone? --
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