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Everything posted by Webwing

  1. the new ones by rune? Tell me about it! Spectacular battle of epic proportions. A beauty. But man, my comp chocked! It's about time I upgrade this baby. It'll have to wait a bit more though. --
  2. As I uploaded the campaign I was looking into the statistics at CMMODS. This refers to the mission Crossroads not the Campaign This Campaign has had 462,092 attempted downloads for a total of 127,075,213 bytes. Is that correct??? In 4 days??? That's like 120 downloads a day! And some said nobody was playing this game!!!! It's fair to say that most of the downloads were after ThePantom wrote his comments there!!! Nothing like a good review! --
  3. ************************************************ MAJOR SPOILER IN THE PICTURE THAT FOLLOWS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ThePhantom, I agree with you 100%! So much so that I had already done that!!!! The version you are playing is not 1.3, the last I uploaded and that is included in the campaign. Look at the objective area, the green area. It was much bigger before, in your version. The last version has an enemy squad in an ambush on top of the hill!!!! And if the player is not careful they will kill a whole squad instantly. My mistake in this version 1.3 though is that I made a plan 2. In this I move the troops around and those guys in the ambush move somewhere else. Also the guys form house 1 move to house 2, crossing the road and exposing themselves to enemy fire. But it gets tougher on the eastern side though.
  4. Can't really say. I don't even try anything big. My computer struggles ( frame rates become a real slide show ) with missions that have too much going on even on smaller maps! :confused: --
  5. bodkin, Thanks for your feedback. DaveDash did it and without the second Company. It's fiendishly difficult, I'll give you that! But as you can see in this thread I only got feedback from 5 people so I'm not sure I should water it down for now. **** Major Spoiler ************* Send a whole platoon to the other side of the road. No shots fired. They go up and stay in position to take the high ground. Use the Javelin and fire on the enemy on the trees. Now attack and take the position! This will really help loads. There are quite a few more tips that would help you but I believe that the fun is to find out how to do it yourself. The best is that those are sound real world tactics you are using. Most player are used to rely too much on support from the thick steel. Try the campaign next time! --
  6. Thanks for pointing that out SlowMotion. Well they have listened to something! Terrain objectives of TOUCH type are in the game now!!!! Maybe we will get the Preserve Unit as well one day!!! We'll see.
  7. ThePhantom, Thank you very much. You are too generous! This compliment coming from you has a special meaning for me. Like I said I learned a lot from your work. So if this one is any good it's also thanks to you. Now that I have the mini campaign out I'll finish some other infantry only battles that I started. Those are the ones I really enjoy most! Don't count on this!! In 1.3 there are 2 plans for red so they won't necessarily be in the same spots the next time you play. I have never been very successful with the smoke. But after what you posted here I'll try it again. Gotta get some sleep now! --- [ December 09, 2007, 01:14 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  8. Crossroads Trilogy Latest version 1.1 (10 dec 2007) Ready to fight 3 missions in one day? Crossroads v1.3 plus two other brand new missions. A mini-campaign with 3 missions linked by the same storyline. The map is the same and they share the same plot but the missions are radically different in many aspects. Read on! This is a one day struggle to take control of this important crossroads. Mission 1: Crossroads 0900hs - 90 minutes where you will have to fight for every inch you advance. Here you will have to prove that you are a real infantryman! No tanks, no IFVs, no artillery, no air support. You have your gun and your fellow soldiers and that’s it. Conserve your ammo, use sound infantry tactics, secure the right spots before the main attack. Can you deliver the goods? Mission 2: Crossroads II – The Rescue 1200hs - Fast paced 30 minute mission. Race against the clock as you try to rescue the soldiers surrounded by enemy forces. You’ll have to act quickly to get them out before a massive force from the enemy comes to reclaim the crossroads. The last 10 minutes are crucial! Here you do get some Bradleys and artillery to help you accomplish your goal. Mission 3: Crossroads III – Retribution 1600hs – Time for payback. You lost many soldiers, and could only watch in shock. Now you have the force you need to wipe the enemy from the map. Missing the Abrams and heavy artillery support? They are back. Seal and block the escape routes. Encircle the enemy. Let no one escape. Use your might to destroy the enemy and take control of the crossroads once and for all. Duration: 45 minutes.(The map here gets another 500m to allow you to prepare you encirclement properly!) I'd appreciate your feedback. This is my first campaign so it will certainly need some tweaking still. Hope you enjoy it. Good luck! Download at CMMODS. --- [ December 10, 2007, 02:03 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  9. Not sure I get your point. You can make one unit the objective for destruction by the enemy. But this same unit can not be the objective for you to preserve. With terrain it can. You can assign a terrain objective for the enemy to destroy and the same terrain objective for you to preserve. --
  10. I wouldn't worry about rates if I were you. I design the missions that I would like to play. Some are even a bit bizarre and I don't even upload them since they are only interesting for me. I love getting feedback and comments and they help a lot improve the missions. It's also nice to know that we are contributing. But primarily you should have fun making and playing the missions. Besides your's had a lot of downloads. As for the other missions/maps, some are too strange to upload, many unfinished. I tend to work on too many things at the same time so I have always a lot of unfinished projects laying around. --
  11. Unit Objectives should have the same option as the Terrain objectives. Destroy and preserve For instance in a rescue mission. If the enemy destroys your troops he gets points. But if you keep them alive you don't!!!! :eek: :confused: If you get points to preserve a building why not to preserve your own troops??? This is not covered in the casualty parameters since that refers to all troops and not just the objective ones. Or am I missing something? Another example would be: Take General X to the objective area alive. If he gets killed the enemy gets points, but if he gets there alive you don't! This kind of missions where not really relevant in CMx1 games IMO but in CM:SF they are. Thanks. --- [ December 08, 2007, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  12. Thanks a lot ThePhantom! Your Babado scenario is a masterpiece. I tried to learn from it as much as I could. It's a shame it's backed and I can't open it in the editor to scrutinize it! It would be fantastic to read your report on the Crossroads. --
  13. !!!! What are you trying to do? I was drinking coffee for Christ sake!
  14. rune, Could you be more specific about what we should be looking for while we play? Do you need an AAR sort of thing or our take on the balancing of forces? Be nice to have some guidelines. --
  15. Got it. Working fine. I gather I should send feedback via e-mail and not here... I'll play RT/Veteran which is what I usually play. Then test WEGO, which is recommended in the briefing. --
  16. DaveDash, Your input is being a great help to me. In 1.3 there are 2 plans so you might (50/50 chances) fall into plan 2 where the enemy behaves differently. Although some positions have to be the same to be able to resist the US decently. Thanks again. --
  17. I just sent you an email with my email! --
  18. Count me in Rune! Don't mind which side or scenario. They're probably all fun. --
  19. Well done Dash!!!! To do it in 1hr 10 min is really fantastic. Although you didn't really control the crossroads you denied control of it to the Syrians. So no one got points for that. You didn't kill more than 70% of the enemy. But neither did he manage to kill more than 30% of your troops. And you get 400 just to keep your boys alive! Looking again I caught two mistakes. One on the point system and another on the area that you must control. Now I wonder if the total number of soldier is based on the total in the mission or the ones that have already arrived. I think is the total. You didn't have 269 men?! You probably had what... 150 men? I'll check that. The enemy had all his men there - 204. In 1.2 you get the other company, for sure, at 45 min. But I'll cut that down to 2 more platoons. Else it's going to be too easy with close to 65 men more than the enemy and the more than a hundred that arrive later are fresh and full o ammo. So, there we go, v1.3! -- [ December 07, 2007, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  20. Apart from entering buildings it looks to me like pretty much everything that was pointed out as lacking or not working has been included in the upcoming patch. Plus some!!! --
  21. You are right But I don't know JohnO. If it is so then the point system should have been different. Because the simple fact that you secure the area is enough even if you don't get the guys alive. On a side note. In movies they love the "we don't leave anyone behind" thing. It makes a lot of sense from a ethical point of view and it certainly has a fantastic effect on the morale of the troops. But in a single operations sometimes you risk the lives of 10 soldiers to rescue 1 wounded. In that moment it doesn't make sense. I think is the same here. --
  22. I haven't even tried to bake a scenario so far. I still don't see the advantage of that. But might be useful for future missions. I'd love to know what you guys are using baking for? --
  23. Thanks a lot handihoc. I just uploaded the new v1.2 You probably have an older version? Or was while I was uploading the new 1.1!? Anyway check the file. Should be Crossroads_v1_2.btt now. Please post your experience with this version here when you are done. Good luck, and have fun. --
  24. That was the idea. That's why I have it the description at CMMODS that "if you like tanks and IFVs, etc., this is not for you". It's a whole different ball game. It's a lot slower, I planned it for 90 minutes. It's not as spectacular. But I have a soft spot for this kind of battle. The first game I MODed was CC2 and it was exactly to have only infantry teams! By the way I have uploaded v1.2 There is a second plan for red now, plus a few more tweaks. Now I'll give it a rest and concentrate on a few other missions I have on hold. I'll come back to Crossroads after 1.05. Again, thanks for your help DaveDash. --
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