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Everything posted by Webwing

  1. Thanks Madmatt! We really need that. Good to have both together I think. Surely to have posts about the awesome Map Builder. There will be many questions about it. But people are overlooking the fact that after they have made this beautiful map with loads of details they won't be able to do much with it unless they design a mission to play with it!!! And then the Mission Editor will come into play again. It will be nice to have a forum to consolidate all that. ---
  2. Thank you. I didn't want just a sequence of missions, but a real campaign feel. The PDF was so the player would have a better understanding of the bigger picture and be more immersed in this universe. --
  3. Wow! Fantastic. I'm glad to hear that. The first battle is just the antipasti. A small taste of what is about to come! --
  4. Love to hear what you think of the Crossroads trilogy after you finish it! --
  5. Let's see one by one: Ctrl + 5? I've just looked at the code in the page and yes, it is JavaScript. Are you using IE or Firefox. Try with the other. They both have some options that you need to enable for this to work. For IE. Internet Options/Advanced/Configurations/ Java(Sun) - Use JRE 1.6.0.... This must be checked. For more advanced internet content, like yahoo games you need Java Virtual machine installed. I cant believe that is the case here though. If you already have it installed there is another option right below that must be checked too. Microsoft VM. --- --
  6. There is a forum for: </font> The game</font>Tech support</font>Strategy</font>Modding</font> What about Mission and Campaign design??? Questions about mission design are scattered all over the place. The editor is not exactly the easiest thing to use and without a forum help is even harder to get! Soon the map builder will be release. With all that I think we need a dedicated forum. Can we please have a forum for that? Thanks. -
  7. Hey Taki, It sounds like is going to be a great AAR. I love to read those. I don't think there are fixed ranks for COs but you should post this question about ranks in the main forum. Loads of experts there. Can't help you much in this, sorry. Looking forward to your AAR. --
  8. Hey Spartan, I tried to make it really well balanced but I have not tested it PBEM. Against the AI only Blue. If you want to give it a go, it would be great. Then tell me what you think. I'd be glad to make a tweaked version specially for PBEM based on your comments. --
  9. Thanks molotov! There is some support. Usually arriving late in the game so be patient. I wanted to force the player to use his men. If he gets stuck there is some support to help him later. The last reinforcement you get usually comes with the message: /last reinforc As for ammo. This was a concern all the time. But this is part of the challenge. Just having infinite amounts and firing like hell is not realistic. What you have in the missions is more than enough, I can assure you. --
  10. Hey Taki, thanks! I'm glad you liked it Some game bugs and issues become really evident in some instances but you'll learn a way round them! The first mission is the smallest, just an "antipasti". A tip. Even if you manage to have no one killed the casualties won't be in the next mission either. So your force will shrink as you go from mission to mission! Take good care of them!!! I'm looking forward to your AAR. --
  11. Hey Seabee, That button seems to be Javascript. You probably need to have Java enabled in your browser. Try that. ---
  12. Thanks M1! But as TankCommander this is probably not your cup of tea. --
  13. Duke d'Aquitaine, Very nice post. But if you want any responses you will need to add some bug reports and bash the game a bit. Then loads of people will reply. --
  14. Download, play and bash! The enemy, the campaign or me. In Search of a Ghost Campaign is ready for download!!! Have fun. - 1st post in this thread has the link for download - [ January 04, 2008, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  15. Until 12 PM is still TODAY! I have played through the whole beast once more today. I'm still messing with a few things. An hour or two I guess. --
  16. It hurts a lot on this one, I'm afraid. I changed a lot and tweaked my last mission when we had the tall wall bug and look what happened! :eek: So I'm not doing anything for this one. I advise you not to download this one and keep it to play later. I'll get feedback from players and tweak it. So it's best if you download only when you intend to play it so you get the latest version of the campaign, probably better balanced and all. -- [ January 03, 2008, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  17. Thanks a lot! Glad you liked it. New campaign will be out any minute now. Hope to see an AAR from you! --
  18. Hm... heah, it really hurts here. But its up to the player to wait or not. --
  19. I don't know why so many people are downloading this! They are just skins! Now seriously, very nice job M1!!! All your skins are top quality. And the collection keeps growing. Some time from now you might want to make a thread with small images of all your work and a link bellow with the download for each one. Like some sort o catalog. :cool: What's next? -- [ January 03, 2008, 05:45 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  20. There is no way to get troops out of the map that I know of. Only dead! You can only paint areas for the troops to go withing the map. One idea is to have a hill, doesn't have to be a big one only enough to block LOS from the enemy, and send the troops there. Make your map then enlarge it a bit to one side and make the hill there. Some people make maps with a depression in a border and use that as setup and exit zones. I think the reasoning for not having exit zones as in CMx1 is that the battles are smaller and there is no reason for troops to get out of the map... --
  21. 29? Very little in my opinion. If you count only the missions is a bit more than 10!!!! Some are just tests not even proper missions. Anyway I'll try yours. Sounds really good. I'll post an AAR here once I finish it. --
  22. Great work Nikki!!! I can't believe how few missions there are for TOW in CMMODS! For a game release such a long time ago... :confused: --
  23. Before Christmas. Ops! Missed that! :eek: Not later than friday. ---
  24. Basically what you can do with the AI is this: Move from A to B at certain times. The behavior while getting there and once there can change but that's basically it. Yes, no problem! Use the exit before and after for this. The timer refers to the mission and not to the way point, remember that. --
  25. Thanks zwobot! Short answer: nope! You can do that in TOW though! Sometimes I think an hybrid of CM:SF and TOW would be the game of my dreams! Love them the way they are though but we can't stop dreaming can we? --
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