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Everything posted by Webwing

  1. Yes, loads and loads of new missions! And also MODs! The game is going through a very positive period! bardosy's TF Narwick seems really interesting! Got to give it a go. -
  2. handihoc, How did you do in the Bridges counterattack?? -- To all, I posted this in the main forum but here it goes again: I have uploaded to CMMODs a new file of the campaign for this version. I named the file v1.3 so you know you have the latest one. I found out that I made a mistake the first time I compiled it and used an old file for the 6th mission. The way it was the mission was just too hard and not much fun. Definitely the hardest in the campaign. I had fixed it adding a lot more air support and also artillery. Now it's more fun, still challenging. The previous file also had a loop if you didn't win this mission. Now you can lose and still go to the last mission. But for the bonus you still need a TV in the last one. -
  3. I have uploaded to CMMODs a new file of the campaign for this version. I named the file v1.3 so you know you have the latest one. I found out that I made a mistake the first time I compiled it and used an old file for the 6th mission. The way it was the mission was just too hard and not much fun. Definitely the hardest in the campaign. I had fixed it adding a lot more air support and also artillery. Now it's more fun, still challenging. The previous file also had a loop if you didn't win this mission. Now you can lose and still go to the last mission. But for the bonus you still need a TV in the last one. -
  4. - Great to have feedback from you Darkmage. Unfortunately at this point not even engineers can clear mines, although they should. There was a topic about this some time back. I'm sure this will be implemented in the future but it won't help you in this mission anyway!!!! --
  5. Bruce70, At this point the game is mature all we need is loads and loads of missions and campaigns! So your effort is very welcome! Check this forum to see what others are doing or have done. Quite a few have done missions from a Red perspective and there is an upcoming campaign by PaperTiger which is Red x Red. You'll see that doing missions and campaigns is very rewarding. Good luck and most of all have fun while doing it which I'm sure you will definitely have!!!!! -- CplSteiner, My friend, sometimes kids can see things that are in front of our eye but we are somehow blind to!!!! Awesome! --
  6. MikeyD, What more can I say!? Fantastic work. The care you have with all the details really show in your work. Thanks a lot! -
  7. I tried basically everything mentioned here. Since the last patch I have been having problems with switching programs while playing CMSF so I had to find a solution. The Louch's suggestion worked best for me. Biggest advantage: It takes up less memory than all the others, specially the graphics programs, so CMSF runs better. Its a small, free, and very easy to use program. It uses the same shortcut as Windows, the PrintScreen button. Another advantage is that you can take as many screenshots as you like without erasing the previous one from memory like with the standard PrintScreen. All images are saved in a folder. So you play the game without interruption. If you just want screenshots this is ideal. To make movies then Fraps is the way to go. To manipulate the images there are also good suggestion here. Before I used Windows PrintScreen and then pasted in Photoshop, which is the program I use on a daily basis anyway. But even if I manage to get them to work together again I will stick to the Gadwin program to grab the screenshots. -- [ February 25, 2008, 07:19 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  8. Nice AAR webwing here's mine with the AI trying something different. </font>
  9. Afghani Stan – AAR Scenario by The Fighting Seabee Play mode: Blue, Single Player, RT, Veteran (Apparently there are only plans for RED so you must play BLUE) Overview Ambush mission using Special Forces at night. This time though you are the one ambushing the enemy convoy. Nice for a change. As you know, there aren’t any Special Forces for the Blue side in the game so Seabee used Scouts with high settings to play their part. Phases of the operation from the briefing: Infiltration, ambush, intelligence gathering, destroying the compound and extraction. Loads of time to accomplish your objective, 2 hours. But your target should be arriving at his destination in about 15 minutes. So If you want to really ambush and not only attack him you need to hurry. There are only a few bunches of houses in this rather flat map. Still the whole setting looks very interesting and realistic. The images in the briefing and tactical map look very good, like taken from some surveillance satellite or something. The AAR From where you start your mission, facing the objective, you have to your immediate left an isolated house. To your right a huge open field that ends in a group of houses where two of your support teams are located. A JTAC and a Sniper team. They are there to help you spot the enemy as they approach the objective area. I ordered them to hide and make sure they are facing in the right direction. - - You have 2 teams, Star and Stripe. Ahead of them a small path leads to the objective area. Lets get moving! After around 6min Star team is in position in front of the compound. Stripes team still on its way. There are some trenches beside the road that are perfect to place the troops. At this point Star Three ambushes some enemy troops patrolling the area and open fire as they are only around 5 meters away. 7 enemies are killed in less than 15 seconds. The Hide command seems to be perfect here. The soldiers will not engage unless the enemy is real close and presents an eminent danger as well as an easy target. Another enemy team arrives just 10 seconds latter and is given the same treatment. But we have given away our position! 10 minutes into the mission and Team Stripe is in positioned 20 meters to the left of Team Star down the trenche line. Imediately the spot a machinegun outpost on the other side of the road, 10/15 meters away and open fire and though grenades. Those special forces are really efficient. All enemy are killed. At this point I decide it might be a good idea to clear the compound gather intelligence and place some men there to help in the ambush. I send Team Stripe for that. First house clear and a machine gun time taken as well. As Stripe Two enters one of the buildings an enemy soldier outside the compound hits one of my men. First casualty is a seriously wounded soldier! I put the team’s HQ to give him first aid. More than 15 min into the mission and the convoy is first spotted on the other end of the map. Stripe Two and Three are on the rooftops and Stars on the trenches now. Let them come! Some enemy troops arrive on foot ahead of the convoy. The whole convoy is spread out and seem to be divided into 2 or 3 groups which will make it more difficult to hit. As the enemy on foot are almost in the compound I tell my troops to open fire. Most of the enemy on foot are killed and the cars are coming and being engaged. Suddenly some enemies are spotted coming from the opposite side! Some of the teams need to turn 180 degrees to engage them. 30 min into the mission and some teams are dangerously low on ammo, a few enemy vehicles still have not been destroyed. Some Taliban fighters that were hiding in the compound suddenly show themselves and with and through grenades at my men with serious results. Things are not looking good. More guys from the south advancing through the trenches. Remaining vehicles attack. Unlike I had imagined my men had enough fire power to finish the enemy. They chase the last vehicle into the woods. Once out of the compound the JTAC team calls for an airstrike to destroy it. I guess the extraction zone is the same as the starting position so that’s were I send my men. The first airstrike hits the compound. As I approach the extraction zone a nasty surprise, some enemies waiting in ambush! The enemy surrendered before I could finish destroying the compound. End of mission. I gave first aid to all wounded soldiers but one but unfortunately lost 2 men. - - Great mission. Seabee has totally succeeded in conveying a Special Forces operation atmosphere. - [ February 24, 2008, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  10. Very interesting review of the demo by Cpl Steiner! I'm confident that by the time BF releases the Marines Module the press will have new and positive reviews of the game. I must disagree with kipanderson though. "Wargaming couldn’t get any better…"??? Yes it can! Marines, British, Normandy!!!! The topic of BF releasing what some consider an unfinished game has been raised many times. Everyone has an opinion about it. But it usually involves ideal situations and disregards a lot of the technical, marketing, legal, operational, financial issues that most of us are not even aware of and have no access to. I use to say I'm very good at solving other peoples problems. And it comes very naturally to me, I have to say. You tell me your problems, I'll give you the solution. My problems? Well, well, that's another story. They seem so much more complex... -
  11. He, he.. yes it's easy to forget what you've done after a while. I was sloppy with my Strykers else I could have gotten all there in one piece. I wanted to include loads of pictures in this AAR but for some reason after the patch Photoshop and CMSF won't work together anymore. CMSF will shut down whenever I switch programs. Bummer! I usually do it very slowly and I enjoy having as much time as possible. But some missions need some sort of urgency feel to them. It's perfect in this one. Else you would need more Reds in the mix. Besides I never mess with somebody else's mission. There is always a reason for things to have been done the way they were. -
  12. A lot of the links were not working. I uploaded all the tutorials again to mediafire. If you experience any problems, please let me know. --
  13. If anyone is interested I posted my AAR in the Strategy Forum: - Just Another Day - AAR -
  14. Just Another Day – mission by George Mc Play mode: Blue, Single Player, RT, Veteran Overview This is a basic escort mission. The briefing though gives you a lot of important information. As always with George’s briefings it adds a lot to the atmosphere of the mission. I’ve never read a RL briefing but this looks and feels very much like what it should be. The treatment in the tactical map also makes it look very authentic. Basically you will lead a platoon sized force escorting 4 humvees. Enemy is also about platoon size. Your men are not in good shape and the enemy is Special Forces. Hm, sounds like fun. You need to cross a destroyed bridge on your way to the objective which should limit your room for maneuver. As you start the mission your force is on a wide road with houses on both sides. The fallen bridge 100m ahead of you. To the right there is a small road that leads to a nice looking Villa. Further right another group of houses. They are out of the way to your objective but look like a good place for an enemy spy to be hiding or even enemy troops. To the left in front of you, just before the bridge is the tallest 2 houses of the group, two stories. Perfect place for my CO to use as an observation post. I decide all troops will dismount and go to roofs of nearby houses. I will then send some scouts to check what’s going on ahead of us and to the right. I’ll also send a team to check the observation post before sending the CO there. The group of houses where we are seem to be all empty and there is no sign of the enemy here or in the Villa to the right. I place 2 teams on the roofs of a house in the Villa to cover my right flank. There are too many places to the right for the enemy to hide and everything is too quiet. The recon team makes our first contact with the enemy ahead and is attacked with grenades and two men are killed. Bad start! Soon after that the guys in the Villa spot movement further right. My suspicion was right. The enemy starts to attack the right flank. I advance very carefully with my Strykers. As my troops spot RPGs/AT teams I target them with Javelins right away. The convoy arrives. The attack to the right flank intensifies and I put everyone I can on it to suppress the enemy. I start crossing my troops through the left of the fallen bridge avoiding the improvised road beside it. IEDs? I cross the humvees from the same place and hide them there. On the other side of the river more troops behind the houses on the right. The ones on the buildings are dealt with quickly but those behind the houses are a bit of a pain since they are hiding in a sloped area. At this point one of the Strykers that was protecting my right flank tries to cross the dry river and gets stuck for good. The struggle now is trying to clear a house in the entrance of the main road around a corner to the right. I have 4 teams on it plus a Strykers but they seem pretty well dug in. At this point I decide to relocate one of my Strykers and in a stupid move cross the road in front of the enemy “bunker”. That’s the end of my Stryker. Now is leap froging the teams from roof top to roof top on the way to the objective. There is another “bunker” to the left that is very hard to clear and the men refuse to fire their Javelins at it. The house is in an angle difficult to target, maybe that is the reason. Time flies and I have a mere 5 min left. I start moving the hamvees up the road, to the objective. 2 Strykers and 1 inf team are already there. There is still fighting in a compound to the left but no threat to the convoy. Time is up and most of my troops are in the objective area. - - One thing I really like in George’s missions is the clever use of variations in the elevations of the terrain, blocking your way but not in a gamey manner, very natural actually. The attack on the right flank was very tough and the Reds push their way in a very aggressive manner. From the start though I thought there was too much stuff there to be just for decorative purposes so I sort of was prepared for it. But that attack could have completely broken my men and I wouldn’t have been able to get to objective. Anyway. I really had a lot of fun with this one. Very carefully crafted mission. I finished with the feeling of wanting to try it again, which should be great since there are several plans for RED. Thanks George for another brilliant mission. [ February 22, 2008, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  15. Great George!!!! I like the size of it! I'll try this one out today. -
  16. Thanks for the encouraging posts. There will be minor tweaks in every mission. Some changes in the troops settings, experience, etc. Added some more support or even changed it. Mission 5 is now a night mission. Though I have to say the missions still pretty difficult. If you don't care about the changes and can't be bothered to play the whole damn thing again, just jump to the last mission, get a Total Victory and "unlock" the bonus mission. I just played it now and it's very different from the rest of the campaign and hopefully fun. Tomorrow it should be up. -
  17. I like this thread! Hey ThePhantom, it's good to know you are "active". TOW's editor is mind-boggling. I love it and now it is a complete suite of tools. Once you get into it it's really hard to leave. I can only imagine the beauty you will create with it. From your other scenarios I reckon you are a bit of a control freak. In a good way of course! With TOW's editor you will have all the control you want. Once I started playing CMSF I never played TOW again though. Some time ago I was sort of dragged into it but somehow I'm hocked to CMSF now and also can't seem to find the time for TOW anymore. Both games are great in their own ways, that's for sure. -
  18. To be honest, when I saw how many points I gave those guys I was really surprised. Don't remember why I did that. Half the points would be the correct amount. So consider you had a win! --
  19. Darkmage, The trapped guys are worth a lot of points, I just checked. You got only some of them out unharmed that's why you got a draw. For a win you need to get them all out unharmed. Don't worry about casualties among your troops, the priority are the trapped soldiers. I'm glad you are enjoying the campaign and thanks for the feedback! --
  20. handihoc, I'm glad you are enjoying it. The WWII feel is present in all missions I hope! Some people hate the need to restart a mission, but this is almost a must in this campaign! Just too hard to win most of them the first time. 1.06 makes a big difference specially with the guys in the houses. Most people that played this mission said it is just impossible to get to the village. Biggest problem being the reinforcements and the lack of a good fire support position. Add to that the fact that this is your "green" guys!!!! It needs rebalancing, I guess. ***** Spoiler Alert!!******** * * * * * * The idea was to have Blue put his troops along the ridge overlooking the vilage. To take the house on the ridge first. This way you would have a good command of the area. Unfortunately it doesn't work very well. Best solution for me has been to put only a few troops there (on the ridge)and take most of your man on a flanking manouver to the far right. At this point you need to really flank the reinforcements since they seem to dig in pretty fast! A bit of air support at this point would definetely help.
  21. .mat files? I didn't even remember they were mentioned!!! :eek: WordPad or any word processing software. Like .xml and some other files they are just plain text, as far as I can remember. Uploaded the file. Here is the link: Tutor 5 I also updated it in the first post. -
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