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Everything posted by Webwing

  1. Thanks Mark. In the site they use: "3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines" So I guess just saying: "3 Commando Royal Marines" would be arbitrarily truncating a unit name. If you don't use the word Brigade you must be talking about a battalion within the brigade. So they use the word Commando for the brigade and the battalions. Is it to differentiate them from the Army formations? And here is a snippet from the documentary. Link -> Uk in Afghanistan <- Link - [ January 21, 2008, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  2. Mr. Picky points out that the Royal Marines are not part of the Army, and that you mean 3 Commando Brigade, not 3 Commando (which like all Army Commandos was disbanded shorty after the end of WW2). All the best, John. </font>
  3. - But to be fair, what priority would you give to a thing like this? Anything is more important! -
  4. The pinzgauer in the picture was taken from a documentary about the British army in Afghanistan. The reporter follows the 3 Commando Royal Marines in some of their missions for 9 days. He is with the recon force. They use Land Rover and the pinzgaur (I didn't know what they were until now). He says the vehicles they use are made to chase and fight, not to protect! And although they are a recon force they face intense fights. But the terrain is usually a flat desert and they apparently try to avoid getting too close. With those vehicles MOUT like in Iraq would be suicidal. That doesn't mean they don't get into the villages , they do. Most of the time they exchange fire from a distance and then call for air or artillery support. --
  5. Great work! Thanks. It shows that there are loads of possibilities to be exploered! --
  6. Funny to see that remote control little tank like thing. Shown as something really special and cutting edge. I just watched a video of a similar thing done by the Germans in WWII. It looks very similar. It carried explosives and had a long wire connected to the remote control unit. But when you think that was 60 years ago, the concept and functionality was already there. --
  7. The first picture in the first link sure does look like it. -
  8. While the Americans are putting more armor into their humvees the British are putting less on their 4x4 vehicles! When I first saw a picture of a MWMIK I thought that was just the chassis and that they were going to add armor to it before sending them to Afghanistan. Not so. But they don't expose the British troops any more then the vehicles they have now, the Land Rover and this other one I could not identify. Does anyone know what that one is? Some kind of unimog? Apparently the priority is speed. And to have those vehicles running really fast in the open areas of Afghanistan. - [ January 21, 2008, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
  9. blow56, I read 2 books on the Falklands recently. Although limited in many aspects it is actually a quite interesting conflict for what if scenarios. I still feel a bit strange to have pros like you, that have been part (or still are) of the real thing, play scenarios I created. If I can manage to create something that someone with your experience think is believable and interesting then I'm on the right path I guess. I'd be curious to know what you thought of the 2 last missions. They were the ones that gave me most headaches. Extremely hard to balance them. --
  10. I spent some time trying to figure this one too. It is not implemented. Even the official campaign does not have the pictures. --
  11. Taki, It is really a shame that you stopped your fantastic AARs. I understand that you were disappointed by the 4th mission. That is totally my mistake because you followed the briefing and that was misleading. The disaster that happened was because you tried to follow the bad briefing that I gave you. The mission itself is not that imbalanced in my view and from others feedback. But I understand your disappointment. For what I understood you stopped the campaign there never playing any of the subsequent missions. From other peoples feedback I think the 5th mission needs to be changed. It will be in the next version. I would really like to know what you thought about the 2 last missions if you ever get to play them. --
  12. - It is worth 4 gig! -
  13. Problem is you won't get any of that in most missions I design! --
  14. Click on the link(Why do squads split) in my previous post to read what Steve has to say about it. It has already been fixed and will be in 1.06. --
  15. Splitting platoons??? You mean splitting squads? A lot of attention actually! Why do squads split --
  16. Thanks Sneaksie! Mostly to convey some basic info and to wet peoples appetites! --
  17. Unbelievable! Great stuff. Thanks a lot Hoolaman! I went strait to the Infantry Squad Operations. A lot of interesting info there. For instance: Knock out bunkers Drill This helps not only playing the game but also designing missions! -
  18. Yeah, I know how it is. 1.06 seems to be really close though. I was planning on some updates to correct a few things. But I don't have enough feedback so far. Instead of tweaking things I started a major upgrade(not just correcting stuff) for the campaign actually but I still can't say when it will be ready. Might as well just download it and play it as it is. Have you read the AARs? Missions 4 and 5 are where most people are having problems. Not sure if anyone got much further than that anyway! --
  19. We'll need some testimony from the women around him before I would dare jump to that conclusion (his mom doesn't count! ), but I will say that I am very pleased to see him posting critical comments strongly and yet constructively. That's the way things are best discussed. Steve </font>
  20. I did this using some tips I got from Sneaksie. I have finished this map for some time but didn't have the time to finish the mission itself. I made a mission for CM:SF called Crossroads. After that a small campaign with the same name. I quite liked the result so I decided to convert it to TOW. The original mission had a WWII flavor to it anyway. The tools you need are the Builder and a software like Photoshop or any other program where you can edit bitmap images. I decided to post this as an overview of the process to make a map in the new Builder that will soon be released. It's not a tutorial but just an overview of the process So here is how it went: You can start your map in many different ways: - From a drawing. - Modifying an original TOW map - Using a map from an atlas or book. - From a Google image - Or from another game. - - Here you can see an image from Google. The other image is a map I did for CC2 back in 1999. At that time I only had a Mac. CC3 was released only for the PC so I could not play it. So I decide to start making maps for CC2. It was quite tricky to do. Specially the roofs that had to be coded using a HexEditor. I'm thinking of bringing this map to TOW too. - - Here is an image of my Crossroads in CM:SF - - Here is how it is seen in the Scenario Editor. In CM:SF the squares are 8x8m and in TOW they are 1m=1pixel. I took a screenshot of this map. I chose to start not from a white background but use one of the blank maps that comes with the editor. In this case the Clear_Summer_Map. - - As you can see this is just a flat surface with a texture of some grass applied to it. You need to make a copy of the whole folder for this map and rename it before you start. Once that is done you can open the maintex.tga in your graphics program and paste the image of the map the will be used as your guide. - - That's how the texture looks after I finished painting it. There are many ways to do this. I didn't want the map to bee too different in atmosphere from the ones already in TOW. I thought it would look odd. So I used some of the textures in other maps. At this point you need to go to the Builder and add roads, trees, houses, grass, etc. And, of course, the elevations to match the original map. A tutorial on this would be fairly long. I'm not doing one for the time being. - The following images are from the map in both games, side by side. The dimentions are exactly the same and the placements of houses and roads. But I didn't want a desert look like it had in CM:SF, it wouldn't loog good with the houses and other things that are in TOW. Also the lens in the games are different so the screenshots don't really match. The games are very different but I like them both. And this mission is great fun in both of them! -- - - - [ January 13, 2008, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: Webwing ]
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