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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rune

  1. You ain't seen nothing yet. There is one scenario historical on the CD that is massive in size and scale. Warning in the briefing it takes a lot of time to process per turn, don't attempt it unless you have a fast computer. Sunday of the Dead features New Zealanders, South Africans, and the British vs the Germans at Sidi Rezegh. The map is huge, and massive forces that were at the battle. Made some smaller ones too. My son has 2 on the CD, and both are rather well made. Not bad for a 14 year old. The designers did wonders with the scenarios, and we even got Wild Bill back! My thanks go to all who made scenarios for the CD, you will recognize the names, you have seen their work before. Rune
  2. Axe, Axe, Axe, Stop the madness and poetry now....or Soddball's great great great grandchildren will have CMAK before you. Opps, I lost your address again... oh darn. Oh golly darn, how did a copy of THAT get sent instead of CMAK? Musta been a mistake in the warehouse.... The CD was blank when you got it? Musta been burned wrong..... Get the message? That or I can just send Snarker your copy...he already offered to send his email addy. Hmm...can always modify the Soddball never wins code to Axe2121 never wins. Rune
  3. So, the rules apply to all EXCEPT when Joe decides they don't eh? I wash my hands of the Justicar, which is at least once more then the Justicar has ever washed his hands. I hearby shall ignore the justicar [like I wasn't ignoring him before], and he is now persona non grata [like that is anything new]. Or with Thanksgiving around the corner, is that persona non gravy? Either way, with my serf being stolen like that, an act I haven't seen since Mr. Spkr went to Florida to help with counting the vote. So, a curse upon the Justicar and Berli [names not bolded until I get something in trade, or a bribe, it is the Chicago way]...may the Justicar get stuck travelling this weekend, and may Berli continue to hear the "Happy Happy Joy Joy" song from Ren and Stimpy until this miscarrage of Justice and power is fixed. AND I am holding the bottle of Scotch hostage until then.... Rune
  4. That's it! THAT'S IT! Next one to post a poem or haiku gets to the bottom of the pre-order list. Something has to be done!!!! Rune
  5. Bah! and Double Feh! to you oh Evil one, I claimed him first, and since it pains you greatly for him to report to me, I shall not give him up. Besides, he is a butter bar, not like he has any value. I shall make Acey Duecy grovel and call me Sir. You could offer a trade, but none of your lineage has really impressed me. Olde ones or not, your forced the Justicar upon the Cesspool , and you know how picky he is with his rules. An arrangement could be made...perhaps a first round draft pick and a case of beer in exchange for Acey Duecy and the bottle of Scotch gaining dust in my house? Heck, the Scotch costs more then the average wagee of a Garden Gnome for a year. Rune
  6. Berli, Berli, Berli If Dame Kitty does not come along and take him soon, I will once again claim Acey Duecy as mine, and yes, once again have a Marine report to the Navy. Acey, my boy, I still want an AAR on someone you squished, like one of the tomatos in the Lawn Gnome's garden. Hmm...and for your next task, I expect you to challenge the Gnome , or one of his minions since you may not be worthy of his notice, being an SSN and all. No, NO, No, don't get excited, it stands for Scum Sucking Newbie, you don't get to be fired out of a torpedo tube. Rune
  7. Hmm guess I never made a scenario before. The germans lead with the scouts, and hit them early. So rules out the reinforcement for the grants, kinda hard to catch them by suirprise if they aren't on the map. Germans led with scouts as I said, so much for starting with tanks on board, and since the tanks are green, making them fatiqued or anything else would make them useless. Wanted to have the Americans a chance at winning. Since it is a demo, and people would want to play different ways and different strategies, there was no way I was going to lock a unit. Maybe someone wanted to play as Germans with a wide awake Allied defense. Not going to restrict play on a demo. It is a DEMO scenario guys, something to show you the cool things comming. I had restrictions I had to work with to fit it in with another scenario and keep the number of vehicles down, then size down, and still keep it fun. Second guess me all day long, but the majority of feedback has been positive, enjoying the demo for what it is. Rune
  8. This is from a conversation I had with Rexford.... Pages 84 and 85 in our book, WW II BALLISTICS: Armor and Gunnery, give gun sight magnification and field of sight figures for a variety of tanks and guns. Of interest are: M2 gun on early Grants and Lee (75mm L31) ========================================= 1.00x magnification, 11 degree field of view and uses roof top periscope that is vulnerable to linkage misalignment Not especially good on long shots due to no magnification, very limited field of view 37mm gun on early Grants and Lee uses periscope alongside gun with same characteristics as 75mm sight M3 gun on Early Lee and Shermans (75mm L40) =========================================== 1.44x magnification, 9 degree field of view is VERY limited, uses roof top periscope that is vulnerable to linkage mis-alignment. 37mm uses same sight type as M3 gun 2 pdr ===== 1.9x magnification, 21 degree field of view range marks limited to under 2000 yards 50mm Pak ========= 3.0x magnification with 8 degree field of view, it is said that when 50mm Pak reached the desert combat ranges suddenly increased by a significant amound. PzKpfw III and IV ================== 2.5x magnification amd 25 degree field of view 88mm Flak ========= 5.0x magnification with 8 degree field of view
  9. The editors overall did a good job. I am sure things were missed here and there, but overall they did rather well and have my thanks. Demand a fix? Sure...I have an open date of 2037. Hold your breath till then. As for the testers not catching gamey play, you cannot protect a scenario after the player has seen it from everything they could possibally do. If you can't make a gentlemen's agreement, find someone else to play. For GreenasJade. The battle was marked semi-historical for a good reason, in the real battle the Americans were not aware the Germans were advancing untill the Grants began to explode as the crews were having breakfast. We cannot de-crew tanks, but it was the reason I put in the historical outcome. Also, I get more requests for knowing what happened then just about any other thing. If you don't want to know, don't read it. Last, the briefing was correct. The Americans did not know the Germans were on the way. There is a scenario on the CD where the Allied commander was given the order to "Go up there a pull a Stonewall Jackson" and that was it. Briefings should be a mix between accurate and not so accurate information, depending on what really happened. Rune
  10. If both guns are firing at the same target, they fire at the same moment in time. Rune
  11. Look again, the 75mm and 37mm fire at the same time. Rune
  12. There have been several threads on this, which I have answered, as well as others. Mr. Tittles reported that Abrams threatened to weld open any hatch where the tc buttoned up. I have posted from the war department, the documentation that not till Apr 45, did they send out in Combat Lessons Learned for the TCs to button up due to sniper fire. I have also been inside the Sherman, hetzer, and other tanks and took pictures through the vision ports, and you would be amazed how little you can see. Last, as the player, you have a god like view, your tc does not. Rune
  13. No, it will not work and no, the file formats are different so not feasible to try to write an import version. Rune
  14. Must of been hard for the soldiers to go out and paint a grid before a battle. Rune
  15. What viedo driver? I am running the 52.16 without fsaa and do not have an error. Also try the 30.82. Rune
  16. But that would be highly unrealistic. Tanks are blind when buttoned up, and tank commander losses were high during the war. Found this gem sent out to the troops in "Combat Lessons Learned" from the War Department in Spring of 1945: Keep buttoned up High loses among tank commanders have been caused by snipers. Keep buttoned up, as the sniper concentrates on such profitable targets. This is especially true in villages. Note that the war department had to include this and sent it out to units, but not till, I believe, it was April 45. Also remember, you have a god like view, but the tank commander doesn't. One of these days when I get time I will post the pictures I took out of a Sherman's viewports to show how little they could really see. Rune
  17. Yep, that is what I had, Marlene Dietrich singing lili marlene. I have it here but it isn't a wav file, will have to see what it is. Rune
  18. The US Amry had the same thing Mike, they called them: Combat Lessons Learned and I believe there were nine of them, including this gem from Spring 1945: Keep buttoned up High loses among tank commanders have been caused by snipers. Keep buttoned up, as the sniper concentrates on such profitable targets. This is especially true in villages. Remember this next time someone complains on tc buttoning up, they didn't learn till late war. You can find the combat lessons learned here: http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usamhi/dl/atoz.htm Rune [ November 20, 2003, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  19. To see how badly trained our Army really was, here is a description from someone who went through it. http://mrs.umn.edu/~okeefets/training.html Another note, the entorei US Army had 440 tanks in 1940. These include some ancient types. Oh, and the bazooka training? None, An Army at Dawn mentions how the weapons were put in a a hold to be given to the combat troops once they arrived in Africa. They had ZERO training. Rune [ November 20, 2003, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  20. I am running the 52.16 but have a newer GeForce 4800 card. I also do not have the problem, so Schully may be on to something. Rune
  21. Modified version of the AAR. It is NOT the same. Rune
  22. Are any of you running with fsaa turned on for curiousity's sake? Someone else had something similar, try both fsaa off and fsaa 2X instead of application picks and let me know. Rune
  23. I have gotten plenty of emails on this one. Here is one. Plenty of action, excellent force balance, and a lot of subtleties in terms of the topo. I don’t know if you’ve noticed it in testing, but it seems as though the StratAI has dramatically improved, as it was mounting some competent multi-axis assaults on me (as I took Allies, wanting to get behind the Grants). However, the AI is always better on the defense then the attack. Rune
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