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Everything posted by rune

  1. The tanks cannot cross, and were not used in the assault. Artillery can also be used to lay down smoke, and comes in handy in this scenario. yes, some reached the last flag in reports I had gotten back. Rune
  2. Here is a new CMAK review, thanks to SIMHQ.com for the link. http://www.diygames.com/index.php?p=420&more=1 Rune
  3. Here is a new CMAK review, thanks to SIMHQ.com for the link. http://www.diygames.com/index.php?p=420&more=1 Rune
  4. Ladies and Gentlmen of the MBT , please join me in congradulating Boo on winning the "French Canadian Man of the Year, 2003" award. Now when you read his posts, imagine Boo with a Peter Sellers French Accent. Carry on... Rune
  5. Yep, the point of the scenario was to show that Naval Gunfire did indeed turn the tide for this battle. Now try it as Germans and see how far you can get. Rune
  6. Yep, the point of the scenario was to show that Naval Gunfire did indeed turn the tide for this battle. Now try it as Germans and see how far you can get. Rune
  7. Kingy is on a roll. Yes, it was the reason I went witht he 155mms, as close as I could get for the Naval gunfire. As for general Roosevelt, Yep, to me it sounds like he saved the line a few times. The part of the cpl trying to hold together his unit, and the old man with his walking stick holding the line was impressive. He does it again at Normandy if I recall correctly. Goes ashore with the first waves and gets them inland at Utah, not knowing if the second wave lands where they are, or at the correct spot. Rune
  8. Kingy is on a roll. Yes, it was the reason I went witht he 155mms, as close as I could get for the Naval gunfire. As for general Roosevelt, Yep, to me it sounds like he saved the line a few times. The part of the cpl trying to hold together his unit, and the old man with his walking stick holding the line was impressive. He does it again at Normandy if I recall correctly. Goes ashore with the first waves and gets them inland at Utah, not knowing if the second wave lands where they are, or at the correct spot. Rune
  9. Hijacking thread for a moment. Crank, next time we have a get together in Chicago, you got to come. You are more then welcome to show up. Rune
  10. Oh look, Kitty is trying to insult me. YAAWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Rune
  11. At points the US was about to break, but Generals like Roosevelt held the troops together. This web site has interesting reading" http://www.webbuild.net/BeforeTaps/Gela.pdf Chris did a great job on the scenario, and I just wished we could of added actual Naval Support. Rune
  12. At points the US was about to break, but Generals like Roosevelt held the troops together. This web site has interesting reading" http://www.webbuild.net/BeforeTaps/Gela.pdf Chris did a great job on the scenario, and I just wished we could of added actual Naval Support. Rune
  13. Thinking about it, I have approached the guys on an idea for the new engine. If it can be done, and when the time comes, I will let you know. Thanks for the idea! Rune
  14. Remind me to slap you when I get the chance. The testers took the airfield by going wide to the right, and timing their assault with tanks. It is certainly a difficult one to win as the Allies, due to the fact you cannot gain surprise on the Italians. Feel free to take out 2-3 aa guns to balance it out a little better. Hmm...makes me think...there should be a way to acheive surprise for CMX2. Say the guns cannot fire for the first XX turns. Got me thinking on this... Rune
  15. You are Jim Carey in really bad makeup? Rune
  16. Nope am at work...dirty job but someone has to do it. Rune
  17. The armoured cars and tanks made a mad rush to take the airfield. Aircraft were still on the runways [dirt field] and many aircraft were destroyed by either shooting them on while they took off, or the tanks/acs rammed the tails. The British/South Africans too the field, with losses. In the scenario, a mad rush towards the airfield will get you killed. The map is big enough to use manuever. In real life, the Italians were caught by surprise. However, you cannot set surprise up in the battle. I would pull a couple of aa guns in the editor if you find it too difficult. During play testing, the field was taken about a third of the time. As I said, during playing, head first gets you killed. Yse the terrain and manuever to take the airfield. Rune
  18. There are a couple scenarios on the CD that are massive with huge maps. They will tax even that system. However, since there were people who even played the games with 15 minutes to process a turn, didn't want to leave them out. Rune
  19. This was the thread where I answered what it takes to get on the design team. Several new faces were added. When time comes again, I may need more, time will tell. Rune http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=007519#000005
  20. Maybe it was widened, and you don't know what you are talking about? In your opinion they suck, and you are a total of one person. You have had cmbo and cmbb for a while, point me at an operation you have done. Everyone else, look at the credits and see the new names. People are selected by their past work and ability to follow instructions, and be a team player. We work hard, and everyone tests each other's work. Matter of fact, you can find the thread where I even posted what was required to become one of the scenario design team. The odds of us sending out a beta scenario with all the units, terrains, ability to make scenarios and battles to everyone for free would be zero and none. Why not just give away all out hard work? Sending the full game out would be leaked out in no time, not to mention the technical difficulties. The guys making scenarios and operations are all known authors. I get 20-25 emails a day, some with small gripes, but mainly with wonderful reviews of the guys work. As I tell the designers ALL THE TIME, there is no one correct way to make a scenario/operation. As many different players there are, there are that many opinions of what is "a perfect scenario/operation". Make stuff you will love to play, and it will come together. OK, we have seen a whine about the operations. Now, who has played an operation from the CD, and loved it? Let's see the flip side of this. Oh yeah, one last thing, buying a product does not give you the right to be rude, or make an ass out of yourself. The beta testers/scenario designers only get a copy of the game when they are done. I thank each and everyone of them for what they have to put up with, and the guys know I appreciate their work. So, who played an operation they loved in CMAK? Rune
  21. OK, then let me officially say it... Too Early for a CMX2 forum. Rune
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