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Everything posted by rune

  1. Yep, saw that one, but unfortunately not enought information on La Foce. Rune
  2. It is not feasible and it will not happen. Coding vehicles into the game is one of the most time consuming areas, and one of the "features" that will be added into CMX2, the ability to add vehicles easier. It al;ready takes three people to add a model in in executable. CMAK was never supposed to replace CMBO. The possibility of making Western Europe battles was considered, and some capacity was given for people to play with. The requests for new things would never stop... King Tigers, then Cromwells, then the TO&E of Western Europe. So, you will see a patch to fix broken things, you will not see the King Tiger nor the Cromwell. Rune [ March 23, 2004, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  3. I forget the exact keys, so someone will come along and correct me, it is like shift ctrl alt on the load briefing and they will be saved as a text file. Rune
  4. The only way would be to open them int he editor. Rune
  5. Am working on a scenario where the South African's fought the Herman Goering Division at La Foce on 26 June 1944. Anyone have any information on the battle? I got some nice photos and map for the area. [Tuscany, La Foce was an estate about 1/2 way between Rome and Florence, is a hilly valley]. Yes, I know of the book by Iris, the wife of the owner of the Estate. However, I need more information on the battle there. Rune
  6. Posted by Moon Feb 27, definitely states they read the bug reports. Matter if fact, Moon's last reply about a bug was Mar 16: Now CMAK is still open and still supported, and I would be surprised if there won't be at least a 1.02 at some point. We do read the bug reports, and we do update our database of stuff-to-do. But you will excuse us that we don't scramble to release a new patch version everytime you post. Especially not now after CMAK is the third in the series and as such the most polished game - despite a number of remaining and more or less important issues, but again, such issues will always remain and I am quite sure that in a few years from now we'll still be getting patch requests, as we sometimes do for CMBO even. (additional remarks:) To all who posted bugs here - thanks a lot *again*, we really appreciate this. No matter how hard you try to squish bugs, there are always unresolved issues, especially in a simulation as complex as CM where it's not just a simple tweak to an armor penetration chart entry or somesuch to fix stuff. So thanks again for the dedication, and rest assured that it's not in vain as we won't drop CMAK support anytime soon, and in fact are working currently on a number of *supporting* projects. I'd tell you what, but since Redwolf is listening and he claims to be able to predict the future (what we think and what we will do), I don't want to make him look bad. Martin
  7. So now his head IS firmly attached to his .... oh nevermind. /serious mode on tell him have a good and speedy recovery, if he doesn't, I'll send him scenarios... /serious mode off Rune
  8. Title: The Last Offensive Type: Meeting Engagement Date: April 16th, 1945 Location: West of Sesto Imolese Region: Italy Weather: Day, Clear, Farmland Terrain: Dirt Wind: Breeze from the W Turns: 45+ Best Played as: Best played as Two Player, or as Allied against the AI. AI should be free to place. Author: Tim 'Rune' Orosz Background: The Eighth Army started its final offensive in Italy on 9 April 1945, under the biggest artillery and air bombardment of the Italian Campaign. The object was to enter and take the Po Valley. The hurricane of fire caught the Germans by surprise, and the Senio River was quickly crossed with only moderate enemy resistance. The attack came from Indian, Kiwi, Polish, British divisions, along with the Jewish Brigade. 2nd New Zealand Division had crashed through the Germans' "Irmgard Line" on the Senio River on the first day, then the "Laura Line" on the Santerno two days later, and the "Paula Line" along the Sillaro on the night of 15th-16th April. The German 98th Infantry Division had been shattered after a week of constant fighting, with many prisoners taken, but reinforcements were arriving and resistance was stiffening in front of the Kiwis. /cont.. By dawn on the 16th April 2(NZ)Div held a two mile wide bridgehead across the Sillaro River with two brigades. The Germans had to regain the river line to hold in this area, while the Kiwis sought to beakout and advance to the next river line. Both sides brought fresh forces up, and they would meet in the rich farmland west of the Sillaro. Semi-Historical, about 5400 points. Sources: http://members.aol.com/ItalyWW2/Imola.htm 4th New Zealand Armoured Brigade in Italy by Jeffrey Plowman and Malcolm Thomas Thanks to Jon 'JonS' Sowden for all of his help!
  9. JonS did a lot of research and helped edit my briefings, and we came up, with what I hope will be a great 2 player scenario. Large in size, it features the Last Offensive of the Eighth Army in Italy in April 1945, well, at least for the Kiwis. Being tested two player now [and if you want to test it, drop me a line] for balance. So the purpose of this thread is a public thank you to JonS for his help with the scenario. It was fun working with you. Hey Jon, am at work, so if you catch this before I get home, put JUST the main briefing here so people get an idea of what it is about. [Point value subject to change, of course] Rune
  10. Maybe because most of them were done for cmbb already, and all the Allied stuff had to be redone from scratch? naaaaaa...couldn't be that. Also, believe it or not, the guys don't live here. If they dont answer a post might mean they aren't around at the moment, as they have lives. I can't believe if they don't stop in and answer every thread there is a general whining. Enough already. Rune
  11. Scenario sent to Becket, someone play him in it so it causes him much pain. Rune
  12. becket, I see a scenario comming your way. I AM your designer..... Rune
  13. Not a wrong command, but removed, as it was only used in beta testing. Rune
  14. Berli , I place the blame on you. Fully! What am I talking about? Queen Emma being possessed by the soul of Seanachai . We all know this is your department, so no use in denying it. I haven't seen a post that long since.... hell, even the Bard would be envious...if it wasn't he who took over YK2 . Joebob , in your duties of Just-a-car , do you also perform exorcism? We must save her majesty before she gets a fetish for small pointy hats. Rune
  15. Pheasant, I got them from the www.nvidia.com site, I assume that is where you are going? If you can't get them, drop me a line and will email it to you. Guys, I got the same goofy screen for a 1/2 second, but again, not a big deal. I also get the white background the ugly color blue occasionally, but is fixed by the ever popular alt tab. Rune
  16. The force is strong with this one... /jedi mind trick on These aren't the droids we are looking for, move along, move along.... /jedi mind trick off Rune
  17. Some more sites: The Nº 74 Grenade (Sticky Bomb) was designed as an anti-tank grenade and was disliked by everybody who ever came across it. The grenade consisted of a glass ball on the end of a bakelite (plastic) handle. Inside the glass ball was an explosive filling whilst on the outside was a very sticky adhesive covering. Until used, this adhesive covering was encased in a metal outer casing. http://www.home-guard.org.uk/gren74.html Grenade, Hand, Anti-Tank No 74 Chemical (Thermide) 42 mm The Sticky Bomb was rejected by the Army in the U.K. as being too dangerous for use by troops so it was issued to the Home Guard instead. Anyone who has seen the film Dad's Army may recall that the main hazard was the Bomb's ability to stick to the user's trousers, which then gave the user 7 seconds in which to remove his trousers, and remove himself to a safe distance. http://miniatures.de/html/int/shells-british.html Rune
  18. Matt, I installed them this morning, but haven't tested with fsaa until I get home. Will post here this evening after testing. Rune
  19. /jedi mind trick on Move along, there is nothing to see here... /jedi mind trick off Rune
  20. Yes I will take credit for Clash of the Titans II. I see it is causing you much pain....excellent! Rune
  21. Just wanted to point out to Axe that the scenario he is playing, the Canadians have won several times, even byt he likes of Harv, who as a Canadian farmer goes, sucks at CM. He current losing is brought about by his lack of tactics, lack of common sense, and lack of leadership abaility...yes, you are playing like Goodale himself. hehehehehe Rune
  22. Ummm...you Do realize I sent the first one to the both of you? Hmm...I smell a rat... Rune
  23. Dalem , Don't you hate the scneario I sent you and Lars to play? I even got Joebob hateing the cheesehead....err... NG Cavscout As my duly appointed role* as Famine , I will bring forth hate. I hearby declare this rerun season on TV. Now you will be starved for entertainment.... Rune *Position only alloted till Emrys makes his return.
  24. Actually yes we did make him a Knight, but I think there was everclear involved.... Rune
  25. NG Cavscout , Oh ye of disappearing fame. I am in the midst of creating evil so horrible, that it could melt the prcessor of Joebob new XT computer. It features Kiwis [without sheep], explody things, crunchie things, flamey things, more explody things, Pommies, Germans, Italy, and April of 1945. It has evolved greatly since seen by the likes of Lars , mnore then can be said of the wafflers . However, since you are a part of House Rune , dedicated to get Joebob a personal visit from Bauhaus , you may approach him and I will send the scenario to melt his computer. Arise my Knigget, and smithe Joebob , and smithe his often. A speeding ticket for him would be nice too. Rune
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