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Everything posted by rune

  1. Not going to happen, focus is now on the next generation of games, CMX2. Rune
  2. YK2 , could it be a movie perhaps? Joebob Shaw and Boo, I want you to go to the first message in this thread. read it, read it again. Now NEVER EVER complain about my topics or rules again. Just like THE Gnome to post a long winded message that says absolutely NOTHING. Seanachai, yes, I said we in that other thread. Read into that what you will. Last, look for a special announcement shortly. Rune
  3. DaveH, Of course I forgot about you. Why would ANYONE want to be reminded of Wafflers? I have been busy with that which may not be named. I will try to get it out to you this evening. Rune
  4. I say, make him bring me the head of muffledelfrumproast on a pike, if he succeeds, then let him be a Knight, if he fails, then back to serfdom. Rune
  5. Here, let me help you. vreselijk = outstanding afschuwelijk = awesome ik wens het mijn ergste vijanden niet to = I can't wait to play another scenario! OK, will be sending one your way. Rune
  6. How many of them can fit into a small car? Rune
  7. Hmm... I didn't know Axe wore rollers in his hair. Rune [ January 25, 2005, 07:58 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  8. Muffledelfrumproast, Did you already give up? No spine there young lad? Tell you what, will make it easier on you, try to challenge Stickypixie, and see if you can do any better. Rune
  9. Dave H, Which just proves you suck worse then the Commanders did at le Muy? that it is an evil scenario? That perhaps your opponent ic cheating? Wait till I send you San Pietro. You may begin gnashing teeth now. Rune
  10. Too early in the process, and asking for it will not change anything. Patience, when it is time, we will post screenshots. Rune
  11. Lady Moraine, Bows, You may want to say your fare thee wells to your husband, he left me no choice but to send him a Rune Scenario. Once the scenario is done with him, he will be no more then a quivering mass of gelatine, Yes, yes, I know he is that now, but with even less spine. Rune
  12. MuffledElfRumpRoast, Bah! and a Fey! to you sir. You have to show wit, panache, humor. get under his skin, insult his family's honor, lay waste to his home and cattle. You need a little backbone there. Meeks, I know he is below you, but can you give him a demonstration. Let him live slightly so he may learn from his errors. Rune
  13. On an unrelated note (c flat for you Joebob, after all, I have heard you screech...err....sing] Anyone living in or around Hadley, Mass? I am flying there Sunday and training some dbas until Friday. Let me know ASAP. Rune [ January 21, 2005, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  14. Hiram Hiram Hiram, You leave me with no choice but to send you a new Rune Scenario. Rune
  15. I thought Hobbits didn't swear slippers....you have those furry big feet. Rune
  16. Muffledelfrumproast, You must show a stronger spine if you are to survive here. none of this "Please sir, may you tell me where another Scum Sucking Newbie is" sort of trash. Fine, since i made the mistake of speaking at you first, I give you a choice, you may fight Future, or any other SSN you find here. I will supply the scenario, and we will expect an AAR. Let me know if you accept this, and if so, I may take you to serf. Better yet, challenge Meeks . This I got to see... [Hmm, that may have been caused by my Inner Berli ] Rune [ January 21, 2005, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  17. Should I try to do a Don Quixote aka Joebob Shaw, and Dream the Impossible Dream and attempt to explain humor to.... A German? Will Boo ever find his inner Croda, and admit that jdmorse is his liege? Will Seanachai find happiness living with the donkey? Will Bauhaus return in time to be told to sit down? Muffledelfrumproast, This thread is about the CHALLENGE. Oh sure, we play Combat Mission [may it always be praised], but we have been known to dabble in IL2 and other games. It is a place to show wit and humor, yes, concepts foreign to you, but try to pay attention, challenging and getting noticed by the Knights. You start off challenging another Scum Sucking Newbie [henceforth called SSN] like yourself, and if you show skill and wit in the insults, without being obnoxious or degrading, and keeping the Ladies of the pool sacred, may get noticed by a Knight. He may send you on quests [challenging others] and you can work your way up to serf and Squire, and maybe even someday, a Knight. Be warned, fools are not suffered lightly. If you think you have what it takes, challenge a single SSN to mortal CM combat. Use wit, use humor, use panache', oh forget it, being German, you don't have a chance. Rune
  18. Spamalot Update I went to see the play with my wife, who is NOT a Monty Python fan. Any musical that starts with the Finns doing a fish slapping dance is OK in my book. There are multiple scenes from the movie including the Knights who say Ni, the Killer Rabbit, The Black Knight, the Stupid Guards, Camelot itself, bring out your dead, the Holy handgrenade of Antioch, and more. New scenes include the Lady of the Lake, Making a Broadway Play, and a marriage. It was absolutely hysterical. A lot of sight gags, so you have to pay attention, the musical numbers are there from the movie plus additional ones, including the required for stage love song, which was a song about the required love songs taht never end, and more. I don't want to give stuff away, for those who will see it here in Chicago or on Broadway in Feb. Hank Azaria was incredible. At two points he ad-libbed lines and even got the cast to start laughing. He plays the Freench taunter, Tim the Enchanter, one of the Knights, A Knight who says Ni, and a couple things I am missing. Tim Curry had a good voice, and his faking of the horse had the audience laughing. yes, there are coconuts in the play. My wife was laughing also, and she is NOT a Python fan as I stated. He came off a 12 hours shift from the ER, and was tired, but the play woke her up and had her cracking up. The theatre was sold out, and the musical received a standing ovation for several minutes at the end. If you can get tickets, go see it. That's the bottom line. Rune
  19. Drugged or not, you Thanked me. I also have proof you CLAIM to work. Don't make me copy and paste your message. We all know better. And it doesn't matter, you still belong to a drunken lawyer's House. Why? bacause Joebob made that call, and as we all know, joebob thinks he is never wrong. Tehn promptly chamnges the rules again. So, little Boo, go back to testing before I borrow matt's whip. Oh, and quit dodging me, you know I will shoot you down...and if I don't, I'll blame harv. Rune
  20. Yet YOU had to thank me for helping you with my knowledge. Admit it, you were taken to Knighthood in a fit of drunkeness, by none other then... [Plays dramatic music] A Drunken lawyer! Who could have easily been Seanachai in disguise. Rune
  21. Right... thread now moved to its New home. Peng and the Holy Grail Move along, move along... Rune
  22. Since it is about that time once again, and because I am going to see Spamalot tomorrow, it is time for a new thread. Thous shallst countith to 3: This thread is about the challenge, use wit, use panache, use more wit. If you don't have any, then Sod Off 1977 Peng. Duce: We are no longer the Knights who say Ni, We are the knights who say: "Ekki Ekki Ekki Ekki Pnang Zoom Boing" Three is the number that thou shall countest to: Challenge a SSN such as yourself first. You are below the Knights of the Peng Chaalnge, you must work your way up. Choose one and only one person to challenge, and speak out like you had a pair, but not about your pair, or face our Keeper of the Bridge of Death, Joebob Shaw Forth: The Ladies of the Pool are sacred, keep them that way or Sod Off! Five: Is right out. Six: You MUST havith a email address in your profile. Failure to do so will result with a visit from the Killer Rabbit. After all, its got fangs and things... Seven: If you are still here, then you may have what it takes. Maybe one of the Houses will notice you, maybe they will use the Holy handgrenade of Antioch, you just never know. Sir Rune
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