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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Unfortunatly yes. Lots of guys use house rules about setups. Just one of the shortcomings of the present system.
  2. No, all your forces will have one setup zone except those in no-man's land. You can move your new units almost anywhere.
  3. They come in a blob on your side towards the edge of the map.
  4. Jams can be caused by ammo, firing mechanism, gunner error, etc. Water cooling gets rid of one of the reasons for stoppage but not all of them.
  5. With the ballistic plates body armor is great but they don't cover everywhere and you don't have to get shot through the chest to be combat ineffective. That said, most body armor isn't designed to stop bullets but rather the various fragments that go flying around the battlefield. Effectivness also depends on a wide variety of factors such as angle of impact, range, etc. I have seen a K-pot that stopped an AK round. Unfortunatly I have also seen one penetrated by an M16 round during a training accident. No armor is 100 proof and most of it is hot an heavy.
  6. One problem with trying to use smoke as a spotting round (in RL not game time) is that it doesn't just go straight up from the point of impact. If you have temperature inversions, or good tree cover smoke can hug the ground for quite a ways before rising. What was not uncomon was for observers to call fire on a known point and then adjust from there even if they couldn't see what was being hit. Of course when you can't see what was being hit you can't make very good BDA unless you are firing at a fuel dump or something that will give you lots of secondaries. You have to remember though, that ammo is not unlimited. Smoke is much more useful as a concealing round and as there was never enough (manuever commanders would travel under a constant smoke screen if given the choice, even in garrison) it had to be used for maximum effect.
  7. Unless there has been a major change in interests BFC have consistantly stated that they will not be making a PTO game.
  8. If an infantry squad is moving across a piece of ground like that unsupported then someone f***ed up. Still you would be amazed at how hard it is to target guys moving properly across even such open terrain
  9. You can area fire now, just target a point on the battle field rather than a unit. Squads should never be firing at the same target. Even during movement everyone in the squad is assigned a sector and so every squad would have a fan rather than a point as its area of fire. Firing at targets outside one's sector often is impossible because the rest of the squad often can't see what everyone else sees without moving out of position, a definite no-no.
  10. Army basic load is 7 mags (1 in the weapon 6 in the lbv) and 2 grenades. At least it was when I got out in 2000. Troops will usually try to secure more in a buttpack or something. I never put mags in my cargo pockets because they tended to flop arround and rub the skin off my legs. With the M60 we had a basic load of 800. I usually carried 600 while my AG carried the rest. Plus the squads carried extra belts. Unlike what Hollywood likes to show, you rarely have the entire squad firing at the same time. Remember that if everyone is shooting at once they tend to run out at once. Soldiers are assigned sectors to monitor and engage in. Guys may move around depending on the threat but you would never put everyone firing at one target. It is the squad leader's responsibility to maintain discipline and assign sectors. He will also direct ammo redistribution. In short, at any one time several if not most members of a squad are not firing and those that are are not firing blindly on burst. With a basic load a squad can go for quite some time without a reload.
  11. Since recent budget cuts have derailed the developement of the Mk86 Herb Butter Explosive Munition or HBEM that would leave IEDs the only possible response to the pending Space Lobster invasion.
  12. Think it will show the appropriate discussions that accompany fixing track?
  13. 38 but when I grow up I want to be a professor.
  14. (I blame BFC for this. No new news has givin us way to much time.) I am very proud that I still refuse to post in this thread.
  15. I subscribe to Mao's statement of "I have an army of 8 million and am willing to lose all of them to win a single battle. How many are you willing to lose?" The AI is usually pretty intimidated.
  16. Maybe the U.N. is finally realizing that if they send Blue Hats into a region that is still hot they are just sending them to die. Not a lot of people are afraid of taking on U.N. peace keepers. The have become a handy source of weapons and hostages.
  17. Well I wouldn't want to serve under me! Actually I tend to win more than I lose and I do try to avoid pointless casualties, so mayby I'm not horrible.
  18. The ability to offset aim could also reduce the effectiveness of counter-battery fire. CB solutions simply figure a ballistic course. Is the old Copperhead still around? My CO's track was killed by one "simulated" in '99 but I haven't heard to much about them lately.
  19. Crews almost never think their vehicle is proof againts anything. I don't really see that as a problem.
  20. Enough of it. Make a water ballon out of the tape and then tape a bayonet to it. You need a lot of tape though.
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