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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. For reference I prefered the M4 simply because I always wanted something shorter than the 16 when I was in Berlin. A compact weapon that could still reach out and touch someone was my dream and the M4 was pretty much what I wanted. When I started riding around in tracks I appreciated the M4 there as well. Still I wouldn't cry if they sent me out with my old 16. Just like that other weapon it isn't size it's how you use it. For the record I am an M9 man. I better be considering I just bought one. If you use it correctly you can kill a man with a .22. Plus the M9 just fits my hand perfectly. Anyway, I agree with Steve that the argument is fun to watch, almost as fun as the lively "discussions" I use to get into with the Brits in Berlin (we were starting to run out of bars). All you guys still serving, you take care of yourselves.
  2. For reference I prefered the M4 simply because I always wanted something shorter than the 16 when I was in Berlin. A compact weapon that could still reach out and touch someone was my dream and the M4 was pretty much what I wanted. When I started riding around in tracks I appreciated the M4 there as well. Still I wouldn't cry if they sent me out with my old 16. Just like that other weapon it isn't size it's how you use it. For the record I am an M9 man. I better be considering I just bought one. If you use it correctly you can kill a man with a .22. Plus the M9 just fits my hand perfectly. Anyway, I agree with Steve that the argument is fun to watch, almost as fun as the lively "discussions" I use to get into with the Brits in Berlin (we were starting to run out of bars). All you guys still serving, you take care of yourselves.
  3. For reference I prefered the M4 simply because I always wanted something shorter than the 16 when I was in Berlin. A compact weapon that could still reach out and touch someone was my dream and the M4 was pretty much what I wanted. When I started riding around in tracks I appreciated the M4 there as well. Still I wouldn't cry if they sent me out with my old 16. Just like that other weapon it isn't size it's how you use it. For the record I am an M9 man. I better be considering I just bought one. If you use it correctly you can kill a man with a .22. Plus the M9 just fits my hand perfectly. Anyway, I agree with Steve that the argument is fun to watch, almost as fun as the lively "discussions" I use to get into with the Brits in Berlin (we were starting to run out of bars). All you guys still serving, you take care of yourselves.
  4. I never had problems with either. The M4s they replaced our 16s were new. They felt better than the 16s which were nearly 20 years old. Neither one though had reliability problems as long as I kept it clean. Mike is absolutly right about ranges. Here's a little test you can do. Just go out to any city or town and pace off 300 meters. Chances are you either will not be able to see your start point or will have to walk through something. Open terrain is different, of course, but the enemy has the annoying tendency not to stand up like a popup target even 1000 feet away. [ April 01, 2007, 07:08 PM: Message edited by: sgtgoody (esq) ]
  5. I never had problems with either. The M4s they replaced our 16s were new. They felt better than the 16s which were nearly 20 years old. Neither one though had reliability problems as long as I kept it clean. Mike is absolutly right about ranges. Here's a little test you can do. Just go out to any city or town and pace off 300 meters. Chances are you either will not be able to see your start point or will have to walk through something. Open terrain is different, of course, but the enemy has the annoying tendency not to stand up like a popup target even 1000 feet away. [ April 01, 2007, 07:08 PM: Message edited by: sgtgoody (esq) ]
  6. I never had problems with either. The M4s they replaced our 16s were new. They felt better than the 16s which were nearly 20 years old. Neither one though had reliability problems as long as I kept it clean. Mike is absolutly right about ranges. Here's a little test you can do. Just go out to any city or town and pace off 300 meters. Chances are you either will not be able to see your start point or will have to walk through something. Open terrain is different, of course, but the enemy has the annoying tendency not to stand up like a popup target even 1000 feet away. [ April 01, 2007, 07:08 PM: Message edited by: sgtgoody (esq) ]
  7. If you were to sample the Brits BFC would have to bleep every 3rd word. Personally I think they should play the theme song from "Team America" for an American Victory.
  8. Not only can it shoot down incoming missiles it can top off your tanks at the same time.
  9. Not really relavant but a fun story. We were doing a night attack when I was OPFOR and I was trailing an M60 as we approached an intersection. All of us were going flat out, which for the vehicles involved was about 25 mph. Through my NODs I see another tank coming down the road that intersected ours. Just as I was telling my driver that these guys might hit, they did. There was a shower of sparks and the tank that got hit tipped a couple feet in the air before settling back down. I pulled up next to them to render assistance and saw all of the crew sticking out of the hatches screaming at each other. I figured they were ok, and they were, so I proceeded with the mission. I don't know if either tank was able to proceed with the mission but I know that neither recieved any permanent damage. Looked neat though. Of course I was thanking the gods that I wasn't the lead vehicle for that one. That M60 would have shredded my little 113.
  10. Outstanding post luder, that is exactly how I feel. I liked the M16 and loved the M4. I also loved the G3. Did I think there could have been improvements on all of them, sure but nothing I ever fired or heard about made me just feel that I just had to dump what I had. Call it comfort level if you will. What I didn't like was the desire to put all kinds of rediculous bells and whistles on basically good weapons. Just make it shoot straight and do nasty things down range and I was happy. Of course it would also be nice if it had a good ammo load and didn't weigh a ton. I just don't feel that any incremental change is going to make that much of a difference no matter how much money they decide to spend on it.
  11. They're great for drying out when it rains. Just a few seconds and you're bone dry.
  12. As to the Turbine, remember that the M1 was created during the 70's and the turbine gave much better performance so they decided to go with it despite the fuel use. The Next-Gen U.S. tank will have a diesel because the advances with these engines make them a better option than the turbine. Still, there is nothing quite like the sound of an M1 starting. You expect to see a column of flame shooting out the back and hear the theme from Batman in the background.
  13. You have to be real careful about your approach angle. I would guess that they only really pulled the thing up when they could approach the target square on and so shield the trailer with the tank. To be honest I haven't really read a lot of combat accounts of those things. The .50 is one of those weapons that has achieved a mythical status all out of proportion with its actual capabilities. I believe there was even a report that they could sink destroyers. While in a big war with tens of thousands of encounters there are bound to be incidents where things defy logic it still doesn't mean that one could normally expect such things to occur. The Infantry Museum at Benning has a K-pot that stopped an AK round in Panama but I still wouldn't stick my head up for too long. They could kill trains by punching through the boiler but that wasn't exactly Tiger armor.
  14. Muzzle flash. The M16 doesn't have that Hollywood sunburst when you fire it.
  15. You eat at the kitchen table? Man you're strange. Come to the couch like the rest of us. I keep thinking I would like to get back into modelling but I just don't seem to have the time.
  16. Everytime I see a CM bundle pack I get a few more age spots. I remember the first ads for CMBO in gaming mags and wondering, "What the hell is WEGO?"
  17. I have both and they are excellent. Still, does anyone know a good tactical level account of the Battle of Berlin. I've got both Beevor and Ryan's books but I would like something with a little more detail.
  18. Those barriers are pretty universal. I remember at least one fight in the first Gulf War at a highway construction site where they would have been plentiful.
  19. Will there be a way to let your troops know that you are about to pop illum so they can turn off their nods? Nothing sucks more than having the entire world flash green for 15 minutes in the middle of a fire fight. Ok, not really a game thing but this was always one of my pet peeves.
  20. Isn't that the port weapon for the Bradley? I mean from back when they used to have firing ports. I thought they got rid of those years ago.
  21. I always liked the MK19 as a weapon but not as a weapon system. Way too fragile, even on a range we suffered multiple duds, missfires, and cookoffs. I can only imagine it in the big sandbox.
  22. Troops are always concerned with food. The last time I went to NTC we fielded a whole slew of new kit but all the guys remembered was the one meal we had where they were testing out new rations. I was a Ramien noodle guy myself, lots of things you can do with those. Keep safe guys.
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