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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. If you bought CMBO you got the CMx1 engine and it's patches. With CMBB you got CMx1 engine revised and no way to get the revisions into CMBO. CMAK brought even more CMx1 engine revisions but still no way to retrofit the game improvements to earlier titles. Enter CMx2 Engine CMSF presented the new CMx2 engine along with it's module system to expand the game and improve the game play at the same time. Perhaps BFC should have titled this the "Crying Game" for all the wailing and gnashing of teeth that went on. With it's teething problems behind it the CMx2 Engine was re-introduced as CMBN, the premier WW2 tactical simulator. The awards speak for themselves. It's 3 Modules provided new equipment and continued game and visual performance changes. CMFI/GL continued the roll with more gaming and performance enhancements in Italy's stand alone cameo appearance. Enter Red Thunder. The East Front (much like the history of CMx1 engine) offered significant Gaming and Graphic Performance changes. Faster loading time, higher degree of graphic resolution for lower end PC's, The miracle of "triggers", increased AI group and orders. An improved Scen editor that can handle the creation of larger maps with greater ease. AND.... unlike the CMx1 CMBB Title... the ability to retro fit these improvements to the West Front Titles! Fantastic. Dedicated West Front Players were finally allowed the goodies the hard working BFC coders have added to there otherwise rapidly aging games. So instead of me having to trash my favorite theatre of war like I did with CMBO, and wait YEARS to return to the WW2 West Front with a New FULL PRICE TITLE, BFC offers to bring my aging games up to date for $10.00 a pop. Or I can just keep playing them the way they are. My choice. So I did. If you didn't, fine. But seriously, the ten bucks? Restaurant cost in West LA vs the Mid West? 'I otta get this for free cause I bought a game a few years ago'?
  2. I am now deeply concerned for Hostess Twinkies. Can this be another case of corporate greed like BFC?
  3. I'll be damned...That's the way it's supposed to work! Thanks for the post and feed back. There are multiple Axis attack profiles...so next time the Germans just may surprise you
  4. The AI has been able to "remember" for short periods of time for a while (CMFI?) now. That and a general accumulation of graphics and fine tuning of AI since RT was released are understandably hard do define. Beta testers test, bitch, re-test, and bitch some more at a near constant rate. I keep my eye on the QB Ball and so often miss advances in game mechanics until post release the frenzy.
  5. The Real value of 3.0 is totally under the hood. Perhaps that's why I see some unhappy posters. The AI engine has moved forward a lot. triggers are, of course a big part of that, but the ability of the AI to assess threats and remember them after they've been spotted is very much improved. But how much will that affect 1.0 made scen? Depends on the scen. Let's consider my original CMBN Last Defense. Of the several re-makes I've done, CMBN/LD 1.0 was the worst. It just wasn't fun to play. It was out of balance for the map size, arty usage, and most importantly, AI response on the defense. I could of done better. Attempting to use the new tools of CMBN v.0 while remaining slavishly to old CMBO standards proved to be a real bust. But two modules and two new titles worth of CMx2 improvements has allowed me another chance to breath life in the old girl. Obviously the players will be the arbiter of my efforts, but I feel much better about LD V3.0 than any other I've made.
  6. No slight taken. I just wish I had the time to retrofit CMBN...But CMBS comes first.
  7. You Can Find in the Repository-CMBN/Market Garden section. What's New: 1. Triggers and timers are fully used in all their varieties 2. Used More Group Orders 3. Changed the Victory Objective appearance and numbers 4. Altered the Reinforcement timing. 5. Made various map changes to improve playability. 6. Added more Time. 7. And finally got the Hellcats in (why you must have MG to play). PS Added Last Defense V3 QB Map (Attack Style Only) to CMBN Base game/Maps section
  8. Last Defense V3 was uploaded to CMBN-MG (it uses Hellcats) It uses triggers and the increased number of AI groups to improve my original CMBN effort. I also added 14 new QB Maps (CMBN Basegame/Maps) that use the increase group numbers...but not triggers. Sorry but I made them in anticipation of V3.0, not with V3.0.
  9. Apparently some would have you think it can't. I'd say that's not the case. I'd point out that there is a great deal of flexibility in choosing the Date, Size and Type of AI Unit selection. I played CMx1 QB's for years and know how good and bad it's AI unit selector could be. When I played Shock Force I was very dis-satisfied with the QB Engine. CMBN started the road back for QB's. But that doesn't mean I'm always happy with what the AI puts on the map. At it's worst I'm reminded of CMx1 and how often I restarted a QB Game. At it's best I'm handed my ass when the AI comes at me with a lovely mix of firepower. So is there room for growth? Sure...wouldn't be CM if we didn't want it better. I know for certain that BFC listens to our views. And for that reason I believe the future of QB's is bright.
  10. Triggers and increased group orders have improved the QB AI game
  11. For QB maps all objectives default to Known to both. So no unique to player objectives
  12. Here are the results of players testing: I have received multiple game save files that clearly show When selecting July 1944, Random Axis the QB Game Generator occasionally selects Kriegmarine forces that are available ONLY in Sept 1944. When that happens there are no Kriegsmarine units on the game board. I will alert BFC. Many thanks to the forum members who reported the issue and identified the problem!
  13. Update: when playing a tiny/random Allied/Random Axis selection Meeting Engagement QB game the Human player sometimes does not receive any troops. I can confirm that this occurs from game saves sent to me by JoMac67. I am now trying to duplicate this on my PC with CMBN CW MG. I will provide results of testing as soon as I can. Update 2: I duplicated the setup that was sent to me Meeting Engagement Tiny Random Allied Mix Random Axis Mix Random Weather Time Month of July. I tested this setup 10 times and could not duplicate the problem. Perhaps others might try and post results/saves
  14. Next time you have this problem save the game and send it to markDOTezra3591ATgmailDOTcom
  15. @Womble Auto select defaults to no stationary type weapons Human select allows for them. This goes back to CMx2 Engine and CMSF. I cannot speak to CMx1 but expect the same specialized OOB were needed.
  16. QB Attacking forces don't need nor want AT guns or other primarily stationary type weapons. It is imperative that QB have their own OOB especially when Auto select is used.
  17. My Favorite CM game is the Next one. BFC strives to improve CM
  18. Welcome to the family. H2H = Head to Head (Human Vs Human)...
  19. I was one of Wild Bill Wilders Raiders (SPWaW). In Nov 1999 the Colonel told me about a new 3D wargame in development and suggested I check out the CM forum. So I waited for the CMBO Beta Demo. Loaded it and said 3 guys with swivel heads? and deleted it. 24 hours later I tried it again.... like everybody else... the rest is history.
  20. How little you seem to understand the mindset of BFC. Here are a small group of guys who Love wargaming and have a vision of how the hobby can be developed. They devote themselves fully to the task and make their living doing so. Nobody is getting rich off the deal... so every nickel DOES count. The vast majority of forum members feel CM is pretty close to what they want in wargaming and get satisfaction with each BFC purchase they make. As far as Steam goes...don't care.
  21. Last Defense CMBO Demo 1999. Played my first PBEM with Max Molinaro... and we've been playing ever since
  22. Thank you for taking time to play this QB. I have also played this from both sides with very satisfying results. The concerns I've had about the QB engine ability to handle multiple groups,orders,victory obj, have been quieted.
  23. Checked CMFI and the same ambivalence to Buildings is exhibited. I am adding this to the report. Good news is: CMBN works properly. Again Thanks to all for your good eyes and willingness to speak up.
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