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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. Sorry - I play British and the Achillies [see here] can destroy all Axis armour at any range. Not sure if there's an equivalent for the 'Merkins - try Falk's site: http://cmak.jemian.com/ If not - come play CW. It's great fun .
  2. The best place for wire, I've found, is on your side of a group of trees that he will use as cover. If you can channel him towards it, he will enter thinking it's great cover and then hit the wire on your side. Units on wire have 100% exposure and your MG's will break them. A TRP on the trees and the biggest artillery you can afford will decimate him. Have a group of high quality infantry infiltrate forward, into cover he will pass. These can hit his schwerpunkt from behind, which is even better than from the flank. Have snipers go into his rear area. If you see "infantry?" markers in his rear near hills then send your snipers there - you may find his spotters. Have another sniper to take out his TC's. Use light flaks to keep his light armour at long range. You may even gun or track damage some of his big armour which is always a bonus. Good luck.
  3. Stick it on mine if you like. The URL will be http://www.othermeans.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/yourfilename.jpg just don't make it > 3M I've got some stuff to move around. Nice mod BTW.
  4. Depends. I got really sick of seeing 130pt StuG's bounce T34 shots and kill them from across the map. 6 minute arty delays started to get me down and molotovs really bugged me. So CMAK was a godsend. Also, I'm British and can play them in CMAK. The 6pdr goes straight through a StuG or most anything. Anything it can't the 17pdr - towed or in an Achillies - certainly can. So although theres not that much difference in the mechanics, the actual gameplay is world apart. IMHO anyway.
  5. Here's a link to The Proving Grounds. I've found many good opponents there. I'd offer you a game myself, but I only really play CMAK now. Good luck.
  6. You could play Germans with captured Soviet T34's but they would still have the advantage of better ammo - a German T34 outperforms a Soviet T34. There's some other stuff undergone the same process but MD's answer is basically correct.
  7. Very interesting, thanks for that. Would it be possible to factor in is the spread of the arty? That way you have the firepower being proportional to it's effect on the target area.
  8. Just create a txt file & rename it as the file, including suffix. The system still finds it, but it's blank. I mostly do this with annoying intro movies you can't skip for FPS's etc.
  9. If you're in Europe I think you can pick up the anthology, which may have a printed manual in. I'd go that way if so, you get so much more for your money.
  10. The spotting unit having binoculars has the greatest effect. You can check this in the unit properties. Also, I've got the impression it's the number of eyes watching has a cumulative effect, which makes the calculation very much more difficult than your test could ascertain. I think it's worth while, but maybe with a HMG as the spotter as these have enhanced spotting and supply the long range pinning fire. Then if you like, you could try with a Company CO, then the CO having combat bonuses etc. Or with 2 HMG's to see if the range is longer etc. I'd be interested in the result if you go through with this.
  11. Playing defence in a CMAK QB, I used a sniper recce the rear lines of my opponent. There had been an arty drop with one suspicous hill which may have held the spotter. He found 5 of them, including one of 240mm. 3 were easy kills but 2 were on a different hill with no cover leading to it. By this time my opponent had a HT desperately trying to find my guy. So 1 round of 3" arty fire spooked them to his side of the hill. I reckon he took out over 1000 points for me.
  12. Neither does the .50 cal in CMAK, which surprised me. Possibly they had different mountings when in the AA role?
  13. You know the flak disregards any cover arcs when shooting aircraft? Unless I misunderstood your statement.
  14. Tactical Combat Simulator: Beyond Overlord It's an oldy newy thing.
  15. Don't race: wait until he's there, hit it with BIG arty - then throw him out. stop him getting there with MG's & light flak - 2 or 3 in cover can usually shoot diagonally across your opponents side of the cover Concentrate on the main objectives, arrive with more firepower, win that fight with superior numbers then move to the secondaries
  16. I've finished everything except Moltke Bridge & we're in the final 5 for that (unfortunately). AAR's are being written.
  17. Communist propaganda. Everybody knows there were no bananas to be had for love or money in the Communist block. </font>
  18. If you're playing Russians, get the SU-100. Its ROF, penetration and cost make it the best Russian tank killer. I'd go for T34-85's as the advance force with SU-100 as overwatch. It's similar for the Axis. You can get the PzIV which will go through most everything or a Panther which will kill everything - so have PzIVs in front of Panthers.
  19. Ahhh - you mean over a hill or something, firing blind? Yeah that sucks. Hopefully the next iteration of the game.
  20. We can we can we can we can we can. Just have a HQ in command of your mortar and the mortar can hit anywhere the HQ can see.
  21. Seeing the 75/L43 bounce off a Churchill at 200m is great fun. Axis tank cower is wonderful. Lighting up a Panther through the glacis from 1000m rocks. VT arty makes your nipples pucker. 50 ammo points makes you go all dreamy. It's better. Much much better.
  22. I use eXtreeme to the max as it fits with my all action lifestyle. \nm/ \mn/
  23. If you have a piccy of the back of the penetration plate I'd be interested in seeing spalling caused by the HESH rounds. Cheers.
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