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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Moon

  1. Javolenus,

    there is no reason at all for any of our games not working. Have you already submitted a support ticket for DIF at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk?

    You do need the latest DirectX to run TOW2. You can always grab that directly from the Microsoft website.

    In order to help you, it would be useful to know *which* file wasn't found. Until then, it's all speculation.

    The quickest way to get support is probably via our helpdesk.


  2. It's a large file, very close to the limit. My suggestion would be to re-upload. Log in to the Repository, and edit the file. Don't change the file name, otherwise you'll have to delete the old version. If you keep the filename the same, it will overwrite the previous version. It usually takes about 2-3 hours before a file is up for download after an upload. (it goes through our automated approval process).

  3. Actually, if you look closer, you will notice that the parent forum is for "Blitzkrieg and Weapons and Warfare". I guess it should be called "Blitzkrieg, WaW and PDE" to be perfectly clear that it's the parent forum for the entire series. PDE has its own subforum underneath, and the Mod forum is called a Strategic Command 2 Mod forum because all the mods for all the titles go here.

    I admit it's somewhat confusing and the reason is because the forum structure was made before our migration to vB, and it was not possible to re-arrange the forums completely in sync with the new features without stranding some posts in the wrong place.

  4. As for the second part of your post:

    The other issue I have is that I can't find my e-mail from BF with my security code for the British module

    You don't need any email. Log into your customer account at www.battlefront.com/store and you can look up all your order details there, including your key. If you forgot your login, go to www.battlefront.com/lostpw. A new password is sent to you and your username is listed in the same email (called "User account" in that email).

  5. If you bought from us, you always have a license. However, you don't need one - ever - if you patch correctly and the game was working before. I suspect that - like many others - you have clicked through the patch installer and didn't select the right components to update. Please re-run the patch, and when you see the Dropdown asking you to select which components to update, make the right selection. E.g. "Update CMSF + no modules" if you have no modules, or "Update CMSF + Marines" if you have the base game and Marines etc...

    As for your license key(s) - they are stored in your Customer account online at www.battlefront.com/store for purchases made after Oct 1, 2007. More details about where to find your key (and all other order details, such as download links) at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk


  6. Centauro updates your TOW2 game to v.1.3.6. There is no way to switch between these because your base game is overwritten, so no, I don't think you can play with people who have 1.3.0 (aka the "normal" Theatre of War 2). :( I am not sure if 1C is planning to release a patch for TOW 2 to update it to the same version number, but I'll ask.

  7. Is there no reporting tool to show you what is being blocked? Only other things I can think of is to exclude licen40.dll from within the game folder, as well as runservice.exe in the C;\Windows folder.

    Another think you may want to do is contact f-secure support and tell them that they have a "false positive". eLicense is not malware, and it should be easy for them to scan it and remove it from their definitions. AVG does that all the time :)

  8. What is f-secure? I assume a firewall or anti-virus package? Or is it built into W7 (I haven't had time to install it yet).

    Anyway, you could try first excluding the game exe itself. Or maybe you can exclude the entire folder? Normally, that should do it. I have to do it in AVG sometimes as well. What also helps is turning off "heuristic" virus definitions. Those sometimes get triggered by the eLicense encryption of the executable.

  9. Moon, just to get back to you on this briefly: I don't know if games are cheaper in Germany, but prices have certainly gone up (slowly) for years here. Part of that is understandable since production costs keep rising as hardware improves and all, but € 50 has been the standard for PC games here in Austria for a while now, too. Just checked again today and found:

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 -- € 49.99 for PC, 59.99 for PS3

    Dragon Age Origins -- same

    EA Sports Soccer Manager 10 -- same

    And I remember Fallout 3 was 59.99 when it was released.

    And as you see, there is a standard € 10 premium on console games vs. PC. Seems a little like printers and ink - hardware prices have been dropping while software/supplies prices have been rising. Better money for producers in the long run, I guess :)

    Thanks stoex, that's very interesting. Looks like we're going to have to increase our prices then ;)

    Seriously though, we haven't had a price increase in 10 years (read: ever) and are still selling "full price" at $45 as from day one, so earlier this year we did in fact internally talk about increasing prices across the board at some point, even if just to keep up with inflation.

  10. sonarman, while our international english release will differ somewhat from previous releases (including the Australian), there is a limit as to how we as publisher can influence the development of a game that has already been released. Short of releasing a different game under a different title, what you will get for the international release is an updated version with proper localization and the latest in patches and updates. Expecting a different game entirely is unrealistic at this point.

    But the good news is that by entering into this cooperation, both Akella and Battlefront show what *could* happen going forward. Unlike other publishers, we are not bound by mainstream pressures to make a game that the store manager over at Gamestop will understand. This means that indeed a series of realistic WWII sims is possible. If it will come to that or not ultimately will be decided by the customer.


    PS. 350k copies may well be true, but those are not full price copies, and include budget bin $1 sales as well as compilations. From what I recall Silent Hunter III had sold 14k full price copies in Europe before being slashed to below $10.

  11. Indeed, you're not alone, as quite a few people seems to be simply clicking through the updates and not reading what is shown. So they only get their CMSF base game updated by default and none of the modules, resulting in either missing modules and/or being prompted to re-license. For the next patch we'll switch from a drop-down to a checkbox selection of the components.

  12. You do not HAVE to, but it's definitely better to unlicense and then relicense after the upgrade (or any other major modification to your PC). eLicense CAN recognize your PC even after an upgrade, and we are using a very lenient setting for this, too, but it does not work 100% of the time. Since unlicensing only takes one second (literally, it's just one click), it's definitely better to unlicense and free up your key that way. And if you have patched to 1.21 already, then you will find convenient links to unlicense in your Program Group, too.

  13. I heard that it got delayed till December in Russia. So if that is true we probably won't be seeing it until after Christmas.

    Yes, delay in getting the game prepped for release. From what I heard, a problem with some of the campaign scenarios cropped up and they needed to be re-converted.

    The announcement (and web pages) are nearly ready though, and hopefully I will find the time finally for them sometime this month. I wanted to first grab some screen captures from the new soldier models etc. but if it delays things much longer, we'll put out the game section without that at first.

  14. $65 is only EUR 43 at the current rate, so it's just barely more expensive than you would have to pay in retail in Europe (EUR 39.99 being the usual price point I guess for new releases).

    Or do you mean download & mail? Well, $65 for download & mail including shipping isn't a lot either. I bought some software the other day and the provider company (I think it was DR, not sure) offered me a backup CD for "just $15". Oh, and a "download insurance" for $5, too (you get 1 year from us without any charges).

    Anyway, at the moment, there are no plans to release the Normandy base game to retail. Frankly, there is little retail left out there to speak off. Last time I visited a local Gamestop I had to ask them where the PC section was and the guy pointed to a batch of 20 or so CDs piled up on the floor :)

  15. We will not be adding any new missions or campaigns at this point, no. I can't comment on th editor.

    The engine used is completely unrelated to IL2. It's a different developer entirely.

    Good question! I have not played enough personally, so I can't comment on the "worst" level, but in general, the sea modelling is incredibly realistic in PT Boats, including some pretty rough seas that I did see. The game is actually using Nvidia's PhysX engine I believe creating the most realistic effects I've seen to date in a naval sim.

  16. I'm pretty confused about the realism really, some things seem ultra realistic while others are dumbed down for gameplays sake.... and due to the devs language it seems a straight answer is hard to get.

    Well, you could always try asking here :)

    Do the vehicles have a fixed number of hit points that tick down as they take damage, or do they use damage modeling similar to Theater of War? Are ballistics and angles and armor thicknesses calculated?

    A new blog entry in the DevDiary is coming later this week, touching upon the damage modeling. In short: the game is using real physics to calculate damage. "Hitpoints" (usually as color coded info bar) are used as a visual tool for the player to confer the damage status of a ship's component, but that's it. Various "damage zones" are tracked, and the damage and effects of damage to each are modelled differently and realistically, such as blocked rudders etc. More details in the upcoming part 2 of the diary later this week.

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