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Posts posted by Moon

  1. There is a Marines+British bundle download available for those who purchase it.

    Re: downloads. We do not offer digital storage for the games you buy. Keep that in mind, because your download ability will expire after 365 days and/or 10 downloads. You really should download once and then make a local copy (e.g. burn to disc) of the setup files because you will not be able to re-download for ever.

  2. No, we have no plans to change to any other DRM at the moment. eLicense is hands-down the best system out there. It's effective in doing what it does (which is only one thing: enforce our End User License Agreement by allowing you two concurrent installations of a game you buy), it's not doing anything behind your back, and it gives you, the customer, full control. There are no restrictions on where you can install and plan, you can move your game around anywhere you want, and your key never expires.

    There are only two problems people have with it:

    a) the DRM haters don't want any DRM. Usually based on false assumptions or bad experiences with other DRMs not related to eLicense at all.

    B) user-error. eLicense puts the responsibility in your lap as the customer, to unlicense your games (although we can reset them), to not lose your key (although we can dig them out) etc. Some people seem to not like that. For me personally, I'd prefer that any day of the week over a Trojan Horse like some other systems out there.


  3. Yes, a release demo is planned for next week. It will not be any different than the current beta demo with two obvious differences:

    - no hard expiry date

    - features will include the 1.196 release version updates

    As I said, we plan to release it next week (the beta demos expire 12/1)

  4. If that is the case, then EoS might have an image problem. I say might, because the thought of a new Empire game was what sold me in the first place. :)

    Anyway, EoS is so much more due to it's modability. The potential looks staggering and I'm really looking forward to start digging into the core of the game!

    Heh, I was just going to say a similar thing... "a modernized redone Empire Deluxe" may not be a bad thing. I know I have been looking for something like that myself (man, how many countless sleepless nights did I spend with the original Empire games in my youth...) and the free versions out there never really grabbed me. Atomicboy Software really managed to take a whole fresh look at this, kept enough of the original idea, but added so much more (especially in terms of moddability but also multiplayer and community functions) that this is a whole another ballgame now. FAR from a "remake".

    What's more, and this is touching upon the price thing: the game provides endless replayability with all the massive community and MP features. The price is, IMHO, way more than justified. If I didn't already have a copy ;) I know I would have been one of the first pre-order customers anyway...

  5. Glad to hear it's working. Here you have proof that DEP is highly buggy on some CPUs (it's a CPU hardware function). Why it would trigger Marines and not the others (which are identical) will always remain the mistery of hardware manufacturers :) (luckily, newer PCs we're seeing rarely seem to have this problem anymore, it was most prevalent when DEP was newly introduced a couple of year ago)

  6. Install base game, then marines module, then british module, then 1.21 patch. You do not need the in-between steps of patching.

    If UAC is off then there is no option to "Run as admin". So it can't be both. Shut down UAC, shut down your AV, reboot your PC and check if the service is running.

    LicCtrl is not uninstalled together with the games. You can manually uninstall it, there is an article on how to do it in our Knowledgebase. You know, you could try that, and when you reinstall the games, it will be re-installed, too. It may "remove" any persistant blocks by your security stuff. Or, in fact, if it is somehow corrupt, it will repair that, too.

    BTW, I am suspecting your Anti-virus program. That's what it usually boils down to if people have weird issues like yours. Some AV programs "appear" to be off, but they aren't, and keep blocking stuff, and you need to reboot *without* them in order to really shut them off. (I wish AV makers would tell people more about the stuff they're installing)

  7. You don't mention the most important thing I asked twice: are you running with full administrator rights? Please right-click on the CM Shock Force.exe, select Properties, and make sure you have it set to "Run as admin". To go sure, do the same for any Module.exe files you have in the Modules folder.

    Or switch off UAC under Windows Vista or 7.

    If it's still being blocked, then it's the Anti-virus software. Check your AV software docs for how to set exceptions, and exclude CMSF. Ideally, you can exclude the entire directory. *May* have to exclude runservice.exe from your C:\Windows folder, too.


  8. Yes, your Windows security settings are preventing the game from launching. This could be either:

    - UAC (user access control). You need to set the Properties of the game executables to "run as admin)

    - your anti-virus/firewall program. You may have to set exceptions to leave the game alone (exclude folders and or exe files)

    - (rare) DEP (data execution prevention. We have a couple of articles about this in our Knowledge Base at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk

  9. Cantona66, I don't think your reupload worked. For some reason there is a persistant EOF (end of file) error with the file you're trying to upload. Perhaps it's too close to the limit, or it may have to do with the file data or your upload. Are you actually getting a "successfully uploaded" message when you're uploading the file?

    I would suggest to create a 2-part archive and try again. I don't think the file on the repository now works.

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