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Posts posted by Moon

  1. Two hints for that mission (not really spoilers, but read on at your own risk :))

    In this mission you will lose a LOT of points when the enemy detects some of your guys. The more of your guys the enemy detects, the more points you will lose. You CAN have a brief firefight with, say, a single enemy unit that ventures too close to your scouts as long as you don't expose too many of your soldiers. If at the same time you fulfill many of the other objectives, you may still get a minor victory.

    Secondly, you get points for detecting enemy units. You can even lose the mission if you strictly visit your OPs and do nothing else useful. Mind you - the mission goal is to DETECT THE ENEMY DISPOSITION. The OPs are a means to an end. You could in fact ignore them completely and if you manage to detect a certain percentage of the enemy, you'd still win!

    Now, detecting the enemy isn't easy (on purpose). I won't spoil it so I won't go into details of why that is. You will have the best result in this mission probably if you forget points altogether and play it as if it was a recon mission...

  2. 76mm,

    Quote:?? You think that a commander looking at a particular site on the ground in real life has no idea about the cover, concealment, and lines of sight at that site?

    Before he gets to that spot himself? Only the barest concept, if even that, would be in the Commander's head. After he got there, in person, then he would have some idea of cover, concealment, and lines of sight depending on the complexity of the terrain and the amount of time he had to evaluate every single fold of earth, every single tree, every single bush, etc. within the area the unit is deployed. And even after such an examination, it would still be a rough guess because one never really knows how well concealment works until you are in the firing position of the enemy. Nobody really knows how well cover works until one is actually shot at.

    76mm, I can only suggest that you grab a topo map from your general area (but one that you haven't been to yet), select a spot on it and try to deduce from looking at the map what you're going to see, then go to the spot and look around. Chances are you will be thoroughly surprised :)

  3. No :)

    You do not gain anything by pre-ordering now. You won't be able to download any quicker because of it. If you simply wait until the game is released you'll get the same download at the same price. By pre-ordering you're out money now for something you'll get later... that's a loss for you.

    We do not gain anything because while we get your money now, we need to hold on to it until the product is released, for legal reasons. This in fact only increases our administrative costs.

    The win win only applies if both download & mail are thrown into the equation. You save $10. That's a win. We get an order for hardgoods. This allows us to better judge how many CDs etc. we need to produce, making our planning more efficient. That's a win for us.


  4. Yes, well luckily we both live in free countries and are entiteled to our own opinions.

    True. Even the incorrect ones :)

    Anyway, I've allready ordered. I'll do my part in saving the American economy.

    Thank you very much. I guess we'd have to throw in a couple of Chevy's and a house or two into the deal though in order for it to have much impact :)

  5. Yes. the game will be available as download only (as well as "mail only" and "download and mail") once it's released. Pre-orders always include both download and mail, hence the S&H added. For pre-orders you save $10 over what the "download and mail" option will cost later ($55 plus S&H), somewhat offsetting the S&H (or, in the case of national customers, completely offsetting it, because North America S&H is only $10).

    BTW, I do not agree that it's pricey... for Europeans, even at $65 including S&H, the cost is only EUR 43 including shipping and everything, which is roughly what a game will cost you in Europe if you pick up on the shelf in a store, and you get both delivery AND a download for it. Not a bad deal at all if you ask me, due to the exchange rate (which is the main reason for the higher S&H in the first place).

  6. Yes, installing the patch into a different folder than where your game is installed affects the whole thing :) During the installation of the patch, you are being asked where you want to install the patch. The default location often points to the correct installation directory, but not always. You can change it manually to point to the right path, and the right path would be where the game is installed.

    However, looking at the path of your installed game, I suspect that the Über patch you downloaded from us won't work. You seem to have the Russian version of the game, not our Battlefront version (if you had the latter, the /Battlefront path would be correct). The Über patch that we host is valid for the Battlefront version only and you will need to find the correct patch for the version you own and install that. Of course you can try ours but chances are that it will corrupt your game installation. You will know if it does if you launch the game and it asks you for a license key you don't have....

  7. Yes, NJSC00, the problems you are encountering all still have to do with your Windows security settings. All that I said above applies, as you are still trying to run the game without proper Administrator rights. Please check out your Windows Vista manual for how to shut off User Access Control. That will get rid of all the issues you're encountering and may be easier for you to do than setting them inidividually for the game. It may also resolve issues with other software you may be encountering not even knowing it. And as I suggested, please contact www.battlefront.com/helpdesk if you need more detailed assistance.

  8. The download is not corrupt. You need to lauch the game for the first time with full administrator rights ("Run as administrator" from the Right click->Properties menu), or you need to shut off User Access Control (UAC). Please refer to your Windows Vista manual for UAC.

  9. Yes, if you install both modules at the same time, it is possible that you will have to exit the game and go back in to license the other module. This doesn't happen 100% of the time, but it's possible. Since by licensing one of the module you also license the base game automatically, this only will occur with the modules and never with the base game.

    The best method to do this therefore is listed in the Knowledge Base at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk and is what you did the second time round:

    - install CMSF base game

    - install Module 1

    - launch game, activate module 1 (which activates base game)

    - install Module 2

    - launch game, activate module 2

    - install Module 3

    - launch game, activate module 3

    Well, you get the picture :)

  10. You can always manually unlicense each individual module by going into the Modules folder, creating a shortcut to the .exe file in there (e.g. Marines Module.exe), and then adding the "-unlicense" tag to the Properties->Target line. This is a (very) short version of the "manual unlicensing procedure" explained in our Knowledge Base at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk.

    In the future, each Module will have its own unlicense link in the Program->Start menu. I think Matt forgot to add that for Marines.

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