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Everything posted by Sulomon

  1. The same didn't happen to U.S. forces. The U.S. military has massively more funding and resources and are in a much better shape than Russian forces.
  2. Been away from Combat Mission for some months and just finished reading this. Great AAR.
  3. Tanks are a lot better fire support than javelins, much less vulnerable to suppression, and are more mobile. We could also play a quick battle or two with javelins instead of tanks and see how it plays out!
  4. Bruh there aren't even TURMS-T in the match. Plus we are talking about the glorious SLA Opfor not "Syrians"
  5. I also think the length and detail in the posts is quite good.
  6. The only house rules I play with are no artillery or air strikes on spawn zones first couple turns.
  7. I've heard that units get a cover bonus/saving throw with fortifications and cover. Seems more likely to me than Battlefront putting more resources into a bullet physics engine.
  8. I was just concentrating my firepower of that particular company.
  9. Opfor commander here! Yeah I did a poor job of concentrating my firepower and I allowed my forces to be destroyed piecemeal.
  10. If your opponent didn't already know this you should be fine regardless
  11. Stats are regular, normal, zero for veterancy, morale, and leadership respectively. Helicopters do make use of what they have more effectively from what I've seen but it's weird that a Su-25 costs almost the same as a Mi-24D.
  12. I've reliably killed the modernized T-72s with excaliber ammunition. You must be having bad luck or something.
  13. Because Steve doesn't have the time to do it himself.
  14. Miller hasn't ever posted as being someone from Battlefront. No reason to assume this isn't a volunteer effort.
  15. No good deed goes unpunished. The video by Miller is good and he's a beta tester not the marketing department. BFC is a handful of people. Unfortunately this means slower work, less than constant communication, (Being a bit harsh but Steve can handle however he wants and can, I'll still buy SF2 at the end of the day), and no marketing department set to making trailers. Edit: lol my "no good deed goes unpunished" got ninja'd by Vet 0369.
  16. The Italians are already split into teams by default in most of their formations.
  17. I don't care that much about the delay but I also do like these situations for the meme potential. Unfortunately haven't thought of any good memes yet.
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