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Observations and oddities part5

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The grey line, in part4, is the observers view. I would think the FO sighting would be given some sighting lee-way because of smoke, kicked up dust or even the sound of the explosion.


Seems to be some anyway. ‘Lost’ rounds are a problem; but I doubt FDC would continue to shoot the same data over and over again. And the FO wouldn’t call FFE on rounds he couldn’t see. The situation of a FO with mortars to their rear, sometimes only 200 to 300 meters behind and spotting rounds go off to never-never land, I find very idiotic.

In a scenario there were 2 bunkers roughly 150 meters apart and I was firing wp to smoke them in. I got FFE on first bunker that was perfect and started on 2nd bunker. It was rather irritating that I had to start over, and it started with a wild short 150m miss; but then it was worked back up to the second bunker. Of course, by this time, the other wp had dissipated. The command for the second bunker should have been just “right 150, repeat”.

Another useful command other than ‘repeat’, would be ‘at my command’ fire battery.


I find it rather ironic that any unit can fire such perfect shots and then can’t hit the broadside of a barn afterwards.


If I have FFE on a target, by definition that target becomes a TRP (battery has firing data to exact location and distance). So, isn’t it a TRP, other than couldn’t be used for ambush? It is very common to fire at target and then use that target, as reference, to fire on another target.

Why is infantry’s ‘pop smoke’ so damned in-accurate? Faced a unit towards a road and they threw it 45 degrees to the left.

So BFC put so much programming time and money into cmx1’s routines; ‘move to contact’, ‘advance’, ‘sneak’, ‘follow vehicle’, ‘shoot & scoot’, ‘seek hull-down’, ‘click & drag waypoints’, ‘environmental settings’ , ect…. And so, it was decided to keep the artillery/mortar’s smoke ‘or’ he. If battery is allocated 40 rounds he and 10 rounds smoke, it should be 40 rounds he ‘and’ 10 rounds smoke. This smoke ‘or’ he has never made any sense what so ever. Tanks have he/ap ‘and’ smoke (sometimes), why is artillery different? I also bought English version, so why, when playing german, radio traffic is in german. If the above was aborted to make it easier for new player; isn’t this rather confusing to them?

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I also bought English version, so why, when playing german, radio traffic is in german. If the above was aborted to make it easier for new player; isn’t this rather confusing to them?

It's been that way since CMX1, and TBH I've never really heard any complaints about it.

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FWIW, the fact that 40 rounds is your total allocation, and out of that 40 the maximum smoke you can ask for is 10 rounds has been extensively discussed and justified.

While that is true, the way it's conveyed to the player is still totally nonsensical. The way that the came counts down remaining rounds is bass-ackwards to how it should be shown if you want any meaningful information to be conveyed to the player.

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LukeFF, of RFB team? In CMx1, FO exchange as well? background chatter i remember.

Yes, I'm the RFB developer.

Now that I think about it more, I don't think there is radio chatter for artillery and air support calls in CMx1. However, all nations in CMSF speak in their native language for FO calls.

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OP--I used to be in FDC as well, so I can sympathize. The artillery system could stand a little additional work. My recommendation would be having repeat FFE within maybe 100-200 meters of the original target (of course there should be some random variation on where this actually falls, one factor being the experience of the FO) with the tradeoff being that each arty type has a standard firing pattern and deviating from this will result in longer fire mission times. Maybe not all that is needed but I think it would improve things.

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I agree that the arty count system is not just counter-intuitive, but just wrong.

My current 105 battery shows "105mm HE...70", "105mm Smoke...10".

Now, if the first ammo line showed "105mm shells...70", that would be more correct.

If - and it's been far too long since I tested this and proved it to myself - IF the game counts rounds as if the top line (HE) is total and smoke can be either smoke or HE, well, it's wrong. If it's labeled "HE", well, it should only be HE. Ditto for smoke.



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AM- agreed.... but for game purpose, simplicity, the 'standard firing pattern' be just a circle.

Yes that's what I meant. But maybe the circle should be different sizes depending on the firing unit. A battery of 105s using a bigger standard circle than, say, 60mm mortars would. Also if you are going to repeat FFE you should have to do it immediately following the original mission, at least with higher level assets. A battalion level asset might wait a little longer for you to decide if you want to repeat before going on to something else while brigade level might not, ect.

At present my favorite trick when trying to take out a single target like an AT gun is point target, harassing fire, max. mission length. This way I can continue fire until the target is destroyed without having to restart the fire mission from scratch, but once it is destroyed I can cease fire without wasting too many rounds. It doesn't work too badly but imo is a little gamey and is not what a unit would do irl.

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