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No More 2 pLayer Turn Based TCPIP??

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I was going to pick this up and it appears you have done away with the turn based TCPIP? Unless I am missing something? (hopeful)

I really enjoyed the strategy/control of turn based. I thought I would like real time but it just isn't a fit for this game at least to me. I am too spoiled on playing the way it was originally designed. I find I am spending way too much time fighting the camera and losing all the control I had over what is going on. (Theater of war camera works much better)

I even went back and looked at the shock force demo but it appear that it is the same way. Very bummed at this point as I was hoping to play with my son.

At what point did this cease? Any chance of adding it back in ? :P PBEM just ain't my thing I don't have the patience for fooling with that.

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You also can't save tcp games. All of the tcp games I have played have been quite laggy for the person who is not hosting, even on a high speed connection. So PBEM is really the only usable choice for multiplayer.

Small realtime TCP games can still be fun but when the connection lags out and you can't restart from an earlier save it is quite infuriating to know you've spent that time playing only to not see an outcome for the game. I'm not big into PBEM either but its really the only way to enjoy the game against humans...I'd recommend looking into the dropbox solutions for PBEM play and maybe you and your son could set aside a time to play everyday and exchange a few files in quick succession. Not ideal at all but sadly all we who enjoy TCP have at hand currently.

From what I have seen on the boards, making TCP play actually usable, and with the options available to single player gamers, is low on the priority list of game improvements, though I think they would like to include it someday (I can dream).

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Nah not interested in hotseating. I have neck and back issues so the way my pc is setup is the only way I can even play also I don't have the patience :P I have had to give up a lot of gaming due to health constraints. I am basically in a recliner with no table so I thought CM2 was going to be ideal. i have trouble reading a lot of what is on the screen because of the distance I have to be from the TV in order to play anything. I can get around it in turn based as I have more time to try and decipher what I need to.

I am a bit puzzled why they took it out. They already have a real time game with the Theater of War series. The graphics there are much better as is the camera but I really missed the control I had with turn based.

That actually surprised me because being a huge Close Combat 2 player I loved the real time there. However it was overhead and smaller scale. Also the game speed was much slower so you weren't in a frenzy to react like most RTS games.

I really wanted to buy this game. I hope they do something to address this.

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Panzerleader, the argument on this was had and "lost" at least four years ago when BF started to design the CMx2 engine. They made their decisions based on their perception of what would be best for them and, indirectly, their customers. Steve has said that WEGO over TCP/IP is something that they would like to have, but it certainly isn't going to happen in the near to medium term. Maybe we will see it again when CMx3 comes out in a few years' time.

Personally, though I was a great player of CMx1 head to head over a network, I still think the game is well worth the price. Playing against the AI is much more of a challenge than in CMx1 (there are some really good scenarios and campaigns already available) and I am finding PBEM more acceptable than I thought I would.

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CMBN is a very good game.

I think that many of us went through a short mourning period from missing some of the features of the CMx1 series, but once you spend some time playing CMBN and get used to this new incarnation there really is no looking back.

Additionally, the game will continue to improve as BFC further its development with the release of new modules and updates.

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Unfortunate. I quit playing this because work took over my life. Now I seem to have more time and was hoping to get back into it as the demo rekindled my interest until I tried multiplayer. I even just tried playing CM1 and found that it doesn't display right and I can't end my turn after watching the video so I guess I am screwed :( If the camera was more like the TOW camera I may have caved but unfortunately that isn't the case.

thanks to all that tried to help me get the demo going.

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Unfortunate. I quit playing this because work took over my life. Now I seem to have more time and was hoping to get back into it as the demo rekindled my interest until I tried multiplayer. I even just tried playing CM1 and found that it doesn't display right and I can't end my turn after watching the video so I guess I am screwed :( If the camera was more like the TOW camera I may have caved but unfortunately that isn't the case.

thanks to all that tried to help me get the demo going.

Well, good luck with playing another game which maybe more to your taste.

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If the camera was more like the TOW camera I may have caved but unfortunately that isn't the case.

The camera controls could use some improvement but that's a change you wont see in a module. BF hinted that a UI revamp is in the works for the next major release so it's possible they may tweak the camera controls at that time. Optimistically your probably looking at 4th Quarter of 2012 or 1st Quarter of 2013 before they are ready for the next major release which should be either Bulge or Eastern Front

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It's a shame SS. I think you'll ultimately like the game, but it would require jumping some hurdles.

For example, if you and your son are at the same house, you could do PBEM and use you network. i.e. just drop the files on a shared location. It'll save e-mailing things around - even several hundred MB will only take a few seconds to copy. The big downside of course... in proper TCPIP WEGO both players could give orders at the same time. By doing it this way, your son (who probably has better eyesight!) could play Call of Duty or whatever kids are into these days while he waits for your turn :)

As for the camera controls... yah, they suck. But I can assure you that you get good enough with them to do what you want and need after a bit. I don't think you ever get as good with them as one would hope... but it's usable. especially if you decide to go down the "PBSFOL" (Play By Save File Over LAN) route you can take all the time in the world to fumble with the controls :)

It really is a good game, and if it's your sort of genre I'd recommend picking it up. (The only serious complaints I've heard have been from hard-core board game purists who take offence at the lack of abstraction.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
You also can't save tcp games. All of the tcp games I have played have been quite laggy for the person who is not hosting, even on a high speed connection. So PBEM is really the only usable choice for multiplayer.

Small realtime TCP games can still be fun but when the connection lags out and you can't restart from an earlier save it is quite infuriating to know you've spent that time playing only to not see an outcome for the game. I'm not big into PBEM either but its really the only way to enjoy the game against humans...I'd recommend looking into the dropbox solutions for PBEM play and maybe you and your son could set aside a time to play everyday and exchange a few files in quick succession. Not ideal at all but sadly all we who enjoy TCP have at hand currently.

From what I have seen on the boards, making TCP play actually usable, and with the options available to single player gamers, is low on the priority list of game improvements, though I think they would like to include it someday (I can dream).

not being able to save the game after completion sucks, can't gloat. lol.. makes me wonder what on earth they were thinking have PBEM in, which is very tehnical and needs patience when they had a perfectly stable TPIP turn based. ??

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