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2nd disc

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what am i supposed to do with my additional disc for the game.when i put it in drive nothing happens.when i try manual load computer says there is nothing on the disc.am i not meant to use it till i am so far into game or is there a specific place to access it

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Hello Rachel , welcome to the world of CM smile.gif

The second disk you speak of contains a PC programe called CMMOS which is a utility that allows you to control the way your game looks by modifying it using MODS which are just graphic enhancements of the stock textures.

There are a few hundred MB of these mods contained on the disk..you dont need them to play the game....but if you wish to improve/ change how the game looks then you can do so by using the MODs via CMMOS.

I am a MAC user myself so i dont really know why the cd is not being recognised by your pc.

There should be a pc user along soon enough to give you more detailed / clear instructions smile.gif

Again welome and many happy hours of game play.



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I'm not familiar with the CDV release of CMBO myself. As Måkjager said the second CD contains the CMMOS mod-management utility, extra scenarios and megabytes of graphic mods (improvements). It will never be required by the game at any point - everything on it is optional.

I'd assume that this CD has no auto-play code, so it will do nothing when you insert it. If there are no printed directions/documentation on what to do with the second CD, then I'd suggest browsing through it in Explorer file manager and looking through the directories. You may find a readme file on the CD itself that may explain its contents. Most likely the CD has be divided up into separate diretories for the mods, scenarios and the CMMOS utility (which should have a readme.txt file on installing it).

If you're actually having problems even reading the CD with the file manager then that is another issue.

[ March 23, 2002, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Open up Explorer and browse D: (if that is your CDROM drive). The CD should be labelled Cm_mods. In the root directory open any of the files index.html or CLICK ME FIRST.html with Internet Explorer, Netscape or whichever browser you prefer, there's all the info you need.

As stated before, if you can't access the files then you have an issue with your PC.

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great job have now accessed disc but now have another problem.i am unable to get the mods to work. i followed the instructions[honest] but nothing changes.my husband has got me trying everything to get the winter camouflage to work but i havent had much luck.

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Two things to try:

1. Make sure there is snow on the ground (yes, it's obvious, and you may kick me for suggesting it).

2. After applying mods, you'll have to re-enter the scenario. In other words, if you started a battle, minimized CM to apply mods, then maximized CM, you won't see the mods because the game has already loaded the graphics. Save the game (alt-S), then exit the battle (alt-A), then load the saved game from the menu and the new graphics should appear.

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Originally posted by rachel:

great job have now accessed disc but now have another problem.i am unable to get the mods to work. i followed the instructions[honest] but nothing changes.my husband has got me trying everything to get the winter camouflage to work but i havent had much luck.

Let me preface any remarks I make that I have never seen the Retail CD version and have no idea what is on the second disk. So take everything that I say with a big grain of salt. Now that that's done, I'll do some creative guessing.

The images that get changed in CM are bmp files with file numbers (e.g. 12345). If you stick a used number on just about any bmp file and copy that file to the CMBO BMP folder, the corresponding image will change. If it doesn't, that probably means one of two things: either a) you're doing something wrong; or B) the bmp file that you're copying isn't configured in the style of 12345. Assuming that you are copying unzipped, unfoldered bmp's into the CMBO folder (the program won't read into more than one folder), do the bmp files that you're copying have numbers that sort of look like 12345_ext by any chance ? Those funny extensions are the hallmark of CMMOS files, and there's a separate little drill to make CMMOS work.

[Aside to the powers that be: It would really make our lives easier when we try to help people with their installation problems if BTS could publish a list of what is in the second CD, and in what form].

I'm going to do more guessing. Did you try to install CMMOS mods before installing CMMOS ? A natural thing to want to do, but ultimately frustrating. Briefly, you find the CMMOS program on the second CD [probably looks like a little red cube], get it into your hard drive, and click on it.

Warning: don't put it inside your CMBO program or it will make a mess. This would be as good a time as any other to create a C:\Program Files\CMBO Back-up directory.

If the retail CD has what I think it has on it, a self-install program will start up and suddenly you'll have a directory named GEM Software Productions. Inside that you'll find another called CMMOS.

CMMOS allows you to switch back and forth between different mods at the click of a button. Like Gaul, a CMMOS mod has three parts: a bunch of bmp files with funny extensions (ok, they're not that funny, just weird), a numbered RuleSet (e.g. RuleSet001, RuleSet002, etc.), and, once in a blue moon, a File List addition. The bmp files with the extensions should be copied into the CMBO BMP folder. Once again, just copy the files, no zips, folders, notes, or anything else.

The RuleSets have a lot of text files and a few bmp icons inside. Don't even go there. Just copy the entire RuleSet folder to the GEM Software Productions / CMMOS directory. You'll end up with a bunch of numbered RuleSets inside.

In the rare situation where you're just adding a Rule to an existing RuleSet, you'll need to copy some or all of a numbered Rule, a numbered Description File, a very small bmp file with (usually) a word-based name, and, possibly, a numbered Advanced Rule to the GEM Software Productions CMMOS RuleSet with the corresponding number. But with any luck you'll never have to know that these files even exist. [if I knew what was in the CD I wouldn't have had to bother with this part.]

Finally, if you're very unlucky you may have to copy some File List additions to the GEM Software Productions CMMOS File List folder. These are text files that tell the program what to look for, but I really doubt that the mods on the retail CD would need this kind of treatment.

Notice in all of this that the only thing that goes into the CMBO directory are the raw bmp files. Everything else that gets used (some things are stored for later reading, edification, and hard drive bloat) goes into one of the GEM Software Productions CMMOS directory folders.

Anyway, I've just made a big guess as to the cause of your trouble, and I hope this was of some help. And please don't tell me you use a Mac, because that will require a completely different kind of answer.

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have tried out suggestions.the file is on hard drive in correct folder no problem.i have tried off whites suggestion but it still doesnt work.i can choose the winter option and apply it but it doesnt change the vehicles.why couldnt they make this easy.also every time i put game disc into drive it asks me to install the game before i can play.would this be causing the problem;maybe i havent placed this on my drive correctly[im out of ideas :confused: :confused: :confused:

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Originally posted by rachel:

have tried out suggestions.the file is on hard drive in correct folder no problem.i have tried off whites suggestion but it still doesnt work.i can choose the winter option and apply it but it doesnt change the vehicles.why couldnt they make this easy.also every time i put game disc into drive it asks me to install the game before i can play.would this be causing the problem;maybe i havent placed this on my drive correctly[im out of ideas :confused: :confused: :confused:

Part of the problem that I'm having in trying to figure out what's wrong is that the information that you're giving is a bit on the vague side. The vast majority of the people who own CM bought it over the net, and consequently have a very different version of the beast. When you say "I followed the instructions" we have no idea what that means in practise, because we have not and probably never will see those instructions which may or may not be different from the ones that we used.

Before I take you down the path of texture switching tests, please stop and think for a moment. I'll assume that you've done everything correctly, even though I haven't a clue as to either what you're doing or what your instructions tell you to do. Are you by any chance installing snow textures and winter camouflage textures, looking at a scenario that takes place in June and wondering why there is no snow on the ground ? Don't laugh, I've done it more than once, and I'm supposed to know a lot about terrain. If that was the problem, start up a Quick Battle, set it for 300 points, small map, and none of the other settings matter except month and weather. Pick January and Snow. You may see some differences.

If that wasn't your problem, and I suspect it wasn't, please describe the directory path, folder by folder, of your CMBO BMP folder, and confirm that a) you are trying to use CMMOS, and that B) you have a GEM Software Productions/CMMOS directory. And if you aren't dealing with CMMOS files I need to know that too.

Please be patient, we'll try to get this sorted out.

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I have no info on the running of CMMOS, but in regards to the 'installing on every insert of the CD'...

When you insert the CMBO CD it is running some autorun code that automatically brings up the installer. The internet-only version doesn't have autorun code on it so it doesn't do this. There isn't (generally speaking) anything wrong with your installation if you see the installer upon inserting the disc.

I'd also suggest (but it probably isn't required) that you exit CMBO, apply the changes with CMMOS and then restart CMBO. This should allow for the proper refresh of the textures that you've changed (although not being in a scenario and just at the selection menu should be enough...).

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i have now tried to use the stand alone mods.i have unzipped the files and they are present in my combat mission folder,however they are not working.in the instructions it tells me that after i unzip the files there should be documents telling me how to install.unfortunately these documents are noticably absent.have you got any idea how to make them work with the game

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No, there isn't a site that has the contents of the CDV Mod CD available in a single file download. Most sites consider it too much of a hassle to maintin such large files (since people will usually want a single file that has the latest mods). Hence you're left with downloading the mods individually or in CMMOS configured groupings.

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