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Airborne v. Infantry

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Airborne doesn't get any intrinsic "we're awesome" bonuses compared to an identically experienced/motivated/led regular unit. It will be the same with the SS/FJ/whatever. They are supposed to be given on average higher experience/motivation/leadership levels if the situation warrants their more elite nature.

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In addition they also have more organic goodies to the rifle squads/platoons. 2x Thompsons and a light .30 cal instead of a BAR in the rifle squads and a 60mm mortar organic to each platoon. But the platoons are smaller and they lack any heavier weapons in the company. They're handy in up close bocage combat with the extra automatic firepower and breaching charges.

Glider infantry are pretty close to the regular infantry on the other hand.

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At first I thought airborne would be at a distinct disadvantage due to their fielding the weeny little M1 carbine. But I checked and rifle squads indeed do carry big-bullet Garand rifles. But practically everyone else is carrying the .22 carbine. Airborne was so badly mauled that they became combat ineffective and had to be withdrawn & rebuilt. So perhaps they were somewhat less than ten fool tall übermenchen.

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.22 carbine? Was that the Parachute Plinking Corps?

I'm with Normal Dude. I think that on average, the Airborne should have better motivation and leadership than the "leg" infantry units with similar combat time, but that's not an ironclad rule.

Perhaps there is a tendency that creeps in from popular culture to expect every action involving Airborne units to at least equal the exploits of Easy Company as seen in HBO's BoB and several FPS video games.

In my reading up on the 28th infantry Division, about as un-elite as you can get, they performed poorly as a division when first committed, got much better after the initial baptism of fire and a command change, floundered when poorly used in a bad situation in the Hurtgen forest and on the whole performed heroically in a bad situation during the Ardennes offensive. Same unit, different levels of experience, different leadership and different levels of motivation depending on the situation and state of exhaustion.

Motivation levels as portrayed in CMBN could and should vary depending on a host of factors, and training shouldn't trump all.

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I'd take US para battalion over any other equivalent. More explosives, more mortars, HQs equipped to kick butt.

Some of the AB formations committed at Normandy were pretty green, others were crack - on both sides. I think it's fair to say leadership in allied AB was generally much more aggressive and determined than was the case in the rifle divisions. A lot of those guys died pretty fast though.

Paratroopers are also trained in the use of most weapons the division fielded, as they could not always be assured that they would be able to find their assigned-weapon in the drop-canisters, and would take whatever they found, swapping them later on when a mutually-beneficial arrangement can be made with another soldier. I wonder if this is represented in-game? (presumably the guy who buddy-aids a Zook won't be as good with it as the guy who's it was; AB should perhaps not suffer <as much as others> from that penalty)

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