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Free 2 Play!

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Just make this game (and following ones) free to play, with a free donation.

You can sum up all complaints to a single arguement: "its free, enjoy"!

Plus: youll get fame and a million players, who do all the beta testing for you.

No more "fanboys", "bughunters" and "lurkers" :D

Just an idea, insert flames below please..

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Easy enough to say if your pay-check doesn't depend on sales I guess!

I don't think CM:BN's market is big enough to generate a profit this way, (although if I recollect correctly, a restaurant did try a similar approach, and found people paid on average more for their meals) unlike Team Fortress 2, or other games which have gone this way.

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Bad idea. Such things might work for MMORPGS that come and go like weeds (because they never get a good revenue stream) or other games that assume they have an audience of millions.

There is no legitimate "free model" that will work from a developer's perspective in a community with the limited size of wargaming. With the number of individuals who like to mod things, you wouldn't even be able to make money on selling "uniforms" or "tank skins", etc. either. There's not a "million users waiting to spend $5" when 98% of them can get it free and then ignore it once they're "done with it" and find the next free game.

And, knowing grogs, you can give it to them for free and they will still complain just as much if they spent $120... ;)

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What is a free donation?
If go to my site (link is in my sig) and click on the paypal donation button, you can send me as much money as you like, and don't have to pay any additional fees for to honor to give your money to me! :D
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If go to my site (link is in my sig) and click on the paypal donation button, you can send me as much money as you like, and don't have to pay any additional fees for to honor to give your money to me! :D

LOL I know you meant that semi tongue in cheek, but I am one of those people who doesn't mind paying for stuff to encourage people to continue creating. I'll be checking out the site.

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Have you looked at a free-2-pay game lately? They're nothing but money makers - the gaming equivalent of a poker machine. They're based around never being happy with what you have and having two methods of getting where you want to be (leveling up, getting new stuff): either you pay a *little bit of money (If you got everything in most F2P games you'd spend thousands) or you play it non-stop for days on end and at the end you're still not happy.

I played World of Tanks for about 5 hours and then realized two things:

1. The game was not fun for me at all. The only thing keeping me playing when I looked at it objectively was the desire to get a better tank (but this is almost an endless cycle where you're never happy).

2. It was made almost purely for profit. I find it difficult to play a like this. Yes of course developers must be paid and they deserve money for their hard work, but most F2P games are built entirely around the concept of making as much money as possible.

I like spending $55 (cheap for a game in Australia where most new releases are arbitrarily inflated to 90AUD or more) upfront on a game I know has been made for people to enjoy.

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