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I would propose that any new versions of SC have an algorithm that allows a player to somewhat control his NM level. Since MPPs represent, in a way, the wealth of a nation, then any reserve of MPPs kept in the "National Treasury" from turn to turn has a beneficial effect on the NM level. The advantage of a balance of "Guns and Butter".

It would also serve as an incentive to invest more heavily into IT and PT in order to maximize the MPP reserve as well as prompt your opponent to perhaps think more seriously about a strategic bombing campaign.

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I would advise Hubert to pick up a copy of Panzer Corps and examine the dynamics of movement and combat.

I prefer the the SC model on predicted casualties but the ability to perform combined attacks and deselect and reselect units is paramount to the new SC.

Currently, I'm reading a book "Cry Havoc", which is a study of the rearmament race proceeding after WW1 which actually leads into the WW2 conflict, irregardless of leadership. I'm of the opinion the new SC should be based upon this theorem and begin in the early 20th Century after WW1 has concluded.

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Second the Panzer General like tactics suggestion.

Would also like to see Totaler Krieg like interests "roll up a different WWII" implemented via a lot of 1930s or even 1920s events. HOI also allows a lot of variation.

Need to keep game experience fresh rather the endless Poland->west->east drill :)

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I would like to offer opinion of more emphasis on destroying the enemy army, more than this old "objective model" that's been around since original SSI PG!!! Wars are won by beating the enemy army, then objectives come. This insistance on a total objective-reliance is not representitive of WWII; it is better suited for WWI. Most battles were fought "out in the field" so to speak. PLease get away from these contrived maps that only lend to the AI's static doledrum of enrenchment(WWI again, II).

I just finished as Axis with new WWI, a major Cenral victory and was just astonished at the amount of firepower/units the AI had!!!! Should have been the reverse. Unbelieveable!!!!! I know that MP is fad of the day, but sometimes one just wants to go solo. Anyway, I just would like to see a real new concept of a game, instead of SOS(last S, is stuff.)


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Need to keep game experience fresh rather the endless Poland->west->east drill

IMHO the current series does pretty good for WWII ETO with the variability of events and such. Are you just making an observation or have you got any suggestions for improving the game experience?

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For SC3, multi-unit/adjoining combined attacks/defense as it was in real combat. Multi unit support from atty/aircraft in the vicinity also than the piece meal one unit defense. That would be more reflective of the combat environment. One may say due to hex/unit representation this ahould not be the case, so we can say a certain percentage of adjoining units strength will participate in the attack/defense.

Also, medals (increased morale, defense, attack, movement, supply, terrain, half-cost upgrades, sea hunter, raider, naval gunner, ace, spotting, air blitz, winter expert, etc) should be introduced for units when they gain experience and perform x # of kills. Likewise for HQs -(increased # of units it can supply/logistics, increased supply, defense, attack, terrain expert, spotting, etc).

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I would also love to see a 'Days of Decision' style addition to a game of this scale that could generate 'alternate' WW2s. Ideally you'd go all the way back to who won WW1 and play through 'Political' turns of 2 years or so before going down to 3 or 4 months in the mid thirties and finally launching into the game proper. I suppose the biggest problem would be AI and balancing. Even if that's too ambitious for the base game it would make a FANTASTIC expansion pack.

Realistically though the biggest thing I'd like to see for a proper SC3 is having it start as a global scale game.

I'd also like to see hexes return, and maybe you guys could get the artist (if he's a freelancer) who did Panzer Corps. Now that's a lovely looking game!

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I would very much like to see some changes to the combat system that allow smaller scale combat to end up in victory for the aggressor. Currently a single corps in a city can only be destroyed by bringing a HQ and several units. This causes problems in island warfare and smaller invasions, such as in Norway. Such remote places are extremely expensive to conquer due to the necessity of many units and thus not worth it. If SC3 is going to include the pacific, or will so in future expansions, it important this is thought about from the start.

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An iOS simplified back to basics version just using units from the original SC, keeping the game purely on a strategic level.

Having Blash Mon as beta tester would be a pretty doggone good start on it.

BTW: For those who haven't tried it as of yet, I would most definitely give the new WW2 scenario a good work-out. I've been doing so for the last week and am having a grand old time!

Even if you are a veteran SC player, I do believe you'll discover some fresh new challenges and many fines surprises as well. Tougher to co-ordinate your units (... there are some truly cool new ones). By making a few very simple mouse-clicks, you can speed up the AI so a turn doesn't really take all that long. And too, there are some adjustments and expert tweaks already being planned and soon -- on the way.

If you've been waiting -- time to go for it! As Blash Mon would say, get -- IN THERE! And have some great good fun while yer at it.

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Hi Dave! I've informed Hubert that I will gladly beta test if he ever goes iOS. It would be my sole reason for buying an iPad!

I very confident there is a lucrative market for a simplified version of SC. As simple as SC1 in play.

-- See in you in there

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I have been playing SC since the beginning, entirely against the AI, and have had a blast with it. The newest version, “WWI” is my favorite and contains all the wish list items I had formed over the years except:

- Combined attacks

- Stacking (still bugs me that an air, AA or art. unit prevents a land unit from moving in)

- Naval units should have an option to be placed on patrol which will allow it to "attempt" to automatically intercept and engage enemy naval units (similar to the concept of air interceptors and defensive art fire, except that at the end of a successful intercept your naval unit would end up adjacent to the fleet you just intercepted)

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I miss those SC1 days too. KISS = fast & fun. I have some ideas... ;)

Well me and JerseyJohn proposed an enhanced version of sc1 2-3 years ago. Very quiet back then from everyone else.

If people no want to go back to basics of sc1 and with the improvements of sc2 series plus heavily improved graphics that would be nice.

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I could go for that. I liked SC1, but it had big balance problems and we had big fights on the forum about stuff like air power (for the longest time people adamantly defended the game and how it was entirely realistic that air power alone would blast entire armies into oblivion, but I've learned that's how it is on every forum dedicated to a certain subject in the Net - people are loyal to a fault), a problem compounded by the fact that the same unit served as both fighters and tac air (a reasonable proposition for this scale, but the problem is that units gathered experience from ground attacks for air combat purposes and vice versa, making them unstoppable for both purposes).

Anyway. The smoothness of SC1 (with an improved map and balance) as well as the best additions of SC2 could make for a nice and approachable game.

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For me the biggest benefit of SC1 was its suitability for multiplayer. The latest campaigns takes plenty of time to finish and probably never be balanced out really as too few games can be completed. What would be great to have a smaller map within the new engine. I believe Hubert can never invest enough to make the AI a real challenge (as no one at the moment in game industry), but much easier to create a quick campaign, which also helps to attract new players, and for the SC community is better if lots of games are going on, which is only feasible if game turns are shorter. (In old times it was possible to have an online game within a day or so, now it is unrealistic with the 60+hours need to play one game).

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AI is actually quite good in this game if you compare with quite a few other strategy games, and most players probably play against AI, although its in multiplayer that it shines.

I think squares have done a good job, so why people want hexes back is a riddle to me. Especially the global campaign is in my opinion a much better game than SC1 ever was, and squares are contributing to that.

I would prefer an even more epic game at larger scale, with new units and attachments (naval bombers, marines, mountaineers, commandos), commanders for air and naval units, division instead of corps level, decisions on politics (industrial capacity vs. manpower/partisans vs industrial output in occupied terriotories/aircraft focus vs. shipping focus vs. army focus) etc.

For the WW2-Scenario I would like to see campaigns like Weserübung and the invasion of Greece and Crete made in a more interesting way. That is something which is lacking in most WW2-games...

Graphically the map could be more beautiful. I loved the Rome TW or the Victoria 2-map, something at that level of detail would be fantastic. I dont mind about sprites, as I dont play with them anyway, but I guess others do...

Just a wishlist.

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I really don't want an improved SC1 for SC3.

I love all the new SC2 changes, and when it comes to WW2, i still believe that Global Conquest is the best game out there. Period. Maybe the map could get 20% larger (and the oceans 50%).

Personally i don't love single theater maps anymore, not after i played GlobalConquest. The only way i could accept single theater campaigns (in SC3) would be it they would be linked together. Play your turn in Europe, while the AI plays in the Pacific. Than change, first watch your opponents move, than move yourself in the pacific while the AI plays in Europe.

While a European Map fof WW1 is very reasonable and well, i don't want anything less than a Global Map for SC3.

Graphics, as much people cry may out for them, well, i don't care about them.

Hell, i play board games with paper counters, and i love it. I still play MS-DOS Games with graphic you might get eye cancer from, and i really really don't care.

I care for gameplay, content, and if the game is able to create the illiusion that i'mreally in command and in the time line where the game is set.

In these categories all SC2 games have been extremly good, espacially Global Conquest and WW1.

iOS games are nice, but i wouldn't play a strategic command game on my ipod, and i don't plan to ever buy an ipad.

When i want to play a game like strategic command, than only on my computer, or with real dices, counters and a board on my living room floor.

And when it comes to play time, well, i fear that the moment a future SC will take less hours to play, than the community will cry out for more features, more possibilities, more content, and, of course, more play time.

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