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Mortar question

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HI, I looked in the manual but none the wiser. Playing germans in the Eberbach scenario, my hvy wpns co (in radio contact with Kp Hq) is next to my mortar teams yet Kp Hq is marked, out of contact and can't act as spotter, surely anyone in radio contact can call on support or what am I missing?

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HI, I looked in the manual but none the wiser. Playing germans in the Eberbach scenario, my hvy wpns co (in radio contact with Kp Hq) is next to my mortar teams yet Kp Hq is marked, out of contact and can't act as spotter, surely anyone in radio contact can call on support or what am I missing?
Did you move the mortar section's halftracks away from them?
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Are your mortars in contact with their HQ? You can daisy-chain HQs but the mortar unit has to be incontact with the last one in the chain. So if the halftack, which contains the radio, is too far away from the tubes or the tubes are too har away from the HQ the chain will be broken and the behaviour you are reporting will occur.

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Did you move the mortar section's halftracks away from them?

The way I did it was to take the company HQ and put it in between the spotter and the mortars. I also had to move the mortars closer to the HQ in order to establish contact.

Generally I think there's something a bit off with the communication between FO's and mortars.

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Halftrack? What halftracvk? I had armored cars and panthers and Marders....don't remember a halftrack. I had the same problem last night...out of contact the whole game.

Hmm...demo version of that scenario may be different than the one in my beta version. I will download the demo again.

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I chuckled at that. The Beta guys are not only juggling past scenario versions in their heads they're also juggling past game builds too. I'm sure on more than one occassion I've given an answer to a question that would've been correct a month ago but is a bit off the mark now.

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The way I did it was to take the company HQ and put it in between the spotter and the mortars. I also had to move the mortars closer to the HQ in order to establish contact.

Generally I think there's something a bit off with the communication between FO's and mortars.

Do the mortar teams have their own radios? If not they have to be within shouting distance of an HQ, or their own vehicle, that does have a radio and which is in contact with the spotting unit. That chain has to be complete.

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The mortar teams Hq is right next to them, he has a radio and is in radio contact with his company Hq, yet Company Hq cannot call support as the mortars are marked as being out of contact to him. there are no mortar halftracks in this build.

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The mortars do not have their own radios. Section HQs also don't have radios, just the Platoon HQs. Mortar halftracks, on the other hand, do. The latter were removed from the Demo at the last minute so some of the testers are unaware of their absence :D

On map Medium Mortars *are* difficult to use when on the attack or if you lose your C2 somewhere between them and whomever wants the support. In fact, they can be downright impossible to use if you don't keep their Weapons Platoon HQ nearby.

Light Mortars are easier to use, but you usually wind up using them direct fire or sticking with a Rifle Platoon HQ. Playing as the Germans in Busting the Bocage I found the Light Mortars to be particularly curse worthy ;)


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The mortar teams Hq is right next to them, he has a radio and is in radio contact with his company Hq, yet Company Hq cannot call support as the mortars are marked as being out of contact to him. there are no mortar halftracks in this build.

Check to make sure the Mortars are "Deployed". Also, what is the message you see when you select the Company HQ and look at the Artillery Support display?


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The mortars are deployed, they are in sound contact with the FO and he can call them in, for every other hq unit with a radio they are marked as out of contact even though the hvy wpns Hq is sitting right next to them, and is in radio contact with company Hq. Ps all hq's are in radio contact.

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Yup, I wasn't aware of the change. Sorry for the misleading questions. Here is a simple change to the scenario setup that will put your mortars in contact with all HQs: take the weapons platoon HQ from their location by the western pair of MGs and move them next to the easter pair of MGs. Now move the Mortar Section HQ to spot in between the mortars and the weapons platoon HQ where the mortars still have contact with the Section HQ and the Section HQ has contact with the Weapons Platoon HQ.


Green lines show C2 links.

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The mortars are deployed, they are in sound contact with the FO and he can call them in, for every other hq unit with a radio they are marked as out of contact even though the hvy wpns Hq is sitting right next to them, and is in radio contact with company Hq. Ps all hq's are in radio contact.

The Mortar Section HQ does not have a radio. Unless the Weapons Platoon HQ is moved within voice/visual command range of the Section HQ, the Section HQ and mortars will be out of contact. The green lights and red Xs indicate status of the C2 chain, not current command comms links for the selected unit. In the example below, the Section HQ's link to its immediate superior (weapons platoon HQ) is broken, but the weapons platoon HQ's link to the company HQ is not. The green lights do not indicate that the Section HQ has C2 links to the Company and Battalion HQs. The definitive indicator of whether or not a unit currently has an active C2 link to a higher HQ is the command icons (voice, visual, distant visual or radio) that appear in the box above the suppression meter. If this box is empty (as it is below), the selected unit does not have a link to a higher HQ.


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