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The Peng Challenge Thread's Got Talent!

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That reminds me....I've got a beer in the fridge!

That reminds me, you're a nitwit!*

*Actually, that alone didn't remind me that you're a nitwit. Almost everything reminds me that you're a nitwit. Birds, trees, small dogs... certain cloud formations... a child's smile. They all pretty much whisper to me "Mace is a nitwit!", to which I invariable reply, "Pfft! Tell me something I don't know!"

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You know, I've never had to actually shout at you for 15 minutes to get you to accept reality.

Good gods, man. Do you realize you were arguing on the basis that 'cards are something you can hold in your hand?'

You were 2 minutes away from telling us all that 'shoes could be discarded at the end of a turn, because they were hard to hold in your hand, and, in any case, were meant to go on your feet.'

Fred is going to love this game.

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Birds, trees, small dogs... certain cloud formations... a child's smile. They all pretty much whisper to me "Mace is a nitwit!", to which I invariable reply, "Pfft! Tell me something I don't know!"

So you talk to trees and clouds hmmm?

Are you a hippy or just retarded?

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Which is gamier, the play area at a children's day care centre or Joe Xhia?

PS. the play area is stacked with boxes of games, toys are scattered about, the area is brightly decorated with large Disney character wall hangings, Sesame street is playing on a large screen TV and there is a games supervisor on hand to facilitate the unimpeded playing of games.

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Birds, trees, small dogs... certain cloud formations... a child's smile. They all pretty much whisper to me "Mace is a nitwit!", to which I invariable reply, "Pfft! Tell me something I don't know!"

So you hear voices, is that what you're saying?

**backs away slowly**

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Which is gamier, the play area at a children's day care centre or Joe Xhia?

PS. the play area is stacked with boxes of games, toys are scattered about, the area is brightly decorated with large Disney character wall hangings, Sesame street is playing on a large screen TV and there is a games supervisor on hand to facilitate the unimpeded playing of games.

Oh Puhleeezzzzeeee ... EVERYONE here knows that you are the most gamey individual ever to play this game ... EVER.

You have no scruples, no ethics and no sense of shame. If edge hugging will gain you an advantage then you hug the edge until it can't catch its breath, if last minute flag rushes will win the game for you then your name is Limbaugh, if you can use bailed out crews (of which you usually have MORE than enough) to scout then they'll be skulking about like Kit Carson.

If it weren't for the fact that you're related (by marriage, there's no other way it could happen) to a Shaw I wouldn't deign to give you the back of my hand.

I've tried to instruct you and guide you to a more appropriate methodology in the past Stuka but the gloves are off now ...


p.s. My best as always to the Lady Baroness Von Stuka ... and my continued and heartfelt sympathies to her and anyone who has to deal with you in person.

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So, my staggering powers of prognostication and mighty thews of justice were committed in fierce battle against Elvis's faerie wings of indecision and his tiara of hope, and tho' the struggle was long and hard (siddown, Bauhaus!), in the end, the forces of right and good have prevailed in the wager. And I stand ready to collect my just reward.

Well, all that happened back in June, pretty much, and the poor but shiny Elvis stood with head bowed and forelock tugged, awaiting the word on which hoppy brew might he pour forth from his whithered bowls of loss and miscalculation.

"I know not!" I cried, and my brow was wrinkled and knotted with indecision. I have but little experience with the Earthly brew known as "beer", and I feared a hasty choice might go amiss, and I stand to gain little from the mockery of my high brethren and lesser attendees and hangers-on, and much to gain from the pain and sorrow of my brave but defeated opponent.

I bent my mind long on thought and in the end beamed many transmissions to my Alcohol Jedi Obi-wan Stoli, nowadays known simply as Old Gnome Stoli.

"I'm drunk!" he shouted. He shouts a lot.

"Seanachai Stoli, years ago you drank a lot during the Gin Wars. Now I beg you to help me in my struggle to pick a good beverage."

"I'm drunk!" he shouted again. There were muffled sounds of large objects being pushed across a rough floor.

"I have fought long and - "

"Holy sh!teburgers, I'm WAY drunk!"

"Sigh. I need a good beer. Pick one for me, I beg of you."

"I'm - Woops!" he shouted one more time. This time it was the sound of glass breaking that came through.

Obviously left to my own devices I rejoined the defeated and humiliated Elvis who still waited with the patience of one who has been humiliated and defeated.

And I made my own choice and with the last of his strong magic Elvis did cause a small river of amber brew to flow from Pennsylvania to Minnesota. And as he shuffled away, head bowed and shoulders shaking, I smiled in secret triumph, for he had made my victory the greater in his woe.

For at the last he sought to dupe me, his greater, and when I asked for Budweiser, he fell into the trap that I had prepared for him, and he countered with an offer of Miller Lite instead.

Which is what I had purposed to ask for in the first place. And sweet, sweet victory, she is mine.

And Old Gnome?

Killed. Drowned in a snowglobe accident.

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Boo and I are locked in mortal combat on the Polders of Holland.

His gamey German troops appear suddenly on every corner of the map, and are just as suddenly wiped away by my superior American paratroopers. Problem is...he keeps appearing, I just cannot carry enough bullets to kill them all. I will try.

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Nidan1 and I were locked in mortal combat until a few days ago...but then I won...as if there was ever any doubt.

In your mind perhaps....but not sending turns back does not constitute winning....in your mind perhaps but not in reality.

In Budo sen no sen means that the mind perceives an attack and has already decided how to counter it before it comes. I have already perceived your outrageous statements and have deflected them before you even uttered your first untruth.

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