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[UFC #1 / AAR] Minty Monty (Allies) vs Living Legend (Axis)

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April 1942


Yes, the British are coming. He has 3 Corps & SF in Brussels...no HQ. We hit a Corp hard down to strength 2. The original lead unit is strength 5. I had 2 Engineers building fortresses, their mission has changed...now they are laying down their plow share & have turned them into swords. No tech on my engineers or volkswagon old dudes & kids who are guarding the fatherland & France. Axis minors due show off +2 Infantry & are holding the Siegford fort.


Reports coming in late thru the complete year of snow...HQ-Hort is dead, KIA. His luck ran out when the snow didn't cover his position. The BEF-Army is attacking us, he's at strength-9 entrenched x3. But he must fight my veteran corps in the mountains without Hort. Minty rolled the dice by attacking both France with no HQ and leaving Hort in Norway. When he invaded France, thought he'd bring Hort. Guessing Americans are coming next to France this early? Maybe?


No action, he has ships parked on my port.


Still snowing as usual. Now he knows why I backed off last turn. New equiped +2 Infantry wax Russian Army with ease East of Riga & Russia Corp hit hard. Think snow was lifted there, snowing in South, only attrition attacks.


Beside the Capital, supply sux. So I decide to kill the last HQ. He shows infantry +1 or some kind of tech, didn't bother to check because I must take the capital regardless.


always a slow march, moving a hex closer to India

[Dutch East Indies]

We land in the North, take the port.


A freebie, no army or defenders.


He pays to reinforce the capital to strength-10. we hit it again with carriers & ground. It's back down to strength-2. We also kill another Corp there. HQ of his in the fortress.

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Canadian tanks and another corp land in Benelux. Mud and rain in Ukraine so everyone being a bit cautious. Dutch navy has a patrol around Manilla but IJN has vanished. oh and Finland joins. Stalin does not surrender.

China has had inf wp 1 for ages but against his vet tanks they are no use. only low supply for japanese is limiting their final push but a steady grind.

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May 1942

This puppy is getting dicey. Had some "Ups" for the turn, and some "Downs", plenty of stuff going on.

[The Rock]

Tired of the Allied revolving door at the Gibralter and the fact the Royal Navy carrier (one of them) attack Iraq, we decided to roll the dice, see who is East of the Rock. Italian sub finds Cruiser South Hamton right there on a bump into to. We have initiative and get a power shot, bye-bye Cruiser.

[West of France Ocean]

We battle with Canadian Destroyer +2 tech who was pinging for subs. We dove last turn on defense. This turn we attack with 4-3 odds because I don't care, rather get an exchange than hunted dead. We dish 3 damage, take 4...we scatter from port. Send a second U-boat from the port position, do 4 more damage, take 2. Bloody battle.


Italian Air Units pop on the port of Malta. No ships home, but we have an Air Dogfight with RAF intercepts from Tobruk. He takes a hit, I get lucky, no damage. Bombers drop their eggs, but I take a hit, bad roll.


BEF sitting in Bergen, I can't do squat with Corps & Swedes in the mountains on the ground & pound. We do nothing. The Luftwaffen & Swede air decide to fly a mission. First possible one in ages due to weather. They go about the port of Bergen on 0-0. Turns into double intercepts against Carrier stations in port at Scapa Flow.


We go carefully here, stakes are high. No gambling. We use air units & rotate attacks in the Siegford area. Killing one Brit Corp & one Canadian Corp. Paris troops to the West of the action bunker up. I took minimal damage.


Good action at Mintz area. We pick off Corps standing in the way. I end with a conservative formation. Problem in the South. I get way overconfident, send SF on risky move to attack artillery, I spot T-34 units (2 for sure with other support units). The rest of my line backs off. The SF Bandenburger is left out to dry, this sucked.


Grinding the last city.


We attack the city beside Burma. Bomb HQ supply city and combat city too. BB-Yamamota sails to Indian Ocean, bumps into India Wipro Sub, we take one hit. Send support destroyer to get the kill, it was only strength-5 at start and no tech.


Sure, we'll DOW on them. Tired of them staying out of wars since Ghegis. No modern highway, we'll be there next turn with heavy infantry.


Rest is rain, and small stuff. What sucked was end of turn partisans popped up right beside 2 of my carriers, free spotting :(

Also, Turkey is pissed with Allied George Bush invasion of Iraq.

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March 1942

Folks this UFC = Ultimate Fighting Championship #1. #2 is agains Xwormood. I'm playing the Godfather role of the league. If any two of you (or anybody) would like to participate in UFC #3 or beyond, I can help that happen. You guys can fight yourselves too. It's all about the game.

Good point again.

Minty, are you interested in another AAR game?

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Whosoever fights next in a sanctioned fight please label it UFC #3. I've had couple more offers, but I can only handle 2 games at a time, confusing enough. Not to mention my non-sanctioned sparring with Nupremal on his Vypuero World Campaign.

There is a big difference between mods! The default '39 is more planning while Vypueros has tactical shootouts and more units. Love them all once I get time to play.

I'm really enjoying the games guys. Back to being in action Legend. When Legend doesn't have the motivation, I go stir crazy.

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In both my games (Minty & XW) I've seen some really smart play from all players & some dummy moves. I feel like a golfer who comes back in the Spring who can drive the ball well but needs practice/management improvements. People make gaming because you really have no idea what they will do. These games are drastically different, really getting the itch to play & game all day. Would love to set up an appointment with anybody and go TCP/IP for fast play.....but I'm stuck in corporate cubicle for the majority now.

XW has been showing agressive tactics (China got some kills, RAF attacks, & brave Russia tank tactics), XW has been a slugger, but like any MMA fight there are diff moves. Minty is a pure British player. He loves commando raids, naval positioning, etc. I've had flashes of old school Legend in certain operations then turn around trying rookie tricks & it has cost me the Kreigsmarine. What happened to my navy against XW? Against Minty he won major North Sea battle, but I've picked off some of his ships.

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Ok folks enough of the backslapping. Yes we're all awesome, now back to WAR!!

British withdraw from Belgium leaving corp to cover Brussels. He has sent every spare pawn but no major pieces. Where will Winston strike next?

2 Legend panzer is tough but takes a beating from Russian tac air and a suicidal T34. T34 down to Str 1 , 2nd legend down to a 4 - lots of dead veteran panzer uberlietenants.

In the south he spots another pair of T34s and pulls back , but his SF are left south of Kiev and get hit by Russian artillery ,my Army in Kiev and finally finished off by another tank for next to no damage to USSR.

He invaded Mongolia and is positioning to invade Soviet Union. Dangerous with China still in play and his main tanks and vets far west or in Burma. Phillipines still hold.

play it again sam, British take Algeria. Turkey prepares for war. Soviet Army advances into Romania and Amphib Corp lands outside sofia to block train lines to Turkey

His subs are massing around the Rock and finally sank my cruiser who has spent the last year shelling it to keep the door open. Too little too late with Casablanca in allied control.

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Yes, I had to give some warm & fuzzy words for all those who wear their feelings on their cuff. Back to war.

June 1942

[baltic Sea] U-73, U-47, U-32 all seek the Russian-BB that was spotted raiding Swedish cargo deliveries. We easily find the Marat by colision, it is sunk, no losses. Adolf Hitler is well pleased hearing this news.

[Russia] Attack on Minsk. First turn we get reasonable weather. Tactical Air with Fighter escort go for Minsk, fighter dogfight over the city. 2nd Legend SS Panzer is only strength-4, the commander rejects reinforcements, orders Legend to attack Minsk against strength-9 RedArmy entrenched x1. We do damage, take a hit, then retreat to Danzig. Followed up with Paratroop/Infantry ground & pound. We take Minsk.

[Romania & Bulgaria] HQ-Dumitresca orders Army vs Army battle. We dish out 3 damage from the oil well, take no damage. Bulgaria it's Corp vs Corp, we dish out 2 damage, take no damage.

[Norway] Troops back off Bergen for rest & reinforcements & supply. This doesn't stop Luftwaffen & Swedish air from hitting port of Bergen. Carrier from Scapa Flow continues to dogfight us there, only the best pilots can survive those back-to-back-to-back turns of exchanges.

[France] Yes, I went conservative last turn, killing 2 Corps deeper in my territory to avoid air battles, wanted to make sure to get kills in case Yanks or more Brits decide to aid the Canadians. I could have hit the port last turn, but not worth the risk for the trap. This turn we charge Brussells, he takes damage to 7. We do decide to send Italian Fighter from Berlin to attack, force intercept in London....he loves air sorties. Bomber now goes for port, we get intercepted with no escort, take a hit.......drop two loads of eggs, port is now strength-3. That bastard will die next turn for disrupting Albert Speer's fortress building.

[sicily] Air attacks on Malta port. He's either tired of intercepting or not home in Tobruk.

[Mongolia] Heavy units attack the capital, we do little damage, but softened it up, shouldn't take 1 or 2 turns, tops with 3 heavy units attacking with Tactical Bomber next rounds.

[West China] Slow going, only one road. Sux.

[Manilla] Four Jap Carriers return to the attack. Tactical bomber from Daveo. And 2-SF finish the job, was tougher than I tought. HQ takes the prize. We plunder.

[india] Ground attacks at Chittachang. We have limited supply, reduce SF-Wipro down to 3. We have 2-SF, Army, Paratroops, HQ that he obviously can see. He has about the same. Nippon then send Naval units. BB-Ise & BB-Yamamota move in. We shorebombard Chittachang. CV-goes next......but we bump into BB+2 tech in port, strength-6....crap, I lose my attacks. Jap Destroyer goes for that India carrier, we get a hit. Bummer, Yamamota missed.

[HongKong] Do damage, no kill.

[Russia] Yes, Russia! Japs DOW on Russia. Main attack with 3 heavy infantry at Borzya, reduced the entrenched RedArmy to strength-6, we take limited damage. Rail is cut to the East. In the East, he brought HQ to protect empty city. We attack with SF, ping him for 1-damage.

Since he was getting so happy & crazy with T-34 in Russia, the Japs wanted to help out.

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Right. So this is truly Global. You folks watching at home are getting good value for money. I'll even through in my free holiday guide to places we are blowing up...

All of above as listed by Rambo plus

IJN terrorising RN off coast of India. Imperial Japanese Army ploughing north through Mongolia building up a siege at Ulan Bator ( I went there on holiday once , nice place, good dinosaur musuem, terrible food though)

Russian not so cut off and 2 Parachute units arrive in Vladivostock :) He he he , that should open some options - Sapporo here I come (good skiing in winter and some lively bars downtown) Soviets reinforce around Lake Baikal ( lovely spot in summer, blue water as far as the eye can see)

Turkey joins Axis. Russian tank and Brit corp despatch Syria / Palestian and head north into Turkey with Ark Royal providing air support (Probably stop off in Jaffa some great restaurants down on allenby street in the old town) US TAC bombs some random east european rent a nazis outside Brussels ( great place for seafood Brussels)

US destroyer bumps in U boat off west coast of North africa. UK reinforce Brussels and Bergen. Germans have pulled out of southern Russia and Ivan is advancing.

China / Burma / Indonesia etc some other minor fighting. Oh Chinese partisan are popping up all over the place. Rambo doesn't seem to care

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This is absolutely Global. Replays are taking so long I can drink most of a beer during one.

Allies may not win the war but they will win the 1944 world cup as Brazil are now on board. We march to a samba beat.

Mongolia surrenders. Rambo is making some good strategic moves with the Japs. He has basically used most of his "free" units that are designed for island hopping scripts to form two attack groups to go after Russia. One through Mongolia and one across the border at Chita(??) new places names for me , don't know them off by heart.

However Soviet forces are pretty substantial now in July 42 and we have only lost riga and minsk in the west. One T34 counters the lead Japanese unit, few points of damage, we'll see next turn. Again Rambo is very disciplined about building up experience units. It's quantity vs quality in russia and it will take time for my troops to build up exp. 2 units of Soviet Special forces advance out of blagowhatsit to cut off his forces to the north. He has only a corp attack vladivostock and I have 2 paras there.

Time is not on the Japanese side though. He's not going to make much progress against such large soviet forces although it is taking pressure off the Germans as I send my reserves to Siberia not to attack the Hun in the west. Fritz is now readvancing towards odessa with some new tanks, still level 2. I let him for now. Few tac bombers and intercepts but it is mostly still a phoney war in the Ukraine with both sides wary of the others counter attack. The Japanese still have their 3 veterans tanks pinging steadily at China's last capital and are bogged down in Burma. The IJN vanishes from Indian shores , will it head west to Sri Lanka or back to Singapore? He doesn't seem to control too many islands but I can't rush the Americans in as the IJN could be lurking around the next atoll and wipe me out before I get started, Has to be a slow and steady island hop.

Other minor stuff , Brussels just still holds but I have only 1 corp there and it should fall any day. He's back to fort building in the europe. I still hold Bergen.

Turkish ship in Dardanelles gets hit by russian corp (new feature for 1.02 -land attack on sea/land square) , russian ships and finally HMS Malaya from the med side. she sinks.

My super T34 that has conquered Persia, Iraq and Syria (let Brits take it though as needed the port for them) now crosses into turkey and attacks with air support from Ark Royal. Axis can't reinforce with tough germans as they don't have yugo and soviet corps landed on west side of Dardanelles to buy more time. Will take a few turns with the mountains there but Turkey looks in trouble. I like typing Dardanelles , it makes me think of Winston.

Anyway, Good to see UFC#3 started. Immense fun as this AAR is, the whole point to show new players what can be done in this game and to showcase it to a wider audience. Although whopping the Legend's legendary butt is a possibilty.......

Xwood , thanks for the offer but too busy in the thick of it with work , baby, new house and trying to hold off Rambo. If we both beat him then I guess we'll need a "final".

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August 1942

[Chittagong, India] On the border of Burma, infantry war at its best. HQ-Umezu leads 17th Korean Army, 3th SF, 6th SF, with paratroop support against SF-Gurkas, BAI-Army, HQ, and other infantry units. We attack Chittagong where the Gurkas are holding the frontline. We do good damage. Attack to the NE on BAI-Army, we give a nice hit.

[China, #3 capital] Weather clear. We kill Corp east of the capital. Kill Tactical Air because I felt like it. Now have 2 adjacent spaces for the Alamo. Soon.....as in 1 or 2 turns if weather is clear.

[Manchura] Wow, this front is going nuts this turn. I spot & count total of 13+ Russian units in the East. He acts like he doesn't care, but somebody sent all these units. Had to aid the Nazis. Ulan Ulde is approached via the mountains, very slow moving, no mobility. On point we do dish out a nice hit. East from here, major assault going on. Japs show HQ with 3 heavy infantry units. We attack Borzya with Tactical first, then follow up with 3 prong infantry. We get the kill, we get the city. Over at the port of Vladiostock, I don't like 2 Russian paratroops threatening mainland Nippon. BB-Kaga, BB-Fuso, CA, CA, Fighter all attack one coast paratrooper. We get the kill. In the middle of Manchura (Harbin city to be exact) Russia infantry has invaded me, trying to cutoff key supply. Reds bring two SF & Corp while still holding units in Russia cities....he wants my supply. the Emperor immeditely calls for a Banzi charge. We start with some good damage, but my Kamakazi Corps take hits, not give them.....battle brewing in the middle of Manchura.

[On the East Front] germans have decisions to make. Turkey is under siege & cutoff. Romania is being invaded. We swing 2nd Panzer to the South from Warsaw area to attack lead Russia Army in Romania. with a little bit of help from my friends, we wax this Commie. In the North, the Baltic States, positioning is a problem. He's behind the river at Smoltz. I fight for attrition here, kill a Corp in the Swamp, advancing slightly slow.

[Low Countries] Last of the retreating Canadian/British is killed in Brussells. I don't have manpower to ask for a follow & capture of the city. Axis minors & Volksbuntas are in charge.

[sicily/Malta] Fighter doing both offensive & defensive strategies. RAF fights me daily from Tobruk.

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August 1942

All kinds of ground & pound warfare in the Far East

[urumchi, China] His entrenchment x6 in the Alamo is ticking me off. No way to take it this turn. My units disorganized, supply screwed up...need to get my HQ up a hex. Therefore, we pick on the weakest unit, kill Corp & kill damaged Fighter. The terrain is goofy.

[Chittagon, India] Massive Indian Army is forming. Pop-up messages keep stating new units mobilized. Meanwhile, we attack the Gurkas in the frontlines Chittagong from 3 directions, tough battle in the rain.

[Manchura] Infantry battles all over the place. Russians have operanded all kinds of units. Battles at UlanUde, Borzya, Tsitsihar....We kill SF invading Tsitsihar....pop 8-0 near UlanUde, hit Corp on the coast. It's bloody. My Carriers are working from ports.

[batavia, Dutch East Indies] Ground attacks from the North by my ground troops reduce the captial to strength-1

[belgrade, Yugoslavia] Welcome to the war, and 1-turn exit. My Panzers assisting Romania went West with Tactical Bomber to slam the capital. Bulgarian homeguard slips in for the gold.

[smoltz, Russia] Panzer sent forward, we attack South of Smoltz across the river, pop an Army, finished off with Tatical Bomber. We exploit move across the river with Special Forces, he has nothing but Air units behind...We ground pound his Tactical Armor. We send Corp deeper (2 hexes across the river), pop the Tactical again. Troops move up toward Smoltz. Damn....didn't have my Paratroops ready or he would have been punched in the face.

[Norway] Bomber attacks the port, again & again. No intercepts. Either his Carrier in Scapa Flow got tired or left. BEF-Army has be plopped in Bergen for a year, entrenched x3. He must be lonely without Hort.

[brussells, Netherland or Belgium, or Dutch or whatever they call themselves] We recpature the capital, the British have left after losing 3-Corps. Some Russian Cruiser was docked, he got popped for some easy damage.

[sicily/Malta] Italian Airforce (Bomber, Tactical, Fighter) train & guard the MedFront from Sicily. Tobruk fighter has another dogfight with us.

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Turkey holds on down to 2, Yugo doesn't surrender so it's brave troops try and mess up his lines. He has 3 panzers in south east europe now heading towards Istanbul ( or is it constantinopol?) but I have 2 T34 plus british corp and Tac bombers approaching from east. and Syria. Ankara down to 2 this turn, it must fall next turn.

As must Dutch east indies but every turn is a lot of oil denied.

It's madness in Manchuria. 3 armies attack from Blogowhatit to try and cut of Tshibar. we'll take it next turn unless he pulls back. I have a lone corp in North Korea who took a pasting last turn but survives and is back to 10 again. Japanese boys up north are tough as bamboo , all vets with 2 or 3 bars and inf wp 2 vs my inf 1. nevertheless in the words of Mr Stalin " quantity has a quality all of it's own" . At least a dozen land units guarding Russia in East plus 2 HQs and some fighters and one tank are looking like they are too much for the Japs to crush.

There is no German activity in south russia so Russians advance to Warsaw where a corp pings a bomber. To the north his breakthrough is contained for now but h e has some veyr tough boys there. German corps crushed and 4 new armies appear to block his path. Yes I have a LOT of russians. Actually I am maxed out on Land units :) All that middle east oil and no major cities lost helps

China will hold for maybe one more turn. can she make 1943? I doubt it.

Something brewing in the north sea. Canadian tanks land and ping some rentanazi psuedo axis eurotrash down to a 2.

His luftwaffe are tough but the pain is getting a little less with each turn. need more yankee planes in Europe.

India we may lose some units but I have so many reinforeced from Africa now too he'll never break through

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Same old same old as winter approaches. Can Turkey hold? She does for another turn. German tanks fighting their way towards Istanbul.

Lines are getting drawn in Russia / China. Pretty much along the border with soviets advanced a little from the north east and Japanese pushing to the north west. doesn't look like either side can break through anytime soon.

British sink a u boat in the north sea. Land another corp in Holland to hold the port with the Canadian Tank on the other side and Nazi held corp in Bruxelles

Germans pull back in the North but are well positioned for an assault on Smolensk. Probing Odessa too.

US finally does something as I take the fort in the marshall islands. A long way to tokyo

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Turkey fall, benelux liberated (again). Burma liberated cutting off his troops to the north. First major jap loss to the Russians as T34 advances. 2 u boats die , one in north sea thhe other in the med. Americans and australians take inner marshalls, saipan , truk and other m one to the north. all except Iwo Jima which has a jap bomber and corp inspected by a BB and Cruiser.

Probably China's last turn but I have been saying that for a while...

Rmabo took Smolensk, Inf and tanks ping the German SF in it but no serious push out yet.

German tanks attack odessa and hold istanbul. Italian B sank

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November 1942

-China surrenders & is plundered

-Battles in Manchura are the bloodiest on the planet

-Rouge Army Group now cutoff in Burma, time to march in the jungles & fight

-Huge Naval Battle around Iwo Jima. 3 Austrialian ships sunk, couple subs sunk. American-BB sunk. HQ-Eichlenberger sunk in port. I can't let him camp any closer to the mainland Japan. Another BB vs BB battle, both damaged. Pop a cruiser or two.


-Russian tank killed East of Smoltz

-Naval battle East of the Rock. We kill a destroyer, damage another, and hit Cruiser.

-Air exhanges on Malta

-Canadian Tank unit in France destroyed.

-Bergen bombed

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No that was not a huge naval battle, My turn was a HUGE naval battle. . 2 jap flattops sunk and about 6 BB including Yamato and Musashi I think. that's half the IJN gone. Question is where is the other half? other stuff too but that the main deal. Rambo will have to count the casualties in his reply but bottom line is my Aussie / dutch force was bait andI had 5 subs just outside his bomber spotting range that softened him up then the rest of the USN took a dump on him. how hard can he counter?

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All of Minty's turns are HUGE.

November 1942

[burma] The Japs are cutoff, but no worries, they eat of bugs & berries. We attack Ragoon with SF & paratroops. Indian Corp reduced to strength-3. Northern Army unit pings WiproArmy. He has Tanks, Carrier offshore (outsourced Indians), etc...but does he have the guts to fight in the rainy jungle?

[Tokyo] SeaBattle...it's rainy near his U.S. Carriers, can't attack, we'll port-up...use that Chinese plunder for some repairs.

[Manchura] Infantry damage given at UliUlda. Kill a RedArmy near Titsisar. Nippon units engage VladdyStock.

[smotz, Russia] Kill a couple units

[Odessya] Pinging

[France] Parking lot of German Corps & Minor Armies. We bring HQ in, should help the cause. Snowing anyways.

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Jan 1943

[Russia] Snow, not much happened, few pings.

[France] Snow, few pings. Yanks have HQ, 2-Armies, 5-British Corps on the Coast from Brussells, I have my share of the same. His RF-Carriers pounding Brest. I have Subs raiding in 1943 :)

[istabul, Turkey] He wants it bad, Panzer trying to hold off, don't know how long for.

[Vladdystock, Russia] Red Bomber blown away, he won't be scouting mainland Japan anymore.

[uldiUldi] Russian SF waxed, dead.

[Rangoon, Burma] Dead Indian, we retake the Capital. Indian Tank in the Mine, we are all meshed together. Japs fighting strong, outnumbered in the jungle.

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