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Is Normandy still expected before NATO?

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I am sure BFC wants Normandy out and generating revenue as much as we want to play it. The problem is that when they do give us a status update, their guidance is based on what their planning calendar tells them and does not account for any unforeseen delays. Some people take these estimates as a promised release date, while the rest of us take it with a grain of salt.

A large grain of salt. BTW, that's actually a pretty a pretty good appreciation of the situation, IMO.

I think a reasonable expectation for CMN is the end of 2010, though I'll gladly take it before that.

When I am in a more optimistic mood, I think of Labor Day. But you could be right.


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. Some people take these estimates as a promised release date, while the rest of us take it with a grain of salt.

I may be wrong but wasn't the end of 2009 described as "almost definite" or something similarly reassuring?

On a side not i havn't seen steve post in a while, don't know if that's a good sign or a bad one.

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post 34


Also, 2010 is not a release timeframe for CM: Normandy. And before you wisearses say 2011 , I'll say it is definitely going to happen in 2009. Probably a few months later than we wanted, but then again everything is always later than we want. But that's normal since we're a software developer after all.

But Steve's overconfidence is not really the point I'm concerned with.

At least he tried to keep us in the loop. I'm annoyed that he stopped trying to do so mid way through a slide down the calender that should have warranted comment.

It is mid 2010, and we aren't any wiser as to if it might be a 2011 release after all! Instead of some form of revised ETA to keep us informed Steve is closer to denying all knowledge of the Normandy game whose name we still don't know.

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post 34


But Steve's overconfidence is not really the point I'm concerned with.

At least he tried to keep us in the loop. I'm annoyed that he stopped trying to do so mid way through a slide down the calender that should have warranted comment.

Maybe he has learned from that statement and doesn't want to give any estimates until he has a really good handle on the way things are going. My guess is that once NATO is out BFC can refocus on CMN and when they are far enough along they will announce the title and start a web page, similar to the state NATO is in now. I would then expect the game to go on sale two to three months after that. I expect that to happen some time in September with sales starting in December. If we still don't see more progress by then I will be disappointed (based on my own expectations), but not surprised.

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Knowing my luck I'll drop dead from a heart attack the day before CMN gets released. :eek::D

'Tis better to go out the day before CMN gets released not knowing that it would be released the next day rather than to suffer a heart attack from over excitement upon first holding the newly delivered game in your hands! ;)

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Now that I think about it, I think that when Steve said the end of 2009 / early part of 2010 he was correct from a technical standpoint. I do think that he indicated that all the major coding was done by then and that there was just some polishing and all the scenarios, campaigns, etc stuff that had to be worked on. So from a strictly coding standpoint his estimate was probably accurate. He just didn't account for the time it takes to put together scenarios and campaigns etc. So as far as his ballpark estimate went I'm willing to give him a pass on that one. :) That's what I've taken away from his various postings anyway. Of course, only Steve, Charles, and the Beta Testers know for certain where they are at. :confused:

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Michael Emrys

Yes, they tolerated HK for a number of years as they found it useful as a means to an end. They also started riots there (1968?) to destabilize the British hold on this bit of land and used it as the Soviets used Austria during the cold war. A united Korea would be a whole new kettle of fish. One that would not fear China as the Brits in HK did.

As for Korea in a temperate climate, I am all for that. I think that this would be splendid as it would give us the terrain for a 1950s Korean war family of games after both Normandy and the Eastern Front were finished.

Steve, do not take the bitching and whining too seriously. People are just excited as am I. I wish CM:N and CM: Nato were now out but you take what you can get. Take it as a compliment that people hang on your every word. I wish my kids would remember one thing I have said to them in the last 1/2 hour.

My goal is to retire at 60 and have the entire CM:Eastern Front before me. You have 17 years so don't let me down.

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A united Korea would be a whole new kettle of fish. One that would not fear China as the Brits in HK did.

I don't dispute that. On the other hand, China is in many ways a very different country now than it was in 1968. Materially it is much better off and may not feel precisely the same need to intimidate its neighbors. Time will tell.

As for Korea in a temperate climate, I am all for that.

I'm not sure that the soldiers and Marines who waged a fighting retreat from the Yalu River in early 1951 would agree that Korea is possessed of a what would be called a temperate climate. Sub-polar might hit closer to the mark.


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And it wouldn't be the first time they got something wrong, now would it? :D


Poking about a bit more on Wiki provides the alternate climate categories of Continental, Humid Continental, or Humid Subtropical for Korea.


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post 34


But Steve's overconfidence is not really the point I'm concerned with.

At least he tried to keep us in the loop. I'm annoyed that he stopped trying to do so mid way through a slide down the calender that should have warranted comment.

It is mid 2010, and we aren't any wiser as to if it might be a 2011 release after all! Instead of some form of revised ETA to keep us informed Steve is closer to denying all knowledge of the Normandy game whose name we still don't know.

Dear God man look at that date! Couldn't you have searched further to find something even earlier to hold him to? Aren't you just the tiniest bit aware that things happen to change? :)

Sooo you are fine if BFC keep us informed OR if BFC don't keep us informed, but you are utterly dissatisfied by the attempted combination of the two? Damned if you do and damned if you don't. For all your protestations, I honestly can't see anyone being more concerned with said Normandy release than BFC themselves. When the bandwagon starts rolling we will all be along for the ride....

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Well having lived there for a year i can say that during the winter it was definitly sub polar and during the summer it was tropical......pretty muched sucked no matter what time of year it was!


That can be said about the place were I live, too. Temperatures range from -20° C (and cooler) in Winter up 38° C in Summer (last week). I live in Germany...
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Poking about a bit more on Wiki provides the alternate climate categories of Continental, Humid Continental, or Humid Subtropical for Korea.


Wiki even says that Syrian Army is equipted with 300 T-80 tanks... We all know that it isn't rue, since they would be modeled in CMSF otherwise whist.gif
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