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One week strike against purchasing CM:N!


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I refuse to just go along anymore. I am done patiently waiting for the Repository (with its new, customer friendly, improved user interface) to be brought online. It's time to let BF.C feel our displeasure. We must hit 'em in the wallet.

I hereby announce that I will not purchase CM:N during the current week. Nope. Even if it's released tomorrow.

Join me. Together we can force BF.C to get the Repository back online.



(P.S. I hereby reserve the right to define the term "current week". A week may be defined as starting and stopping on any of the seven calender days, at any time, as decided at that time by me. This decision MAY be influenced by any announced CM:N release date.)

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Hah!! Already they're caving in!! The strike will continue!! Restore the Repository, or Suffer!!

(I hereby reserve the right to determine if the interface, organization, and/or appearance of the repository have improved to a level required to call off the strike.)

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The repository ? what is it ? It looks, these days, like there had never been one. Everybody is writing about CM Normandy and exposing the way it should be done, how and why. At the same time, there are only a few meager things coming from BFC, just more like some dripples in order for all of us to keep the thing boiling.

From all the intelligence signals that can be gathered, from their awkward silence, I understand, that BFC has surely been severely shaken by the hacker. From the way they give information or rather by their lack of information given about the repository one can assume they have been.

I do however, understand that their priority is to make the things that are providing them their living, working first. I would do the same. But, not to give any clear information on the date at which the Repository will be back, is opening the pandora box with all the wrong guess and weird speculations. These are not the things that people working on the stock market will favor. That is the best way to have your money go down.

I won't do any strike, I will buy if it comes CM:Normandy, but don't think, that I am forgiving. No, we don't deserve to be let aside without any clear statement about the Repository future re opening. We are downloading scenarios in it, that gamers are enjoying.If no one can do it anymore, no more will be able to downloads enjoyable scenarios and that will be the beginning of the end of the great family of CMSF.

That, Steve, I would not like it to happen. That will not be fair after the long way made since Combat Mission. Surely the best adventure I know of.

Hoping for the best....


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Huh? The interface won't change.

You are a pretty good diplomat, Moon. Every one wants to know primarely, when the Repository will be back and you tell us that there will be no change in the interface.

As, I wrote earlier, you are letting open all the guess and weird speculations about the future date of re opening, if there should be one, after all, of the Repository;

It would have been easier to write "No comment" that, is what we use in diplomacy


below two non diplomatic thoughts :

- Rather have a Repository with a bad interface than no one at all -

- I am done with that issue, I am going to mow my lawn and think while doing so at a good scenario, I will download it later to myself, since there is no way with the repository -

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I hereby announce that I will not purchase CM:N during the current week. Nope. Even if it's released tomorrow.

Join me. Together we can force BF.C to get the Repository back online.

You pays your money you takes your choice - your loss. Also BFC have already stated in another thread that they are working on bringing the Repository back, but not before the security issue is resolved.

Some people are so unforgiving around here towards BFC, you'd think they'd never made a mistake in their lives with their attitudes.:confused

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This has nothing to do with being shaken, just with being thorough.

But you're right, the Repository is not a very high priority, either. It's not like it's the only place to swap mods out there. In fact, I seem to remember how many people were against the Repository in the first place, so it's interesting to see how it's being taken for granted now after being in existence for just over a year.

If no one can do it anymore, no more will be able to downloads enjoyable scenarios and that will be the beginning of the end of the great family of CMSF.

Heh, the Reposity will be back online sooner or later. It's far from an "end of the world" scenario just because it's been down for a few weeks.

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You are a pretty good diplomat, Moon. Every one wants to know when the Repository will be back and you tell us that there will be no change in the interface.

As, I wrote earlier, you are letting open all the guess and weird speculations about the future date of re opening, if there should be one, after all, of the Repository;

It would have been easier to write "No comment" that is what we use in diplomaticy


Rather have a Repository with a bad interface than no one at all

There will be no announcements by us when the Repository will be back up at all. It will simply be there at some point, and that's it. I hope that's a clear enough undiplomatic statement. :)

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Ohh, my.

Does anyone SERIOUSLY think CM:N is a week (or less) away from release? And if it IS released in the next week what do you think _I_ will do? I point you towards my ORIGINAL post. You know, the part that says I get to define a week any way I want.

Sheesh. Too late to cram the worms back in the can.

I officially apologize for NOT marking my original post as "Tongue in cheek", "Sarcasm", "In Jest", etc.

To put a final lid on this... Any word on the progress of getting the repository back up?



Note: I crossposted this as Moon was adding his comments.

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There will be no announcements by us when the Repository will be back up at all. It will simply be there at some point, and that's it. I hope that's a clear enough undiplomatic statement. :)

Not so sure that it is undiplomatic, Moon. It just remind me of MUNICH in 1939. Happily for us we are not going toward a war, just toward the repository, if you judge doing so, when you judge the time has come. You could ring us then, just to make sure we know that it has come back. Oh, I forgot, you won't ! too bad.

Better go mow my lawn......


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Ohh, my.

Does anyone SERIOUSLY think CM:N is a week (or less) away from release? And if it IS released in the next week what do you think _I_ will do? I point you towards my ORIGINAL post. You know, the part that says I get to define a week any way I want.

Sheesh. Too late to cram the worms back in the can.

I officially apologize for NOT marking my original post as "Tongue in cheek", "Sarcasm", "In Jest", etc.

To put a final lid on this... Any word on the progress of getting the repository back up?



Note: I crossposted this as Moon was adding his comments.

I found your post hilarious, for the record.

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The repository is fading to the past fast and now has me thinking and questioning if it ever existed.I think it was just my imagination that i saw one, just like the time I could have swore I saw Bigfoot cleaning himself in my bird bath in my backyard in the city in the early mornings.:D

We should get a bet going,and bet on what's to show up first and on what day,Will the Repository be up first,or will a new CMSF title be released first, odds are in favor of the repository 10-1 so place your bets,but you never know,maybe the under dog will get you the win:D

On a serious note, I do hope the repository gets back up soon.The CMSF community puts out a lot of good mods and missions here and I feel as though I don't need to go anywhere else to get them.

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Some finely balanced arguments going on here, but I feel I need to take a side. Shall I join Snake-eye and mow my lawn or shall I line up with C3K and just sit here at my desk, sipping my early evening aperitif and refusing to purchase CM:N.

On balance I think C3k has the better of the argument. So I too am refusing to buy CM:N ,and I will not do so until either Repositry is back up or the game is released, whichever comes first. Furthermore, I call on all loyal BF customers to join this principled stand against the plutocratic forces of repression and exploitation!

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My rebellious nature once again rears its ugly head...I am with the dark side on this one and solemnly pledge not to buy CM:Normandy until it is released! Furthermore, I shall steadfastly refuse to use the Repository until it is back online!!!

Take that, BFC, you...you...you...you dastardly PRIORITIZERS!!!!! Ha!!!!!

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Well done, Stoex! One more has seen the light (dark light in your case)! Spread the word comrades!

Soon the plutocratic pedlars of jolly good wargames will understand that the workers and peasants will not buy their excellent games until those games are released! Nor will they use the Repository until it is, once again, available!

Victory to the proletariat! Viva Uncle Joe!

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Well, for all we know D DAY was on the 6th of June 1944. The secret about Spigot was well kept until that day.

Because of that, I fully understand that doing CM:N might make feel BF like they should keep classified the date of the landing of the repository.

I think, that they should do the same about the expected Normandy game release. They will be that way, the only ones to know when it is released. Secret oblige. They won't say a word about it and if we are curious enough, we might find it around the corner by pure accident.

Yes, all of this is a bit exaggerated on their part.

Oh ! I just wanted to address my deepest thanks to BF.My lawn has never been so well mowed and besides I have gone back to work on my vegetables garden. I enjoy walking with the dogs in the forest surrounding my home and every one at home is happy to see CMSF idle on the computer, no more scenarios, no wife unhappy at me doing them.

To speak frankly, she is just a bit disappointed to see me flying on military and or civilian simulations. Unfortunately for her, for the last week, that was the only thing flying in Europe. Meanwhile the Repository is going to ashes without the help of an Icelandic volcano.

After all, if BF is letting us without any work to do, the idea of going on strike about CM: Normandy is not so bad…….Meanwhile, I just keep laughing about the inconvenience, since that is the way I have decided to respond to it. It is handled so unprofessionally by BF, that I think it can only be a joke. Fools day was on the 1st of april, they are late, no ?


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I too would like to voice my estrangement with BFC's inability to satisfy my insatiable desires for a functioning Repository (with upgraded interface and features), CM:N, CM:A, CM:NATO, and everything else that has the letter "C" immediately followed by the letter "M". I will join the boycott; I will not purchase any BFC products until I have the physical capability to buy them, nor will I attempt to play any BFC games until my computer has booted-up.

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I would like to speak for Battlefront and let you know we are on a one week strike for putting out CM:N. Lets see who breaks first!!!!

Disclaimer: I at no time speak for Battlefront or any of its subsidiaries except when the testers let Steve relay information on an informal and often inaccurate basis on the current state of release dates or any other matters that concern CM titles. We will confirm that the Allies may or may not have won WWII and some of the units will be in the initial release.

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