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Brute Force 39-45 (Global): Completed and in final AI testing

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Hi all. I have finally completed the AI for Brute Force (Global). I am testing the AI vs AI to make sure there are no major flaws in the logic. Then I will deploy it in 1-2 days to the server for player testing. I have pasted the "scenario.txt" included in the game for feedback. I cleaned up a lot of the AI I had in PDE and found some tricks to make it work faster. With 3 SC2 games of experience this will be my final super project to make this work well. Comments appreciated on the below.


This mod expands the PAC mod I made in 2009. Africa and the Middle East were added to the map. I originally made a full scale 40m per hex map of the world but I felt it was too tedious to play. The map is currently 40m per hex on Europe and 80m per hex on the Pacific. I feel it’s the perfect scale for this type of game. I excluded unimportant parts of the world to get the game out faster. I might still add them later for flavor.

I have completed the AI for Axis and Allies converting and improving it from my PDE mod. Please give feedback on the AI, scripts, and decisions that do not work or have errors. I will continue improving this MOD so it will be the best world scenario out their with AI.

I do not have a lot of decisions in the game. I took most of the minor obvious yes/no decision events out. The MOD has events occur based on position more than decisions. For example Spain will be more likely to join Germany if England is invaded (historically true) but at the cost of an angry USA.

My recommendation for AI is to set their experience +1/2 or higher. I find adjusting this setting much more challenging than increasing their production. The AI's wasteful spending of MPPs is made up for their increased experience which makes a good challenging game for all except the most savvy of strategists.


In the Pacific all hexes cost a minimum of 2 action points to move for land units, yes even clear ones.

Each country has resource/cities activated over time to reflect true historical production. So you will find some locations with a zero value. I have made every best effort to ensure no loopholes or supply problems occur on the map. There is production and industrial technology to push countries beyond historical production.

Capital and City: 1x MPP

Mines: 2x MPP

Oil: 3x MPP

Movement next to a unit or crossing a river is +1 action points

Most land units have 4 action points except paratroops (3) and armor (5)

Naval units have about 20 action points varying per country

To better help certain countries I added mobilization units. These are depleted units meant to be built up at a lower cost instead of overall increasing production of countries and unbalancing the game. Production starts very low at the start of the scenario and builds up over time. With the mobilized depleted units it maximizes efficiency of resources having the feel of more production without impacting the game by adjusting the whole economic system.

Germany: Has many depleted units to bring up to strength which roughly averages out to 40% cost of building it.

Japan: Has increased production early in the game, due to design mechanics, but their fleet is depleted far lower than historical. This will be a balance making the DEI and other resources vital to Japan late war. Their early increased production should be used to build up their fleet.

Italy: Due to its very weak economy I have added extra MPPs to its start total to reflect actual production and give the Italian player some flexibility.

USSR: Will get depleted units at start of war with Germany to build up. Most of them will be Armies so overbuilding armies early will cost the USSR player later. This reflects the massive increase in manpower the USSR gets early in the war and a slow mobilization. All corps have been built and are on map at the start of the scenario. This reflects the change in how the USSR altered their divisions within corps from European standards (15k-20k) to smaller divisions (10k) grouped in larger numbers within armies later in the war.

USA: Has a massive economy late in the war starting in 1943.

UK (CW): Has many depleted units on the map protecting many colonies. The UK player must choose wisely to use their MPPs for areas of greatest need early in the war. Historically the UK started with 9 divisions and grew to 34 by 1940. I tried to reflect this in the game.

France: Is a minor of the UK and has a limited force pool. It is expensive to tech their units up. On the map is written the MPP restrictions to spend on this country

China: Is a minor of the USA and has a limited force pool. It is expensive to tech their units up. On the map is written the MPP restrictions to spend on this country. They do get free units, warlords, when the Japanese approach their main cities to prevent a dash across China. I have also implemented the Burma Road, which is labeled on the map. The USA will have decision events to give China units if this road is not occupied by the Japanese.


Italy has slightly weaker infantry

Japan has poor tank attack and better infantry defense

Japan and USA have better Marines

Japan and Italy have lower tank attack/defense for armor

USSR has weaker battle fleet naval factors and Escort Fleet anti-sub values

USA battle fleets have better carrier defense

USA carrier fleets have better carrier defense and land air defense

Japan has stronger cruiser group naval factors

Anti-Tank guns are now garrisons and unused in the MOD I made (they have zero attack and 3 action points). They are set to zero build because the AI does not use them properly. If you do wish to use them I suggest only human vs human. You will need to go in and edit the changes. Remove the same amount of Corps as you add Garrisons. These are the following recommendations.

UK 2 garrisons (Malta, and Gibraltar)

Italy 4 garrisons (Coastal)

USA 10 garrisons (USA proper, Panama, pacific Islands)

USSR 1 garrison (Murmansk)

Germany 4 garrisons (LW corp and VG units)

Japan has 0 garrisons

Artillery I have put into the game because so many players like it. Personally I think it is not proper to this scale because it is too destructive and unbalanced. The AI does build artillery. If you do not want to play with artillery go into the editor and reduce the build counts to zero.

Rockets are special weapons

Germany has two V-1/V-2 which will come out in the production queue in 1944. The German player may or may not invest in research for them. At maximum research they should reach quite far from Germany reflecting the V-3.

USA has the A-bomb, which comes out June 1945 and needs to be built up (comes in at 1 strength). The cost is 120 MPPs per point to rebuild reflecting the cost of the Manhatten project.

Japan has Kamikazes, which are only naval attack (3). They cost less than an aircraft and do not defend vs attacks.

Strategic bombers and aircraft carriers have 1 strike only. I felt 2 strikes was too much.

Subs have a much higher dive rate, tech increases it by 5% and ASW drops this rate down 10%. Average dive is 50%.

Germany has lower MPP attack values for subs but the subs cost 60% as much as everyone else’s. This reflects the smaller sub tonnage per unit the German’s had on their u-boats.

Minor powers do not benefit as much from technology as major powers do. All minors that can upgrade are so at 200% cost. The exceptions are the Common Wealth States (India, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada) which are at normal cost as if they were UK units with full tech benefits.

Canada gets 2 strategic bombers that are sub hunters only. They come in as reinforcements in St. Johns and Iceland.


All naval units, except subs and transports, evade land/air attacks 20% only when defending

All naval units, except subs and transports, evade naval attacks 30% of the time when attacking or defending.

This reflects the greater luck and intel involved in fleet combat. I also feel it will lower the carnage that is common for SC2 scenarios. On average players can expect about 40% less overall damage toward ships while increasing variance in naval combat.


I have left it at default values. I prefer not to play with diplomacy but that is your choice. Certain actions and decision events will trigger countries aligning to different sides. You can see the influence below on the decision chart.


A maximum of 2 chits may be assigned to a technology. The chance of success per chit per level is 3/2/2/1/1. This should balance out so by 1945 a major country should have 3-4s and possibly one to two 5 level tech they heavily invested in.


#1 Japan take Indo-China & Siam

#2 USSR take Baltic States

#3 Create Vichy France

#4 USSR take Bessarabia

#5 USSR fights Winter War with Finland

#6 Italy takes Tunisia from France

#7 Italy takes Algeria from France

#8 Italy takes Morocco from France

#9 Italy early activation (as with India and Australia)

#10 Italy send HQ to East Africa

#13 Lend Lease to USSR

#17 Germany sign Molotov-Ribbentrop pact

#18 Germany takes Baltic States if USSR doesn’t

#20 USA trades DDs for bases

#22 Japan invades East TImor

#50 UK Raids and Mines Norwegian waters against Germany Convoys

#100-#107 USA lend lease to China 1940-1944


There are 9 turns in 1939, 22 each year after that. These are the events that affect each country.

USA has a random build up of mobilization. The better the Axis do the larger the build up. In 1942 it becomes a higher variance to get them in the war.

The USSR has a random build up of mobilization. By keeping garrison on the German border they increase their mobilization. By doing aggressive actions they increase their mobilization. Each city that requires a 2 unit garrison is written on the map.

Germany must keep an ever larger presence on the USSR-German border to keep the USSR mobilization down. The chart is written near Warsaw for the Germans.

Australia and India become full allied partners when Italy enters the war.

Events are all single trigger events except...

® = repeat event each turn

USA should be @ 91 entry following history on June of 1942 on average

USA® +0-2 (50%) Allied per turn 1939

USA® +1-7 (25%) Allied per turn 1942

USA® +2-4 Allied UK surrendered (1939)

USA® +4-8 Allied UK surrendered (9/1941)

USA 100% Allied Axis Invade Canada

USA +10-20 Allies Axis DOW on Aus/Ind

USA +1-3 Allies Axis DOW

USA +1-3 Axis USSR DOW

USA +6-12 Axis Allies DOW Italy

USA +4-8 Axis Allies DOW Norway

USA +2-4 Axis Allies DOW Minor Country

USA +1-4 Allied Axis control Egypt

USA +1-4 Allied Axis control Gibraltar

USA +1-4 Allied Axis control Iraq

USA +1-4 Allied Axis control Spain

USA +20-30 Allied Axis near USA west coast

USA +1-3 Allied Japan controls Chinese town/city

USA +8-12 Allied Japan controls Indo-China (while not Vichy)

USA 56 Mobilization Japan trade cut

USA +1-2 Axis USSR fights Winter War

USA +1-4 Axis USSR takes Bessarabia

USA +3-6 Allied Japan takes Indo-China after fall of France

India and Australian become fully mobalized when Italy enters the war

CW 100% Allied Axis DOW on USA or Japan DOW on another CW

India 100% Allied When Italy is 100% Axis

Aust. 100% Allied When Italy is 100% Axis

USSR should be @ 94 entry if they do not fight the winter war on January of 1943 on average

USSR should be @ 94 entry if they fight the Winter War on June of 1942 on average

Both cases assume they take Bessarabia

USSR® +0-2 (20%) Allied USSR has 2 units at Kaunas

USSR® +0-2 (20%) Allied USSR has 2 units at Odessa

USSR® +0-2 (20%) Allied USSR has 2 units at Lvov

USSR® +0-2 (20%) Allied USSR has 2 units at Brest-Livesk

USSR® +0-2 (20%) Allied USSR has 2 units at Chisinaua

USSR® +0-3(1940) Axis USSR is below Garrison requirements

USSR® +1-4(1940) Allied Poland not surrendered to Germany

USSR® +30 Allied Germany refuses Molt-Rib Pact

USSR® +5(1940) Allied Axis < 4 on USSR Border

USSR® +5(1941) Allied Axis < 8 on USSR Border

USSR® +5(1942) Allied Axis < 12 on USSR Border

USSR 100% Allied Axis DOW on Turkey

USSR +40 Allied Axis DOW on Baltic States with Pact

USSR +20 Allied Axis DOW on Baltic States without Pact

USSR +40-60 Allied Axis DOW on Finland

USSR +5-15 Allied Axis DOW on Romania

USSR +10-15 Allied Axis DOW on Iraq

USSR +20-30 Allied Axis DOW on Persia

USSR +20-30 Allied Axis has units on Causcaus border

USSR +15-25 Allied Japan adds units to Manchuria

USSR +15-25 Allied Japan removes units to Manchuria

USSR +7-15 Allied Fights Winter War

USSR +1-4 Allied USSR takes Bessarabia

Italy +1-20 Axis per Germany surrender

Italy +75-100 Axis Germany controls Paris

Roma. +3-13 Axis per Germany surrender

Roma. +15-18 Axis German DOW on USSR

Roma. +5-15 Axis USSR DOW Finland

Roma. +5-15 Axis USSR DOW Sweden

Bulg. +3-13 Axis per Germany surrender

Bulg. +15-18 Axis German DOW on USSR

Bulg. +30-50 Axis USSR DOW Romania

Hung. +3-13 Axis per Germany surrender

Hung. +15-18 Axis German DOW on USSR

Hung. +5-15 Axis USSR DOW Finland

Hung. +30-50 Axis USSR DOW Romania

Hung. +5-15 Axis USSR DOW Sweden

Finl. 100% Axis USSR fights Winter War

Yugo. +3-13 Axis if Greece is conquered

Yugo. +15-18 Axis German DOW on USSR

Yugo. +3-13 Axis per Germany surrender

Yugo. +10-15 Axis Allied DOW on Greece

Yugo. +30-50 Axis USSR DOW Romania

Yugo. +100-125 Allied 2% per turn

Sweden +10 Allies UK Norwegiann waters Mining DE (50-yes)

Sweden +20 Axis for Norway surrenders to Germany and (DE20-yes)

Sweden +20 Axis (DE20-no)

Sweden +10 Axis USSR DOW Finland

Sweden +75-100 Allied Allies control Paris after 1943

Convoy -> Germany 5/25%, 10/50%, 25/100% (UK DE50-yes -10%, Norway Surrender +20%, 1940 +20% UK DE50-no)

Norway +30 Axis UK Mining DE 50-yes

Spain +35-45 Axis Allies DOW Portugal

Spain +30-40 Axis Axis control London

Spain +20-35 Axis Axis control Plymouth

Spain +20-35 Axis Axis control Southend

Spain +20-35 Axis Axis control Portmouth

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Gibraltar

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Egypt

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Persia

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Syria

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Iraq

Turkey +15-25 Allied Allies Control Romania

Turkey +15-25 Allied Allies Control Tripoli

Turkey +15-25 Allied Allies Control Bulgaria

Turkey +15-25 Allied Allies Control Warsaw

Turkey +15-25 Axis Axis control Iraq

Turkey +50-70 Axis Axis control South Casucaus

NEI +40% Allied USA @70, cuts trade with Japan

NEI 100% Allied Axis DOW on USA

Iraq +75-100 Axis (2%) Axis within 5 hexes of Tobruk or Cairo (starts 6/1940)

Iraq 100% Axis Axis control Syria with 2 units

Thai. 100% Axis Japan control Indochina

Port. +15-25 Allied Japan takes East Timor

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As Sea Monkey just said, WOW!

Can't wait for this one to be available.

Your point is well taken about how well a computer will handle this one, but I'm willing to try. :)

My computer appears to be of similar strength to Al's, so it will be interesting to see if it can handle it.

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Map is too large to really get a good preview for it. But just for scope...

The Europe is 20% larger than the PDE Storm of Steal (scale wise) and ranges from the mid-atlantic to the Way past the Urals and down bordering Afganistan.

The Pacific is 20% larger than Global's Pacific section of the map from Italian East Africa to South Africa to Nepal to All of the USA (+ some of the west North Atlantic) and also has South America which is split from north and south. We didnt need the equator filling up the map with the Amazon.

I am still testing the AI and I finally got it working fairly well. I am anal so I am tweaking some things to make it less exploitable and challenging. Also fixing some minor issues.

Right now I am simply making a basic strategy for the AI.

The ultimate goal with this mod is to make several strategies for the AI so a human player doesnt know what the AI is going to do.

Some of the AI strategies will be


- 1941 Barb, standard history

- 1942 Barb, take Gibraltar, Spain and the Med

- Sealion

- 1941 All out vs Russia with Germany and Japan

- Japan Conquer China?

- Japan Conquer Australia?

- Japan Conquer India?

- Japan Takes Pearl Harbor?


- Soft Underbelly, Italy 1943

- Pressure on Japan (UK and Russia ATTACK!)

- D-Day 1943

- The Pacific Northern Route

- The Pacific Southern Route

Thats the ultimate goal which no one has done in any game. I figured out how to do it in with SC2. But I have to get the AI working at least on a safe formal strategy 1st to introduce all these other tactics.

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I few notes on the new mod for play. I am out of town this week training for my new job. So I will not be able to update the mod for 7 days. I am putting it out there as is for all of you to enjoy and play test. I suggest playing the allies as the Axis AI is completed and tested.

Read only --- SCENARIO.TXT

not the other files included. They are for modders, testing, and scripting.

The Axis AI is completed. It might need some tweaking but it works. It has 1 strategy so far. I plan on introducing 3-5 strategies later once the basics are working well. This is something no game has ever done and I figured out how to do so with SC2. I find one of the problems with wargames of this scale is the AI is a one eye Cyclops that always follows the same pattern. Introduce just 3 variations and the game gets fun and unpredictable.

The Allied AI is completed but not fully tested. The UK AI works, the USSR AI works. The USA AI is having problems doing torch and I simply cant figure out why the units don’t move. It seems to work fair on the pacific side.

If you play do not try and do tricky game loopholes vs the AI because its close to impossible to counter. For example moving all the BBs out of Pearl Harbor. In this example I tried to write a script penalizing this action but it was impossible to do with the system. Do not reinforce the pacific islands with units. Leave the pacific alone until the USA is in the war as another example. I am going to write a script to counter this later.

I HIGHLY recommend setting the AI to +1/2 experience. This will make the game fun. Do not set its level.

The AI will place planes in strange spots.

The way I worked units is that the AI gets certain units with 1-2 strength, has to build them up, then use them. I did this specifically for different actions so I can control its build. Considering the AI is not the perfect production machine I think this will balance out their inefficiency with giving them 1 strength units that cost 60% of the build cost to reinforce.

The production is set to historical. This might present a problem later in the game as the USA out produced all the Axis combined. So let me know if its too much. I can adjust items in the game for game play balance.

Italy is a major power in the game.

This section has been updated --- in SCENARIO.TXT


There are 9 turns in 1939, 22 each year after that. These are the events that affect each country.

USA has a random build up of mobilization. The better the Axis do the larger the build up. In 1942 it becomes a higher variance to get them in the war.

The USSR has a random build up of mobilization. By keeping garrison on the German border they increase their mobilization. By doing aggressive actions they increase their mobilization. Each city that requires a 2 unit garrison is written on the map.

Germany must keep an ever larger presence on the USSR-German border to keep the USSR mobilization down. The chart is written near Warsaw for the Germans.

Australia and India become full allied partners when Italy enters the war.

Events are all single trigger events except...

® = repeat event each turn

USA should be @ 91 entry following history on June of 1942 on average

USA® +0-2 (50%) Allied per turn 1939

USA® +1-7 (25%) Allied per turn 1942

USA® +2-4 Allied UK surrendered (1939)

USA® +4-8 Allied UK surrendered (9/1941)

USA® +10-20 Allied Japan DOW on UK or the CW

USA 100% Allied Axis Invade Canada

USA +10-20 Allies Axis DOW on Aus/Ind

USA +1-3 Allies Axis DOW

USA +1-3 Axis USSR DOW

USA +6-12 Axis Allies DOW Italy

USA +4-8 Axis Allies DOW Norway

USA +2-4 Axis Allies DOW Minor Country

USA +1-4 Allied Axis control Egypt

USA +1-4 Allied Axis control Gibraltar

USA +1-4 Allied Axis control Iraq

USA +1-4 Allied Axis control Spain

USA +20-30 Allied Axis near USA west coast

USA +1-3 Allied Japan controls Chinese town/city

USA +8-12 Allied Japan controls Indo-China (while not Vichy)

USA 56 Mobilization Japan trade cut

USA +1-2 Axis USSR fights Winter War

USA +1-4 Axis USSR takes Bessarabia

USA +3-6 Allied Japan takes Indo-China after fall of France

India and Australian become fully mobalized when Italy enters the war

CW 100% Allied Axis DOW on USA or Japan DOW on another CW

India 100% Allied When Italy is 100% Axis

Aust. 100% Allied When Italy is 100% Axis

USSR should be @ 94 entry if they do not fight the winter war on January of 1943 on average

USSR should be @ 94 entry if they fight the Winter War on June of 1942 on average

Both cases assume they take Bessarabia

USSR® +0-2 (20%) Allied USSR has 2 units at Kaunas

USSR® +0-2 (20%) Allied USSR has 2 units at Odessa

USSR® +0-2 (20%) Allied USSR has 2 units at Lvov

USSR® +0-2 (20%) Allied USSR has 2 units at Brest-Livesk

USSR® +0-2 (20%) Allied USSR has 2 units at Chisinaua

USSR® +0-3(1940) Axis USSR is below Garrison requirements

USSR® +1-4(1940) Allied Poland not surrendered to Germany

USSR® +30 Allied Germany refuses Molt-Rib Pact

USSR® +5(1940) Allied Axis < 4 on USSR Border

USSR® +5(1941) Allied Axis < 8 on USSR Border

USSR® +5(1942) Allied Axis < 12 on USSR Border

USSR 100% Allied Axis DOW on Turkey

USSR +40 Allied Axis DOW on Baltic States with Pact

USSR +20 Allied Axis DOW on Baltic States without Pact

USSR +40-60 Allied Axis DOW on Finland

USSR +5-15 Allied Axis DOW on Romania

USSR +10-15 Allied Axis DOW on Iraq

USSR +20-30 Allied Axis DOW on Persia

USSR +20-30 Allied Axis has units on Causcaus border

USSR +15-25 Allied Japan adds units to Manchuria

USSR +15-25 Allied Japan removes units to Manchuria

USSR +7-15 Allied Fights Winter War

USSR +1-4 Allied USSR takes Bessarabia

Italy +1-20 Axis per Germany surrender

Italy +75-100 Axis Germany controls Paris

Roma. +3-13 Axis per Germany surrender

Roma. +15-18 Axis German DOW on USSR

Hung. +15-18 Axis German DOW on Yugoslavia

Roma. +5-15 Axis USSR DOW Finland

Roma. +5-15 Axis USSR DOW Sweden

Bulg. +3-13 Axis per Germany surrender

Bulg. +15-18 Axis German DOW on USSR

Bulg. +15-18 Axis German DOW on Greece

Bulg. +30-50 Axis USSR DOW Romania

Hung. +3-13 Axis per Germany surrender

Hung. +15-18 Axis German DOW on USSR

Hung. +15-18 Axis German DOW on Yugoslavia

Hung. +5-15 Axis USSR DOW Finland

Hung. +30-50 Axis USSR DOW Romania

Hung. +5-15 Axis USSR DOW Sweden

Finl. 100% Axis USSR fights Winter War

Yugo. +3-13 Axis if Greece is conquered

Yugo. +15-18 Axis German DOW on USSR

Yugo. +3-13 Axis per Germany surrender

Yugo. +10-15 Axis Allied DOW on Greece

Yugo. +30-50 Axis USSR DOW Romania

Yugo. +100-125 Allied 2% per turn

Sweden +10 Allies UK Norwegiann waters Mining DE (50-yes)

Sweden +20 Axis for Norway surrenders to Germany and (DE20-yes)

Sweden +20 Axis (DE20-no)

Sweden +10 Axis USSR DOW Finland

Sweden +75-100 Allied Allies control Paris after 1943

Convoy -> Germany 5/25%, 10/50%, 25/100% (UK DE50-yes -10%, Norway Surrender +20%, 1940 +20% UK DE50-no)

Norway +30 Axis UK Mining DE 50-yes

Spain +35-45 Axis Allies DOW Portugal

Spain +30-40 Axis Axis control London

Spain +20-35 Axis Axis control Plymouth

Spain +20-35 Axis Axis control Southend

Spain +20-35 Axis Axis control Portmouth

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Gibraltar

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Egypt

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Persia

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Syria

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Iraq

Turkey +15-25 Allied Allies Control Romania

Turkey +15-25 Allied Allies Control Tripoli

Turkey +15-25 Allied Allies Control Bulgaria

Turkey +15-25 Allied Allies Control Warsaw

Turkey +15-25 Axis Axis control Iraq

Turkey +50-70 Axis Axis control South Casucaus

NEI +40% Allied USA @70, cuts trade with Japan

NEI 100% Allied Axis DOW on USA

Iraq +75-100 Axis (2%) Axis within 5 hexes of Tobruk or Cairo (starts 6/1940)

Iraq 100% Axis Axis control Syria with 2 units

Thai. 100% Axis Japan control Indochina

Port. +15-25 Allied Japan takes East Timor

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I do notice the Global takes longer. I have a duo core 2.13Ghz. I also cut out some scripts. So we will see what happens.

So far Big Al it looks good, love the map, well done big Al, it does seem to take much longer in your game than in fury's for the AI to finish its moves probably because of the more detail in your map, you know better than I do what takes so long. If your game plays well the length of the AI making moves wont matter to me but I cant answer for others. I have a dual core 2.8dell computer 2 gig of mem. and a ge force 7800 with 256 of mem.

Thank you Big Al


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Unfortunately Im in Arizona for work training so I cant access the game. I get back on Friday. I am talking to Hubert about the Allied AI issue which is very specific.

I cant reupload it from here. When I get back I will place it on my server also for those of you who are having problems.

Feedback apprciated.

BTW I have a duo core 2.13 Ghz with 4Gb ram and it takes ~5m for an AI turn.

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Unfortunately Im in Arizona for work training so I cant access the game. I get back on Friday. I am talking to Hubert about the Allied AI issue which is very specific.

I cant reupload it from here. When I get back I will place it on my server also for those of you who are having problems.

Feedback apprciated.

BTW I have a duo core 2.13 Ghz with 4Gb ram and it takes ~5m for an AI turn.

Hi Big Al, [i am axis human] I am now in May 1940 and everything seems to be running smoothly Germany has very little mp's but it does not seem to bother them [me] in taking Poland, Belgium, and the Netherlands and moving quickly into France. I would appreciate as we go along the reasons for things that are in the game if you would. EG: Why so few mp's and will the German econmy get better, as far as Japan its kinda slow going very little mp's [i becoming to think your cheap with mp's:)] Cant do much in China and I am trying to build up my navy for the coming war with the USA but thats eighteen months away, if you would like me to keep you up to date I will please let me know.


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Big Al,France was too easy to beat, you need to beef up France a little, even though in reality they were beaten easily, also Japan with the oil embargo only gets 60 to 70 mpp's a move which crushes any ambitions they have towards S.E. Asia conquests, is this by design and if it is what are you trying to accomplish? No dissagrement here at all with what your doing just want to know your theory on this.


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Hi Big Al, [i am axis human] I am now in May 1940 and everything seems to be running smoothly Germany has very little mp's but it does not seem to bother them [me] in taking Poland, Belgium, and the Netherlands and moving quickly into France. I would appreciate as we go along the reasons for things that are in the game if you would. EG: Why so few mp's and will the German econmy get better, as far as Japan its kinda slow going very little mp's [i becoming to think your cheap with mp's:)] Cant do much in China and I am trying to build up my navy for the coming war with the USA but thats eighteen months away, if you would like me to keep you up to date I will please let me know.


Big Al,France was too easy to beat, you need to beef up France a little, even though in reality they were beaten easily, also Japan with the oil embargo only gets 60 to 70 mpp's a move which crushes any ambitions they have towards S.E. Asia conquests, is this by design and if it is what are you trying to accomplish? No dissagrement here at all with what your doing just want to know your theory on this.


Remember than Allied AI isnt working properly so past 1942 in europe the USA will not work right. Its due to the system and naval loops. Torch never happens because the AI cant use loops for amphib. I discovered this yesterday through Hubert.

German MPPs: Historically they produced very little early in the war. Low economy large military. In the recent books Wages of War the german author specifies that Germany actually had a big economy with the military in 1939 and that most sources are wrong. The reason we dont see this in tanks and planes is because the Germans thought this war would be like the last so they stockpiled ammunition thus where their production went. In my simulations vs the AI I simply didnt have enough units to do barbarosa. So I made a compromise in which I gave the Germans lots of depleted units to rebuild. This would give them the larger army later without over inflating their economy. Also the German could use depleted units as garrison in various places. This this simulates their economy more accurately, low on military equipment, high on ammunition. The German economy throughout the game is balanced on conquest. Its very very difficult to accurately adjust it just based on their home factories. Also I believe every country should be worth SOMETHING when you take them, at least 1 city woth of MPPs. If you do a 1941 Barb you will see as you take cities the economy goes up. I didnt have time to implement something else within the game which I will do next update concerning, well what if the Germans DONT attack russia and their trade?!?!

China is a difficult beat to tackle. Historically the Japanese could do whatever they wanted to the Chinese. China's armies were so poorly trained and equiped that their offensive power was very poor vs Japan. But at the same time I can't let the Japanese walk all over them and "give them China". So the Japanese player has to make a decision. Commit MPPs and units to KILLING CHINA or build a navy and hold off China. The natural balance is killing units, not expanding too far, gaining experience, and effectively trading MPPs on a good ratio that negates their 50 MPP economy costing you less MPPs and gaining experience for your units vs the USA. This in turn means that when war with the USA comes you will have an experience edge. But when their economy comes to full swing things will change. Killing china means weaker navy. So you have a strategic choice there. China is conquerable.

Oil Embargo. Since the game effectively doesnt use oil and its converted to MPPs I had to find a balance here. So oil isnt exactly represented to the level it should. If I remember its 70 MPPs on the map. Combine that with all the other convoys it equals a good chunk of the Japanese economy. While I am going by historical data you also have to remember the Japanese lost a lot of their production capability through convoy sinkings. After my research I felt their production would significantly increase if their convoys were unmolested late in the war. 70 MPPs is a good amount but I also didnt want to hinge the whole Japanese economy on DEI. Hindsight is 20/20 and unlike other board games its easier in SC2 to simply sail a fleet to DEI and take it. Also another thing to consider is that the Japanese had 18 months of oil saved so it did and it didnt effect them that much. In reality and in my opinion there is NEVER a reason why the Japanese should every DOW on the USA. Their actions were simply stupid. Now for the fun of the game, sure I agree. Even I like doing Pearl Harbor. Practically the Japanese should simply invade the NEI after the oil embargo, get the MPPs and wait for the USA entry to hit 100%.

France being easy. It should be. Unless the UK is willing to commit vast troops to the defense of france and resources the Germans should have an easy time taking France. France had a numnber of problems with their armies which made them slow and inefficient, thats why they lost quickly. Really I cant simulate how fast they lost in a game. It was just 3 weeks if I remember (1.5 game turns) Also France is the hinge of the whole game. The German player drives the game and if he doesnt take France, well then its over and thats not fun. France is the stepping stone to various axis strategies. If they dont fall quickly enough using a low amount a resources it impacts the whole game.

With feedback I can come up with new ideas. When I return to my home I will post up the estimated productions for each country by year.

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Thanks Big Al what you have said in your post makes complete sense to me, that is what I was looking for, your reasons for the way you programed the game, I would assume that you are going to correct that part of the AI from 1942 on and get torch running up and well, right?


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Yea I will. If this bug in the AI isnt corrected by Hubert I will have to shift the whole map and split the USA to west and east so the invasions can take place. I cant think of how else to do it.

On other note the Japanese built very very little in 39-40. I had some problems adjusting the production to that. If you read in the notes what I did is calculated this and depleted their fleet to simulate accurate production. Thats why they have more MPPs then Germany at start. Their fleet is lower than historical 1939. But I calcuated the MPPs and streamlined it nicely. This is also good for the player. Spend MPPs on china or build up my fleet?

I am dead serious about making this the 1st AI game with multiple AI strategies. In my last 27 years of wargaming (Im 42) I have never seen an AI have multiple strategies in any game I played and usually the AI programmer doesnt think like a strategist. When I make my AI I do so because I want it to beat the crap out of me. What would I do to win? But of course AI has its limits. I hope you are trying it on +.5 experience for the AI. If you leave it at normal the game will be a cake walk probably.

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Hindsight is 20/20 and unlike other board games its easier in SC2 to simply sail a fleet to DEI and take it.

One thing you might do to help the Japanese AI in regards to the Dutch East Indies is have them be completely conquered and annexed by Japan the way Poland is by Germany. Also give the AI free understrength garrison corps in the DEI cities like Germany gets in Norway.

This would mean that the Allies just can't retake Batavia and instantly liberate a lightly garrisoned DEI. They'd need a major campaign to retake the cities one by one, probably more historical and helps protect the Japanese AI from 'gamey' strategies.

EDIT: Also, I think it's a great map. :)

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I left this in the respository-thread, better here;

Hi Al, really like the scale of your mod, playing the Allies on intermediate and Axis bonus +1.

Mm, it's a bit weird, the Germans look scared or something, or they take all the wrong decissions, or both... They took till November to clear in Poland and while doing that attacked Denmark and kept sending tanks back and forth. Finally in a clear weather run they took Warsaw and because I had not build up enough or by some way all my French units were really undersupplied (I did build de Gaulle up to 10), one tank attack smack into the Maginot destroyed my unit there, but, again, no advantage taken by the germans, if only they had used their 3 tanks and paras, but they took Sedan and that was it. In Feb 1940 in the middle of the worst weather, they attacked the west, now, in June 1940, all cities are still in Allied hands, they dropped paras behind the line which had 0 supply and were dead after 3 turns. I even managed to kill a korps. They seem overwhelmed and maybe have too few units? But if I see the USSR, they have a hell of a lot to build up and nothing in queue.

A few real errors (I think); the arrows giving access to other parts of the map don't work well, the Far East USSR ones i.e. do NOT move units on them to Siberia. The top one of 3 to Europe from east of Canada doesn't work either.

Subs are almost impossible to kill, they keep diving, but UK doesn't have ASW yet, so this might be balanced. Japan is doing absolutely stupid attacks, wearing itself down, China took Nanking, Japan destroyed the China army as I was out of supply and it was only a try out, but, NEVER took the city, 2-3 turns further now and they just don't seem interested...

Anyway, I think it's a great mod, would love to try the Axis, but read you didn't finish that AI yet.

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The AI attacking there is not much I can do. For example I set it to attack warsaw then the AI takes over. From there its out of my control. You have is set to Axis +.5 experience right?

DEI I have an annexation and garrisons that pop up for them BTW.

I will fix the arrows issues when I get back.

Unfortunately I am not sure what formula is used for the AI and their attacks but yea they do seem to attack things that dont make sense.

I will take note about Denmark. I might make it a simple annexation.

And yes subs are hard to kill, ~50% dive with Germans being 60% with tech. The ASW builds up over time. Eventually the allies should get level 3 (I think thats the highest) and the germans can invest upto level 3. Which makes it 55% +15% for tech -30% for ASQ = 40% dice and with the physical # of units the allies should be able to crush them late war.

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Hey Big Al while your working on the above mentioned things how about finding out why the Ai takes so long to do its moves, Huberts moves pretty fast, is it the size of the map? it seems to scroll as fast as Huberts. Looking forward for your corrections and waiting hopefully for the multiple AI decisions. I think you and Nup should give up your jobs :rolleyes:[just for a while] devote 20 hours a day to this cause, cut back on eating and sex [well maybe not eating:D] and get these revisions to us famished gamers


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