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Century Scenarios

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Hubert I know this is asking for a lot, possibly too much, but the discussion in the Horn of Africa thread started me thinking about some other scenario ideas and I want to ask if it would be possible to set them up in SC-Global. They all have the same basic idea but from different starting dates:

1) The World of 1904 starts off with no major war going on and continues indefinitely through the 20th Century. Local wars in the Balkans; Japan and Russia on a collision course in Manchuria; Europe beginning to set up the complicated alliances that would lead to WWI etc. Human player takes a major power with goal of leading it to world supremacy by the end of the century.

-- (2) World of 1912 Europe is set in the alliances and treaties with hidden agendas that in two years would lead to WWI. Human player chooses a major power to lead through the rest of the 20th

Century with an eye to avoiding the catastrophic First World War.

-- (3) World of 1920 Mainland Europe devastated by WWI. Bolshevik Russia taking back Ukraine and attempting to conquer Poland. Germany attempting to put its pieces back together; possibility of early merging with newly created Austria (unlike the later Anschluss, it was Austria that wanted to merge during the 20s). U. S. returning to a policy of isolation. France trying to fill the power vacuum created by Germany's defeat. Britain in reduced global role, bankrupt, looking to reduce the size of its navy without also losing its control of the oceans. Italy and Japan emerging as regional powers. Human player chooses one of the major powers and tries to emerge as most dominant world leader by century's end.

-- (4) World of 1934 A weak Germany now ruled by the Nazis; Versailles Treaty no longer recognized. USSR able to either continue Stalin's very harsh modernization, or to begin territorial expansion. Japan and Italy beginning to eye conquests. USA, Britain and France dealing with severe economic problems. Human player leading a major power, in same role as above.

-- (5) World of 1936 A more powerful Germany begins to reestablish itself as a major European power. Italy in Ethiopia and Japan in Manchuria. Belgium cancels its defensive pact with France. Etc. Human takes major power, same role as above.

-- (6) World of 1938 Italy allies with Germany, Japan bonds with the European fascists and tries to conquer China, a strong Germany begins expanding. UK and France deciding how to deal with the new aggressive Germany; France politically unstable, military no longer dominant on continent, UK militarily weak, hasn't begun rearming. U. S. A. totally isolationist and crippled by the Great Depression. USSR beginning to purge its officer corps, in the tail end of Stalin's pre-war programs, more modern than before, but ripe for possible revolution under the right circumstances. Human player takes a major power, same role as above.

Would SC-Global be able to creat scenarios along those lines, and if so, can play extend over entire decades?

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Excellent idea, JJ.

I would think this would be very doable (most definitely a GREAT idea as a major expansion to SC Global). :cool:


I would think that all one might have to really do is go a bit retro with the unit's abilities in the early scenarios (such as 1904 or 1920), maybe even add upgrades past the increment limit of 5, alter alliances around to match the scenarios, but otherwise it doesn't seem to need a great deal of changes to make this work. What do you think? :)

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Thank you, Snowstorm. Glad you like it and I also like your suggestions. :cool:

After posting it I realized it would be asking a lot to have play cover a full century. I think four decades would be fine for the early 20th Century scenarios, maybe less for the later ones, but I think it would be interesting to be able to trace a hypothetical history spanning the late thirties thru the late seventies. If there weren't a Second World War, if the Axis powers weren't overthrown, would there still be a Cold War later on?

My guess is techonology would need to range from L 0-9.

In the early twentieth century aircraft and armor would be set at 0, and should probably be very expensive to research, with both being useless till level 3, or even 4, so they couldn't be pushed through too early.

I'd say aircraft carriers couldn't be researched at all till flight level 4 is achieved = advanced biplanes.

This would need to be adjusted in each of the scenarios.

For example, in the earliest scenarios L-9 aircraft would represent the best planes flying in the 1920s, perhaps the early thirties.

In the 1938 scenario L-3, which would only be held by the USA, Britain, Japan and Germany, would represent the early Me 109 for Germany, Hurricane for UK, predecessor to the Zero for Japan, and the varios fighters the US started the war with for the USA. L-10 would represent military aircraft flying during the Vietnam era.

The later scenarios would need to include rocket and nuclear weapon research. Here too I'd say research should be expensive, and the first three levels virtually useless.

In nuclear L-7 would be dirty bombs, L-8 A-bombs, L-9 A-Bombs with Booster effect, L-10 Hydrogen Bombs.

In rockets, L-4 would represent the V-1, L-4 the V-2, L-5 the earliest rockets capable of carrying nuclear weapons, L-10 ICBMs.

Looking forward to further opinions, and for Hubert's views on these ideas. :cool:

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Of course, if one created the ultimate super campaign (a Civ-like 75 year campaign from roughly 1900-1975), air tech could literally start at L-0 (example Wilbur Wright's plane) and end at L-10 (F-15). Obviously such a super campaign would require very careful playtesting to make sure one could not create an F-15 in 1930. :eek: As you said JJ, tech would have to come very slowly and perhaps be effected by how fast one developed industrially and production wise. Timing in such a campaign would have to be fine tuned carefully.

In fact, I can almost sense the sparks flying off the mod masters' heads right about now. ;):D

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problems here - you can only have 5 tech levels - but you could work with that. Early Tanks would instead be cavalry maybe... You would have wide gaps then per tech. Not easy to do or control. Second problem is the "sides" - despite various belligerence ratings, you don't have more than 2 sides. Finally, no provision for peace once at war.

as it is now, it won't work. You could do different eras. Would also need someone with artistic ability to make icons - I suppose could use counter ones but I dont like those.

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Your point is well taken.

However, I think it is something that can be done...AFTER an expansion is done by Hubert and team. I think it would not be too big of an issue for them to make changes to the techs to simply expand the levels to 10 instead of 5. Then, they could create different icons to account for the different upgrades this would create to the different units. In addition, they would have to change the belligerent levels (as you mentioned) to account for this as well. Another change (after I thought about it for awhile) is too add, subtract, or change the Decision Events for the new expansion. Sure, it's work, but the overall game remains the same. Alot of playtesting would be needed, but I'm sure there would be plenty of volunteers....:cool: :D

Playtesters, Hubert, feedback on this would be greatly appreciated when you are able. ;)

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Great ideas.

We can most of this with the current Editor. The exception is the “75 year game” because once you are at war you stay at war, and all technologies are available at start However, the individual scenarios would work.

For the 1912 & 1920 scenarios; Chinese warlord period and the rise of the Kuomintang and Communist parties.

I’d like to add to the list:

1917 – The breaking of armies, American enters the war, Russian empire collapses…

1948 – Flashpoints are Berlin, China, Colonial rebellions, and Eastern European revolts.


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I think it's all possible, and as it stands there is nothing stopping anyone from making a campaign that covers a very long period using the Global engine, but it would require some thought and a lot of script writing to get it to work properly.

It's certainly good to see that the prospect of getting the very best SC2 game and editor yet is getting the creative juices flowing! :)

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Great ideas here gentlemen and I wish I would have a bit more time to provide an indepth analysis but just a quick FYI that I'm on a bit of a break over here as we just had a new addition to the family this month, a baby boy :)

I probably won't be back up to full speed until the game is released in March, but definitely keep the ideas coming :)

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Alot of script writing would indeed be needed.

My thought is the biggest change would be to the diplomatic/political angle.

Perhaps many of the current Decision Events would have to be tossed/changed, and some sort of change would be needed to have the ability to create peace/armistice/ceasefire through diplomacy periodically through the longer super campaigns.


Just saw your post. Congrats on the baby boy!:D

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Hubert, God, all these distractions! :D Congratulations to you and the wife and best wishes for the growing family. :cool::)

Very glad you like the ideas in this thread. :cool:

-- Regarding the posts that have been put up since I was last here --

I think it's true that it would be unreasonable to expect a century scenario, or anything approaching it, with a tech that ranges from 1-5. It was probably unreasonable of me to put it that way in the first place, but I keep wondering what the political and economic world would have been like in 1950 if neither world war had come about. But, as Snowstorm and others have said, that's more for a Civ scenario than SC.

So, since there would be no way to have a world where tanks and aircraft are set at L=0, not existing at all for military purposes, the earliest year we should start at is probably 1916, where aircraft were becoming adapted to warfare roles, and tanks were on the brink of being developed and deployed.

Two 1916 Scenarios:

One with WWI in progress,

and one where WWI hadn't yet begun.

I'd say have them run for twelve years with all the major powers having at least L-2 infantry and artillery, Germany, Britain and France having L-3 of both, and everyone having L-1 land weapons.

Britain, Germany and Japan would have L-3 naval levels, France, the United States, and Italy L-2, with everyone else at L-1

Britain, Germany and France would have L-2 aircraft tech, everyone else L-1.

So, the other scenarios I listed would each span a decade, all of them starting off without a major European war in progress. Major powers would start off with L-2 war techs, minor powers L-1. Due to the staggered times of each, the levels would be at different levels. For example, 1938 L-1 aircraft would be the L-5 aircraft of the 1920s.

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