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Stuck On Brit Campaign - SPOILERS

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I have been enjoying the British Campaign with all its challenges but I am now stuck and seek help. The tenth(?) mission, Ash Shaykn Miskin, the one where one has to defend three sets of buildings seems impossible. Others posting here have succeeded and I wonder how.

Spoilers follow:

I start with a re-enforced platoon, 4 two man Javelin Teams (two missiles each and a total of four reloads available), 2 sniper teams and an artillery spotter (who can call on a very limited amount of 81mm mortar fire) plus the company, platoon and AT section HQ units. One infantry section in located in the left-hand objective with an AT team, One infantry section in the centre with two AT teams and the remaining two sections are in the right-hand objective with the last AT team. Backing this lost up are a couple of Spartan death-traps, half a dozen Warriors and a single Challenger.

Re-enforcements are due in 30 minutes, but after 20 I am basically well beaten. In my last attempt I killed 14 tanks and a whole shed load of BMPs, the left hand objective was just holding out with two men left but I thought I wasn't doing too badly. Then a fresh enemy force with tank support appeared on my right flank. It took down my solitary tank and finished off the last of the warriors. With no javelins left I was doomed again.

I cannot see a way that a re-enforced platoon can hold back what appears to be an armoured battalion for long enough to get the reserves into action. Can someone please give me some pointers as to how to win this mission?

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I started with my forces deployed well back, waited until reinforcements arrived, and then counter attacked. It also helps to get the Javelins in the building all the way to the right so they can pick off the tanks that the Challengers cant see without exposing themselves. A spotter in there also helps to weaken the infantry.

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Private Ryan,

Thanks for taking the time to help me out. Given the restrictions on set-up zones, it isn't really possible to deploy well back, and the infantry units seem to be locked in their own zone depite the three objectives sharing a zone colour. However, I guess I can use the first turn to runaway, at least in part. I'll give it a go.

Thanks again

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I had exactly the same problem! Except I lost the battle a lot sooner! I didn't realise Javelins were effective within buildings? I tend to put my guys on rooftops or out in the open but then they get slaughtered pretty quick. Also I had a lot of bad luck with my anti-tank guys. For some reason they fired a few duds and exposed their position. There is a huge learning curve with this game but I love it.

I found a sniper team really effective - they appeared to flip from side to side of the building they were in, would pick out targets by themselves and would also use small arms. There is a productive way to use every unit in this game, it's just learning how.

Also, with the different types of artillery, what is best for attacking troops housed within buildings/fortifications? Is general the type or should you use personnel, because personnel seems to airburst and doesn't seem very effective.

One thing I have learnt is to keep the defenders hidden until the very last moment although that doesnt seem to work for vehicles. Where did you end up sticking the warriors? Right at the back? Mine were next to useless and I couldn't even get my FO anywhere useful. Do you keep them up the front or well out of harms way? Sorry about all the questions.

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Well, I did as Pvt Ryan suggested. In the setup phase I loaded everyone up that I could from the left-flank objective and ran away to the back of the map. The same with the warriors from the left and centre. I took the two Javelin teams from the centre and on turn one sent them, in the Warrior that contains two Javelin reloads, over to the house on the right near the back of the board. Once there they took up positions with very short target arcs. Another warrior and the FOO subsequently made their way into the wood to on the other side of the road from that building and which commands a view over the ground the enemy flank attack has to cross.

Then my single Challenger went to work supported by the other two Javelin teams. Between them the smashed the enemy front attack on my right. In the meantime the enemy rolled into the empty left-flank objective and stayed there. They did not try and exploit their success! When the right flank attack came the two javelin teams took out the two tanks and four BMPs. The warriors finished off the others and, with mortar support, destroyed the infantry component.

When my reinforcements arrived they quickly smashed the enemy tanks and BMPs around the left-flank objective and then the AI surrendered giving me a total victory.

My thanks to Pvt Ryan for getting me through this very frustrating battle and enabling me to continue the campaign.

I have to say I take no pleasure from this mission because the method I used would not have worked against a human opponent. From the time the AI took the left-flank objective it had at least ten minutes before the reinforcements came on and three T72s a T62 and a whole pack of infantry-carrying BMP to use. Against that I had one Challenger and maybe four uncommitted warriors one seven man section and two HQ units, to hold the centre objective. A human player would have exploited the first success taken the second objective and then been in a position to hit my reinforcements from two sides. Additionally on reviewing the Map the AI had a whole load of other stuff that had taken Objective Baldrick and stopped there, Had they rolled on they could have tipped the scales on my right flank.

All in all I think this mission is below the quality of the others in this campaign. It is too hard and yet also too easy to win. The AI in CMSF certainly appears much better than in previous CM games, but it still doesn't seem to be able to handle an attack too well.

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Interesting read thanks. You can definitely see the AI shortfall when it comes to planning an attack. They go all out, and once they run into heavy fire they tend to route quickly in a disorganised chaos. But it's preparing the defence that is key - this is where I have a lot to learn. I'm sure when I replay the Brit campaign I will attempt the same strategy. Out of interest you said you could not get further with the campaign - is it semi-dynamic or something? I have been trying to work it out. I'm now playing through the marines campaign and I am not doing well. The campaign seems to realise, by the briefings. I wasn't sure if this was supposed to happen, (being pushed right back to the beach) or whether it's semi-dynamic in structure which would be an awesome improvement.

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Yes, the campaign is semi-dynamic. I am still a new player and don't understand much more than I have read in the manual and from my experience of playing the British Campaign this one time. I expect some of the grown ups here can explain better than I could.

In the specific, though, with that defensive battle any sort of loss brought my campaign to an end with a major defeat, game over. After winning on that one I was presented with another mission, which pretty is easy if you have read Chainsaw's(?) "how to pop up, fire and duck down again" hints in this forum, and that was the end of the Campaign. I finished with an over-all major victory. I am going to go back now and play the Northern option.

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I got incredibly lucky with my Challenger, as I ran it into the woods between the leftern-most enemy attack force and the center one. From there, it was able to shoot-and-scoot in all directions and kill one enemy vehicle after the other. When the reinforcements arrived there was only enemy infantry left, which was mopped up slowly and methodically by a phalanx of infantry and AFVs. It took some reloads, though, to keep the tank alive ... RPGs, you know ...

Best regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Basically, the key is to use your Warriors so they are mutually supportive, with narrow fields of fire and their flanks protected.

Don't forget to grab more Javelins from the ATGW section Warriors (which should be wedged out of sight.

The Challenger is key to the battle. Lose it and you are SCREWED. I had it facing the main axis of advance for most of the battle, then switched it to the flank when the Syrian tanks appeared there.

Well timed airburst from the mortars on top of dismounted infantry works wonders.

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I played this mission again during a fresh campaign and I had no Javelin support! Now that was murder. My Challenger 2 took out a number of tanks and 1 BMP before he was toast but my infantry had to huddle in the trees on the far right flank - it was a slaughter on a massive scale. Then my AFVs got hit one by one by fast firing canon from the BMPs. I had no answer to it. My infantry could not get close enough and were next to useless without Javelin support. I got a single tank reinforcement which I promptly lost within the same turn. I'e never been beaten so badly! I was shocked.

I can only presume I didn't have Javelin or further armoured support because I had faired so badly throughout the campaign.

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I played this mission again during a fresh campaign and I had no Javelin support! Now that was murder. My Challenger 2 took out a number of tanks and 1 BMP before he was toast but my infantry had to huddle in the trees on the far right flank - it was a slaughter on a massive scale. Then my AFVs got hit one by one by fast firing canon from the BMPs. I had no answer to it. My infantry could not get close enough and were next to useless without Javelin support. I got a single tank reinforcement which I promptly lost within the same turn. I'e never been beaten so badly! I was shocked.

I can only presume I didn't have Javelin or further armoured support because I had faired so badly throughout the campaign.

The abscence of Javelins and dearth of tanks is almost certainly the result of earlier loses in the campaign. Without them I believe this mission in unwinnable and so for you the campaign is over. I had a similar thing happen to me in my attempt at the Marines Campaign, and it is a bugger.

I am not sure if I like the carry-over rules in the campaign game. On the plus side they do force me to fight conservatively (lots of area fire and very considered bounding overwatch being the rule) and be very protective of my pixeltruppen. Without a doubt this adds another level of challenge to the game.

On the other hand, it can be very frustrating. Some casualties are inevitable, I can keep them to a minimum but cannot avoid them altogether. For example, in the Marines campaign there is a mission in which one has to advance across a two kilometre map against dug in and hidden ATGM's, infantry etc., unless one constantly saves and reloads (which in my view is not on) some vehicles and people are gong to get hit. The constant dribble of casualties builds up and by the time I had reached the ninth mission my recce squads were too depleted to do the job. Eight missions each of which took a minimum of two hours and some much longer ("Pooh" took me nearly eight hours playing time) is a big investment and, whilst each gave their measure of enjoyment and satisfaction, to ultimately lose whilst having won every battle with few loses was very frustrating.

So I am not sure. I am currently playing the Task Force Thunder Campaign so I suppose I can't actually complain.

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I'm playing TF Thunder too. My first attempt at it. My first battle was 1 KIA versus 350 odd KIA and injured, plus numerous tanks which was my best ever result in any scenario! Mission 2 was more difficult, although I gained a tactical victory with 11 KIA and 14 injured. Third mission to date, and it is really tough! The long and narrow map with loads of ATGM everywhere from what I can make out. Not entirely sure how to deal with this. Can't even see them. I can't get a Hummer into position long enough without him getting taken out. My scouts can't see for toffee. Bit stuck.

I agree with you with regards to the lack of suitable equipment in my Brit campaign. Without those Javelins I got kicked bad, and indeed if memory serves I believe that is where my campaign finished? But the thing was, if we are indeed talking about the same mission ( I can never remember the names!!) I did not lose all my javelins from the mission prior - although I might well have expended most of the ammunition for them. I did lose a couple of men (perhaps a full crew) from a Javelin unit for sure, as they were hit by artillery whilst they were spotting on a hillside. But there was definitely men still available. I thought it was odd that I did not have any AT assets available to me apart from this solitary Challenger 2.

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I'm playing TF Thunder too. My first attempt at it. My first battle was 1 KIA versus 350 odd KIA and injured, plus numerous tanks which was my best ever result in any scenario! Mission 2 was more difficult, although I gained a tactical victory with 11 KIA and 14 injured. Third mission to date, and it is really tough! The long and narrow map with loads of ATGM everywhere from what I can make out. Not entirely sure how to deal with this. Can't even see them. I can't get a Hummer into position long enough without him getting taken out. My scouts can't see for toffee. Bit stuck.

I agree with you with regards to the lack of suitable equipment in my Brit campaign. Without those Javelins I got kicked bad, and indeed if memory serves I believe that is where my campaign finished? But the thing was, if we are indeed talking about the same mission ( I can never remember the names!!) I did not lose all my javelins from the mission prior - although I might well have expended most of the ammunition for them. I did lose a couple of men (perhaps a full crew) from a Javelin unit for sure, as they were hit by artillery whilst they were spotting on a hillside. But there was definitely men still available. I thought it was odd that I did not have any AT assets available to me apart from this solitary Challenger 2.

350:1, that is a very good ratio indeed, I don't think I have ever come close to that.

I played the third mission in TF Thunder last night, it is a bit tricky but I managed to force a Syian surrender with five minutes to go. I was horrified to find how much the AI had left on the board which I had never even spotted, God knows why it surrendered I couln't have won if it hadn't. The Hummers in that mission (as in most) are useless, I just parked them in the compound by the setup position on turn one. The big hill on the right was my route forward and I led with the infantry. It took a long time clearing the first enemy line and it wasn't easy getting the overwatch positions for the vehicles where they wouldn't get smacked but could support the infantry. Trying to clear trench lines without artillery or mortars is hard.

I have just finished the fourth mission which was ridiculously easy by comparison, got a total victory in 42 game minutes without taking a single casualty or losing a single vehicle. I was given three howitzer batteries and one of 81mm mortars all with lots and lots of ammunition. I had more firepower than I knew what to do with.

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I played the third mission in TF Thunder last night, it is a bit tricky but I managed to force a Syian surrender with five minutes to go. I was horrified to find how much the AI had left on the board which I had never even spotted, God knows why it surrendered I couln't have won if it hadn't. The Hummers in that mission (as in most) are useless, I just parked them in the compound by the setup position on turn one. The big hill on the right was my route forward and I led with the infantry. It took a long time clearing the first enemy line and it wasn't easy getting the overwatch positions for the vehicles where they wouldn't get smacked but could support the infantry. Trying to clear trench lines without artillery or mortars is hard.

God thanks for the warning! It's not much fun. I'm trying to use those laser-guided Hummers as spotters, but they are not working particularly well although they seem to make good targets. I don't really understand how they work. I thought they would spot for the TOW2 or something, or just generally, but it doesn't seem to work lol.. I only have 7 minutes left and I'm not passed the first line yet. :(

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I'm playing TF Thunder too. My first attempt at it. My first battle was 1 KIA versus 350 odd KIA and injured, plus numerous tanks which was my best ever result in any scenario! Mission 2 was more difficult, although I gained a tactical victory with 11 KIA and 14 injured. Third mission to date, and it is really tough! The long and narrow map with loads of ATGM everywhere from what I can make out. Not entirely sure how to deal with this. Can't even see them. I can't get a Hummer into position long enough without him getting taken out. My scouts can't see for toffee. Bit stuck.

I agree with you with regards to the lack of suitable equipment in my Brit campaign. Without those Javelins I got kicked bad, and indeed if memory serves I believe that is where my campaign finished? But the thing was, if we are indeed talking about the same mission ( I can never remember the names!!) I did not lose all my javelins from the mission prior - although I might well have expended most of the ammunition for them. I did lose a couple of men (perhaps a full crew) from a Javelin unit for sure, as they were hit by artillery whilst they were spotting on a hillside. But there was definitely men still available. I thought it was odd that I did not have any AT assets available to me apart from this solitary Challenger 2.

I made a walkthrough of mission 3 here:

Briefly: suppress the ATGM firing line with HEAT rounds from the tanks after bounding to the gas station, then attack with a mechanized wave against it.

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well about the salt pan mission, the long and narrow one with the AT-3´s and SPG-9´s on the end...

if you have probs with this one try to "ignore" the AT-3s and SPG´s in the rear, and simply lead with tanks in this one.

what i did is, wich is a long time ago since i played TF thunder, i put up the recon humvee on top of the hill. it had a scoot and "attract ATGM´s" movement path.

so it was driving into a hull down pos at the hill pausing for 10 seconds and reversing down. this left serveral AT-3´s slam into the dirt with no danger to my humvee. this i did 2 or 3 times.

you dont have much time in this mission, so you need to hurry a little. i played WEGO and there was more then enough time for the given enemy force but if you play RT everything takes longer for the most part.

while my humvee doged AT-3´s i had the one scout team sneak over the top on the verry right edge in hopes to spot infantry down at the first line.

note that the AT-3 is the lowest quality and oldest ATGM you can face, all the explosions you see at their end of the map wich come out of nowhere, are AT-3´s "crashing" short after lauch. so if you see some dirt kicked up back there, it one of their numerouse "fail shots". the operators in this scenario are even green. one of the worst possible confiruration for syrian ATGM´s :D

as soon as the tanks arive you should have "won" but it takes a little more time. now with the tanks, i put em all in line and pushed em forward into LOS from the opposite side of the map. the few AT-3s left didnt hit ovcourse as they rarely do and the single one that did hit did nothing, AT-3 vs Abrams front = 0:1 for the abrams. but watch em if they are not hull down, if the AT-3 slams into the lower hull it can hurt!!!

so with the AT-3s gone you finaly start takeing the first trenches, should be around 10 to 15 minutes into the scenario.

bring your strykers forward now that the AT-3s area gone and dismount the sinfantry under smoke in sight of the trenches, or seak em down the verrry right edge into the brushes as i did. doesnt matter. first trench line should be a push over!

try to get with all youre firepower you want to direct towards the trenches at once into LOS of the trenches to get maximum effect. obviousely thats much more simple for me in WEGO then in RT.

now the important part, smokeing out the guys on the verry rear of the map takes additional time and isnt toaly without danger. so make 100% sure that you leave nothing behind in the first trenchline, that way the AI surrenders much to early, as in blackcats example and you win with hardly touching the end of the map. at one point the AI was set to surrender earlier, wich is quiet a few patches ago but i dont like it up to this day. sometimes, depends on the scenario/mission, they surrender after you got all the easy targets and the one you can remove with arty and airpower, and the hardened defense in houses and walled componds left surrenders in the end :D

and yes,... after the AT-3´s are dry, there are still the SPG´9s left. these start to shoot at you around the area of the first trench line, or 700 to 800 meters as far as i remember, something like that.

well there isnt more to know about the salt pan mission i think.

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I can't print screens either! Fraps doesn't work too. I'm stuffed :( Windows 7 here.

I managed a tactical victory in mission 3, I don't know how because there were lots of Syrian toys left over. I only suffered a couple of casualties however. One of my tanks took a direct hit, and was damaged although he still kept on moving. At that point I moved him into a semi hull-down position although he wasn't a lot of use from there. The problem I had was not being able to identify the postions of the ATGMs at the rear. I could have wasted all my ammuntion just guessing where they were so I crept my scouts forward over the hill and managed to attack the front line with infantry support, but I am still learning how to use over-watch and supporting my infantry with my tanks/vehicles.

Thanks for the advice on the mission I will check it out. I am now on missin 4 which is quite a lot of fun for the US side, but murder for the Syrians :) I've 40 minutes left but have the checkpoint in my hands. I am now trying to attack the hotel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I finally made it to this last mission of the Brits campaign. Sure enough my first play-through was a complete slaughter. I have zero Jav launchers, even though I had one 2 man team survive the previous mission. I get a Major Defeat for the campaign. Surely doesn't seem right, I've had all Total and Major victories before this final battle.

Very lame that campaign success pins on one battle. :mad:

Actually going back over this thread, it appears people are talking about two different scenarios. The scenario where you get only a single tank to hold off hordes of tanks and BMPs is called "Counter Attack". It is the final battle in the Brits campaign. Apparently this "Ash Shaykn Miskin" scenario is from earlier in the campaign.

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