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The future of the Mac and Combat Mission

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There has been an ongoing (past several months) thread about New Macs and others who have upgraded their video card (specifically ATI 9000 pro) not being able to play the game because they get a psychedelic display.

After watching this thread and posting to it over the last several months it appears that the following sad truths are evident:

1)Apple is not doing anything about this issue

2)ATI is not doing anything about this issue

3)The games creator is not doing anything about this issue

Which adds up to NO ONE is doing anything about this issue.

I must say I find this very disheartening. I have enjoyed many many hours of great gameplay overthe past few years but it looks as if that is over now. In addition I will not be purchasing any more games from this company. While I don't blame them for doing nothing about this issue; there are to few people affected, it would cost to much to do it, it can't be fixed, etc., I would hope that they would take notice of the fact that they will be losing all their Mac customers in the future as people buy new machines. Again this may be of little consequence to battlefront, lets face it, we Mac users are to small a slice of the pie for them to stand up and get involved in trying to help us out. $'s talk, Macs walk.

Again i want to stress that there are no hard feelings on my part, I am just very bummed that it looks like this is the end.

If anybody hears of a real fix to the issue please let me know at: czara@attbi.com

Thanks again battlefront for the good times. :confused:

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Umm you are way off the mark.

1. The game is designed on the Mac.

2. While CMAK will not be able to be ran on OSX, it still can under rave.

3. The new engine WILL work under OSX.

4. ATI is responsible for their drivers. Just as NVidia is reponsible for their drivers under Windows XP. Coding for a bug in drivers is a sure way to get stuck coding again and again as drivers change and some bugs are fixed.


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Tell you what, go out and get yourself a cheap used Mac that runs OS9 and your problem is solved. That's what I did; yeah a 400-500Mhz machine isn't th best but it works fine for CM.

[ May 03, 2003, 01:46 AM: Message edited by: Panzerman ]

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Originally posted by Panzerman:

Tell you what, go out and get yourself a cheap used Mac that runs OS9 and your problem is solved. That's what I did; yeah a 400-500Mhz machine isn't th best but it works fine for CM.

thats the only available solution at this time

if you want to play CMxx you need a used Mac that will dual boot, NO way around that.

That is the only work around, buy a used Mac. :eek:

-tom w

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Your quote:

I would hope that they would take notice of the fact that they will be losing all their Mac customers in the future as people buy new machines.

My response AGAIN, they are developing on the Mac, the next engine will run on OSX. That IS the future of Combat Mission. People will want the new game for that and the other massive changes that are coming.

As for the current CMBB, the game code can NOT be easily changed. Charles and Steve have repeated this a few times. Under CMBO, BTS asked Apple if the calls were changing and were told no. Apple changed the calls anyway. So, the OSX compatibility has to wait for the new engine.


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Originally posted by Simon Smith:

I just figured out that CM:BO will not work on my iMac which is very disappointing. I own 3 Battlefront games and have switched to Mac which will limit my viability as a customer in the future.

which iMac do you own?

is it dual boot?

-tom w

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, I have a newish ibook, not the toilet seat, and I can run CMBO fine under classic, sure the graphics look clunky and when i boot up in OS9.2 instead of 10 i realise what i'm missing, especially when using the battle of the bulge mod. I just wanted to ask a few questions of the knowledgeable which might clear some things up for me and those others who are confused out there.


Will not run natively under OSX,

Will run in classic if you disable the classic rave extenstion

Will run fine in OS9.2


Will not run natively under OSX

Don't know what happens with classic

Will run fine in OS9.2?????, can I keep doing what I was doing for CMBO


Will not run natively under OSX



The new engine CM

Will run fine under OSX, all problems solved the world makes sense again.

If people could tell me what i'm right about and what i'm blowing out my arse it might clear up a few questions


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Originally posted by melb_will:


Will not run natively under OSX,

Will run in classic if you disable the classic rave extenstion

Will run fine in OS9.2



Will not run natively under OSX


Don't know what happens with classic
Same as CMBO, I believe.

Will run fine in OS9.2?????, can I keep doing what I was doing for CMBO
Works fine on my box. There appears to be some downsampling on all Mac cards compared to PC cards :( , otherwise, no problems.


Will not run natively under OSX

Not as far as I know.

Your guess is as good as mine, but I expect same as BO and BB.

Should be okay as long as you have a system that will boot in 9.2.

The new engine CM

Will run fine under OSX, all problems solved the world makes sense again.

I have my fingers crossed. But I'm not giving up my 9.2 box for a couple of years yet just to be sure.


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Michael Emrys,

CMBB will not run in Classic on an OS X only Mac. This is because the default resolution for CMBB is 800x600 and Classic supports only 640x480. This has been discussed repeatedly, but I don't have the links handy. CMBO will, though, because its default

resolution is....wait for it...640x480.

Now you know why I've written a bunch of people and posted threads trying to find hacks for OS X only Macs. We think we've found a way for the 15" 2003 and later iMacs, since it's not a hardware level ROM issue, and we are hopeful similar approaches may work for the OS X only PowerBooks and towers.


John Kettler

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If your a true wargamer why not just use what your Mac was designed for.... "office applications" and get a gaming PC?....issues solved. Don't blame Battlefront because you can't get their fine games to work on the newest "uber yuppie" systems that you just have to have.

Sorry... there is always golf.

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Originally posted by Panzertruppe:

If your a true wargamer why not just use what your Mac was designed for.... "office applications" and get a gaming PC?

Questions of whether I fit your definition of a "true wargamer" aside, I can only afford to own one computer at a time. And even if cost were not an issue, I only have space for a single computer set up in my apartment, and even that is crowded. I use a Mac because I like it best, despite its limitations. If something better appeared on the market, I would use that, but from my point of view it hasn't happened yet.

BTW, I am about as far from being a Yuppie as you can get while still bathing regularly.



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Sorry if I offended you Michael. What I should have posted was not a "true wargamer" but someone who only uses his computer for wargames like I do.

My dislike for the "corporate world" that buys up good wargame companies (SSI,Avalon Hill,Talonsoft..ect)and then forces them to release unfinished,buggy games to meet their deadlines...then folds them up...moves on to the next company they can destroy puts them high in my "Yuppie" list as do manufactures of new computers and the "suits" that have to have all that latest technolgy to be better then the guy next door. Wow...that was a mouthful!

Anyhow...maybe someday they will all go back to basics ( like console games) build only a few brands of computers that play ALL software...and we would all be happy (except the yuppie)...and never need "tech support" again!

PS....Sorry again if my post offended you in any way.

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Originally posted by Panzertruppe:

Sorry if I offended you Michael.

Not at all. I just feel these little clarifications are necessary from time to time.

BTW, again just for the record, I started playing wargames nearly 40 years ago. I don't know if that makes me a "true" wargamer either, but my interest is far from casual.

My dislike for the "corporate world" that buys up good wargame companies (SSI,Avalon Hill,Talonsoft..ect)and then forces them to release unfinished,buggy games to meet their deadlines...then folds them up...
No, I don't like them either. In fact, it would delight me me to hear that open season has been declared on such types. I think what happened to Avalon Hill was especially outrageous. The hobby would never have become what it was (at least in the US) without them. They deserved better. Much better.



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Concerning what happened to Avalon Hill, blame Eric Dott!

Based on years of watching (started with Tactics II at age 12), talking to people in the game industry, some of the game and art talent, and having had a friend edit THE GENERAL, it is painfully clear to me that the man abused his people, exploited the talent, had neither an understanding nor a love of wargames (AH was a tax writeoff for Dott's printing firm), didn't recognize good ideas when run over by them, had no vision and when cornered by the hobby shifts and years of stupendous, arrogant incompetence, made a multimillion-dollar killer deal on his own behalf and threw his people to the wolves. The company whose products we knew and loved basically died in a single day, leaving the staff in total shock.


John Kettler

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did you get the powerbook or the iBook? I have an iBook that works fine. Not sure if the power book will work.

either way, go to system preferences and select the 'startup disk' icon.

do you see an option to start up in OS9? if so, you can run CMBO/CMBB. if not, then, unfortunately, you cant. At least until a work around or fix is found/performed.

good luck


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