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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

OMG, How broken!!

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Come on, this is beyond funny. I tried playing the new demo, focusing on the british mission, and was a little supprised to see a recoiless rifle suddenly get spotted by one of my scimitars (at about 300 meters)

"Wow" thought I, "surely BFC have fixed the spotting issues" and seeing as i was moving my boys reasonably quickly i thought nothing of losing that scimitar (on the right flank, on "our" side of the ridge)

However, after 5 minutes none of my units (2 sniper teams and 1 javalin) had spotted anything even after incoming rounds took out a jackal.

So i loaded the same mission and played as the syrians. Now imagine my horror as a jackal drove down the ridge and across maybe 300 meters of open ground TOTALY unobserved by ANY of the syrian units on the (syrian) left flank.

I left all syrian units in situ at the start so one sagger team in particular had an elevated possition, was facing towards the jackal, and yet still didnt spot it!!

How can this still be happening so long after launch and after so many patches?

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Hey, play it Realtime instead of WeGo and outcomes will be a bit different too. So AI play isn't abolutely identical to human play. The AI can't make use of the human's 'eye of God' playing techniques, buzzing over the map and repeatedly replaying from all angles til 'something' is spotted. So it sounds like AI's spotting ability might have a VERY slight advantage by way of compensation (either done inadvertantly or deliberately). I'm okay with it. This is a game, not a science experiment.

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No, that doesn't sound like AI favoring/compensation to me.

Individual unit's ability to "see" enemy units that are moving, in plain sight, just appeared when cresting a ridge etc. do raise some WTF moments. We have seen these both inside and outside the AI.

Hopefully it gets better when information sharing of close units independently of C2 is implemented.

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Where did i say i was playing wego? Ive checked my own post ten times and im sure its not there. Of course it wont be there because i was playing realtime!

And on the point of it being a game, ANY game is only fun when EVERYONES playing by the same rules. The idea that the computer has its OWN rules kills any sense of fairplay.

Also, no amount of REPLAYING a one minute round will let me spot a unit (thats stationary) unless the game mechanics dictate that ive spotted it.

And seeing as we are almost two modules into the development of this game shouldnt the games most basic mechanics be working. To be asking us to pay for modules when this sort of problem still occurs is CRAZY!!

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Calm down... it's not like the game just ran over your dog or somefink :)

Remember, too, that you're not paying for the game improvements. Those are free to anybody who had any form of CM. With the Module you are paying for the British content.

Hev, get a save ready and someone will contact you to take a look at it. Without seeing it in person there's no way to comment for sure about what is happening. Very often people's perceptions are off, but of course sometimes they aren't. It's always a challenge to sort things out when there are so many incorrect reports of problems. Looking at a specific example is always the best way to go about it.


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Do you perhaps have money riding on the outcome of a battle? You seem to be awfully worked up over virtually nothing.

There's no such thing as 'fairplay' in human vs computer, humans have access to any number of gamey tricks a computer can't use. And there's no 'rule' I'm aware of that says the computer game can't have a couple of its own tricks up its sleeve. The game has a certain AI spotting protocol. So what? Its just a game. If BFC had wanted to design-in 'the rapture' and spirit away half of your unworthy troops in the middle of a battle it would have had every right to do so. Its their game, they can do what they want.

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Yeah, I'm now a beta tester of sorts, and nearly all of my bug reports were due to my mistakes or misinterpretations. Even if what you're talking about is a bug, it's no reason to lay an egg. Chill out and enjoy the game for what it is... i.e., the most realistic modern tactical wargame ever made. It's highly polished in it's current state and has nearly endless possibilities for the future.

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Hev, without a save or even a screen shot there are so many factors that could account for what you are seeing that its impossible to comment on your issue with any accuracy.

Variables such as lighting condition, night vision equiment, range, experience, C3 quality, etc can all make a difference as to how long a unit will take to spot another. As such without a save we dont even know if the units even have clear LOS to the units you wish them to spot, so as suggested above grab a save of your issue so it can be reviewed to see what, if any, problem there may be.


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First off, i get the impresion i came accross as foaming at the mouth (reading my posts i can see how) but it did blowmy mind that i appeared to be seeing this massive spotting bug on my second play. I also get how i might not have been seeing the situation as it is (i dont think i was :D but i get that i might have) And ill try to replicate it as i dont have a save cos i rage quit :)

As to having money on the battle of course i dont but i do have something invested in Battlefront. Ive bought all the combat mission games upto SF and with that i have a huge amount of time invested in the game series. Most of us that use this forum LOVE Battlefront for the games they produced and the experiences these games gave us (i for one in a deeply unhealthy sexual way ;) ) which is why the game provokes such outbursts, for want of a better word.

Now, im going to slink off feeling a little foolish for my rant and try to be a bit more productive

@Mikey - Surely any trick a player can use the computer can be programmed to use aswell but the point is the computer must appear to be playing by the same "game rules" that you are using otherwise whats the point in playing against the computer?

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Do you perhaps have money riding on the outcome of a battle? You seem to be awfully worked up over virtually nothing.

There's no such thing as 'fairplay' in human vs computer, humans have access to any number of gamey tricks a computer can't use. And there's no 'rule' I'm aware of that says the computer game can't have a couple of its own tricks up its sleeve. The game has a certain AI spotting protocol. So what? Its just a game. If BFC had wanted to design-in 'the rapture' and spirit away half of your unworthy troops in the middle of a battle it would have had every right to do so. Its their game, they can do what they want.

With all respect, but I don't think there is any AI favourism in the spotting, or anywhere else in the game. And hence you shouldn't imply there is, unless there is some stronger indication that there is. But the anomalies that have been are perfectly within those observed by human players on their own side.

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