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CMAK VISTA 1.04 Patch compatability with 1.03 version.

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Hi Guys,

First let me say how grateful I am to finally see this patch for Vista. Excellent work.

The immediate issue I have discovered however is that, as cool as it is to be able to use the game on my Vista box, I can now no longer play against users via email who have the older 1.03 version of the game.

This is going to be a real issue for those of us involved in club play!

So the obvious question is, can this be fixed?

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Follow up... have you actually tried and had it fail to work? I double checked and Charles apparently did take this into consideration when he made the new version by not updating the internal version number which is used for checks. But the code is so ancient, he now wonders if he should have changed something somewhere. So the first thing to do is confirm that this is an actual problem already experienced vs. a (logically) perceived issue.


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Yep, I tried it both ways, first setting up a PBEM game with the 1.04 client and then trying to open it up on a different PC with the 1.03 client and got the incompatible version splash screen.

Then to make sure it wasn't one way, I reversed the process, setting up a PBEM with the 1.03 client and got the same result!

Thanks BTW for responding so fast...

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Best thing to do is just give the new patch for free as it should have been to begin with and that solves all the problems. I can't believe people are actually paying for a patch that's the most rediculous thing I've ever seen in my near 30 years of computer gaming. You guys need to quit lying down for crap like this. The patch should be FREE!

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I can't believe people are actually paying for a patch that's the most rediculous thing I've ever seen in my near 30 years of computer gaming.

I agree!!! A game company offering support for a 6 and 8 year old game products is absolutely ridiculous and unheard of in my 30 years of computing gaming experience. Thanks for pointing that out.

Oh wait... you were being abusive. Silly me. OK, so please enlighten me. What software companies you know provide free patches for 6-8 year old software? Or better still, which companies do you know provide patches of any kind for 6-8 year old software? If you can even name one, I'd be surprised. And if it is a game company I'll print out this thread and eat it.

We were under no obligation, of any sort imaginable, to produce a fix for Vista for pre-existing customers. Not to mention for product that was probably 10 times under priced for the experience it has given the average customer per hour of entertainment. Perhaps 1000 times under priced for the hardcore customer. Therefore, if you think you have something to complain about for a patch which costs less than an average lunch out, go right on ahead and complain.

Best thing to do is just give the new patch for free as it should have been to begin with and that solves all the problems.

So in another 10 years you expect the old Combat Missions to still work because we can anticipate what the hardware and OS vendors are going to break? If I could see into the future like that I'd be putting my money in the stock market, not wasting my time with this stupid game company stuff.


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I agree!!! A game company offering support for a 6 and 8 year old game products is absolutely ridiculous and unheard of in my 30 years of computing gaming experience. Thanks for pointing that out.

Glad you agree cause PARADOX does it for ALL their games! Better start printing out the page and eating it.

Or better still, which companies do you know provide patches of any kind for 6-8 year old software? If you can even name one, I'd be surprised. And if it is a game company I'll print out this thread and eat it.

Also Matrixgames has done it for an even older game "Steel Panthers", so that's two pieces of paper you can start eating.

HPS has recently started updating ALL their games to no longer require the CD in the drive to run. http://www.theblitz.org/message_boards/showthread.php?tid=52230&pid=299383pid299383

Let alone updating old games like "Strike Eagle"

Time for you to start eating 3 pages now.

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All this fuss over a $5 patch. Your priorities are in order?

Glad you agree cause PARADOX does it for ALL their games! Better start printing out the page and eating it.

Really? They offer free patches to people who purchased their games 6-8 years ago? That's definitely news to me.

Also Matrixgames has done it for an even older game "Steel Panthers", so that's two pieces of paper you can start eating.

OK, so the Steel Panthers game I bought from SSI is still being supported by Matrix? Great! Where do I download the patch? All I see is a place to re-purchase the game, in its current form, for $65 or $75. I can't even find patches for the older versions they released.

HPS has recently started updating ALL their games to no longer require the CD in the drive to run.

Well, that is interesting, though HPS has a completely different strategy for their games than does just about any other game company. Especially us. And that is reusing the same code over and over and over and over again. In effect they never stop supporting the game because they never stop developing it. Which makes it fairly unique, though at a significnt cost in terms of innovation.

And if that's the best you can cite for your 30 years of gaming experience, given the tens of thousands of games released in that time, I don't think your position is very well supported in proportion to your claims.

Time for you to start eating 3 pages now.

Nope, but I am getting hungry for lunch now.


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Wow folks now he even lies. He said and I quote

which companies do you know provide patches of any kind for 6-8 year old software? If you can even name one, I'd be surprised. And if it is a game company I'll print out this thread and eat it.

I provided him with three and only had to provide ONE and Steel Panthers and HPS were the easy ones to prove still get support after 6-8 years.

Notice how he gaffed over HPS and their SUPPORT and PATCHING for their over 6-8 year old games? Using the same engine wasn't the issue or part of your earlier statement. You said ANY game company supporting 6-8 year old games period.

Face it Steve you have lost this match. But, it's your games your decisions. I think this one will come up and bite you in the arse though. Especially after what you've just proven about yourself and what you think about your company.

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Re: Matrix/Steel Panthers

Matrix was required by contract with Gary Grigsby to NOT charge for the SPWAW game upgrade. All the work was done as a Fan based project. Later the SPWAW Campaign series done by Bill Wilder/Matrix did have a cost. If memory serves it was $25 USD. That, too, was done by agreement with Mr. Grigsby. And the SOLE reason for it was to help recoup the financial losses Matrix suffered just keeping the "community's" Forum and game/patches dl availability going. I know this as I either a front row spectator (the contract negotiations were obviously private) or active participant (beta Tester for all but one of the Campaigns). So BFC does not have to eat that particular piece of paper.

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The contract is not in question or relevant to this issue. It is the SUPPORT issue and the PATCHING of a game over 6-8 years old. So don't try to change the subject or push some legalities form into the issue. Steel Panthers a game well over 6-8 years old was/is supported regardless of contract, copyrights or other issues related to it.

[commercial link removed]

Released in 2000 and still active and being supported. 8.40 patch volume I believe. Which also supports Steel Panthers independently.

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OK I've just discovered something else that will hopefully narrow the issue down.

The version conflict only occurs with the CMAK patch.

I've just tried setting up PBEM games with CMBB 1.04 client and can access them with the CMBB 1.03 client with no issues.

So this seems to be a CMAK only issue!

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Wow folks now he even lies.

Actually, no I didn't. However, you did for misrepresenting the facts about the games you cited. Obviously you're not even remotely interested in being reasonable or rational. But I knew that from your first post.

I did, however, make the mistake of saying "patches of any kind". That was too strong a qualifier. Should I alert my lawyers that you will be filing a lawsuit over this egregious harm done to you and the wargaming community?

Face it Steve you have lost this match.

Oh, I knew I lost the match before we even posted the news of the patch. We knew someone like you would come around and there would be no rational argument you would accept to get that chip off your shoulder.

But, it's your games your decisions.

Exactly. And it's your choice to buy the $5 patch or not. Free markets are great, aren't they?

I think this one will come up and bite you in the arse though.

Once gain proving how out of touch with reality you are. Most game companies don't support their games after a few months of release, not to mention a year or more. And yet we have a huge, thriving games industry.

Especially after what you've just proven about yourself and what you think about your company.

I've just reinforced what everybody already knows about us... we don't care for customers who don't care about us. Or reality. We did not go through all that we've gone through to be treated like crap. The fact is I have a lot more reasons to be disappointed with your behavior than you do with mine.

Kindly never purchase anything from us again and put your money where your mouth is.


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Killroy, alright, you win.

I did have to remove your commercial link however since there are links to purchase said game on that page :)

Ok that's kewl can we please have a picture of Steve eating those pages though please? :o)

I've just reinforced what everybody already knows about us... we don't care for customers who don't care about us. Or reality. We did not go through all that we've gone through to be treated like crap. The fact is I have a lot more reasons to be disappointed with your behavior than you do with mine.

I'm afraid it is you who has no concept of reality. Do you have any idea how you are making yourself look here? You've come out and said "this stupid game company stuff". You called your own company STUPID! You called yourself STUPID! You're the company or do you not realize the reality of that? lol

Oh and if you don't want me to BUY your products anymore. That's fine by me. Doesn't mean I won't get to play them now does it. ;p If you think that $5 out of me is so important moreso that your company image and the image of yourself you just put out there I surely am not going to care. You obviously have proven you don't.

This is going to be heard around the globe about how you don't care about your company or yourself or your customers when they dont' agree with you. Why don't you just say "F**K You" to them eh?

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The contract is not in question or relevant to this issue. It is the SUPPORT issue and the PATCHING of a game over 6-8 years old.

I just paid $300 for a "patch" to my copy of Filemaker because it won't work on my (current) OS. If you can convince Filemaker to give me my money back I'd be grateful.


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You don't like that we're charging a measly $5 for a long since not-supported game, which we have no legal or ethical obligation to support. I get that. We expected a few people like you would think the same way. If we thought the majority of our customers were so unreasonable we'd stop making games completely. But we know there is always at least one person who has to fly off the handle about something they shouldn't, and so we're fine with that.

But don't push our patience with your abusive behavior. You want to be a troll, fine. But being a troll does carry with it consequences.


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I'm afraid it is you who has no concept of reality. Do you have any idea how you are making yourself look here? You've come out and said "this stupid game company stuff". You called your own company STUPID! You called yourself STUPID! You're the company or do you not realize the reality of that? lol

I believe the phrase you are so hung up on is called irony, a point completely misunderstood by you. As for the rest of your rant, well not much can be said except the cracks are showing.

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I guess I should start ragging on Subaru for a free hybrid engine as soon as they start offering them, after all I bought one of their cars and that should entitle me to all the latest technology as a free upgrade just because I bought one of their products... or maybe I should be able to turn in my progressive scan dvd player and demand a free blu-ray player as a free replacement. And then there is my computer itself, I'm sure Newegg should provide me with a new motherboard, cpu, memory, and graphics card (my drives are fine for now) because mine are a year and a half old now and I was/am one of their loyal customers.

When I purchased CMBB and CMAK they were advertised as being compatible with Windows XP and they were. I migrated to Vista and they no longer worked and while I found that regrettable I found no reason to blame BF for this, nor did I expect BF to make a Vista compatibility patch for titles that were designed before Vista was an uncompatible sparkle in Bill Gates' eye.

I will admit that I have said I would be willing to pay BF for the development of a Vista compatibility patch... I don't view this as being dumb or naive, in fact I think the opposite is true. What I'm realizing today is that I will buy the patches later tonight because I said I would pay for them but that I will probably never play those excellent CM titles again because I find CMx2 to be a far superior gaming experience.

The fact that BF is charging $5 - a song and a dance - for a compatibility patch - NOT a bug fix - for Microsoft's uncompatible OS is a good thing and I thank them for it (although I'm not sure I like adding the e-license "feature" to my hassle free copy). Which brings up a question, will the e-license information be stored on my customer page automatically or will I have to store it as yet another alternate address?

And BF, thanks for listening to customers like me who said they would pay for a compatibility patch. And thanks to Philip for his hard work too!

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Stop whining about the $5. And if they overlooked the version check override in CMAK but not CMBB so what as long as it gets re-fixed? At least the will was obviously there.

Now tell me whether there is any other fix in there. Is the 1600x1200 limit gone? Does the video mode selection mechanism at startup behave any better now? What about more exotic widescreen resolutions supported without trickery?

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This is actually all over globe now. A company that sells the game who doesn't support it for new OS? Strange. Well I've seen it bf.

Look from another page someone wrote: 'Your either a good company or a bad company- If your game is 'out of print' then it's a mut argument but if it's still in your catalogue then you are obligated.'

Battlefront a small question. You still sell the game? Do you have a plan how to sell it when all has Windows 7?


Pike (Isn't that a sharp edge on that pike?)

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Now tell me whether there is any other fix in there. Is the 1600x1200 limit gone? Does the video mode selection mechanism at startup behave any better now? What about more exotic widescreen resolutions supported without trickery?


Battlefront a small question. You still sell the game? Do you have a plan how to sell it when all has Windows 7?


not sure what your point is but we're still selling the game. The full version is available from our store and includes the 1.04 upgrade for no extra charge.

I don't see a problem of selling a game that is not compatible with a particular OS or hardware. It happens all the time. As long as it's clearly spelled out to the customer what he is buying (which we do; we also provide free demos to try) there is no issue nor any obligation on our end.


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PS. The upgrade we released has been tested on Windows 7 and works just fine. If this will be the case in the future I don't know. Microsoft (or one of the graphic cards manufacturers) might just decide to break something again...

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