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My feelings about SC2

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I was following developement of the game way back before it was initially released. I preordered the cd, but once I found out about the draconian DRM measures used in the game, I had written Battlefront about it and I was offered a refund but eventually turned down. I wish I hadn't. In all honesty, I played the game only twice. I found it boring, basic with no complexity or depth to it at all. I have since gotten into the Hearts of Iron series (a FAR superior game I might add), and there is no DRM whatsoever.

I understand a company wanting to protect it's intellectual rights, however, any form of DRM that requires me, the paying customer to get "permission" to use software that I PAYED for, only serves to hurt the customer and not the pirate, for the pirates always find away around any form of copy protection, usually within hours or days a game is officially released.

There have been several games I would like to have gotten, Battlefield 2142 for instance, but I absolutely refuse to support any company that uses such measures. I simply should not have to "activate" a game I have purchased with my hard earned money. I've always payed for all the software I use, I always will. I guess the only thing that I can do is vote with my wallet.

I threw SC2 in the garbage. The so-called "discount" that Battlefront offered was a joke too. Less packaging equals less cost, yet this turd still cost $45. I should have opted for the refund, oh well. Lesson learned. No matter how good, or how bad a game is, it's simply not worth giving up my rights to play.

I sincerely hope you take this into consideration Battlefront in any future game you release, and I hope that you release something far better than that schlocky Strategic Command. The narrow gameplay, the almost no replay value, the sucky AI, the game just was never worth $45, come on let's get real here.

Go ahead and ban me and delete this message. I've said all I need to say.

Bye bye battlefront. If you continue in your ways like EA (read: spore), I hope you and every company using such draconian DRM measures doesn't survive this economy. :)

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Nope, those are my honest feelings about it. Just because I haven't been an active member for a long time doesn't make me a troll. I haven't played this game, in, sheesh I think 2 years, but I felt a need to come here and make my point.

I honestly feel that the game is not very good, but the biggest thing was that it incorporates DRM, which I refuse to support, and as such battlefront has lost my support and I will not (and have not) purchased any more games from them. (No I don't use their software, I pay for all software I use).

Thanks for reading.

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I don't expect to be taken seriously and that's fine. I've made my point. Of course you guys got along well without me. :P I just wanted to state my feelings about it publicly, about the game, and the direction this company has taken.

Of course you guys love the game and support the company, and that's good for you. But I will not. Good for me. :)

It's not about getting out more ( I have a life thank you ), but it's the stance I'm taking against DRM. If you want to put up with it, fine, but I will not, and I will not waiver in that. DRM is intrusive, it impedes upon my free use rights, and it only serves to hurt the customer (and company in the long run), while pirates get to enjoy a game that has defeated said DRM.

eLicense was defeated a long time ago, there's just no point in using something that will only harass the customer, and put stumbling blocks in his way, while the pirate gets to enjoy it for nothing.

DRM just does not work. I know Battlefront wont miss my $45 potential purchases in the future, and that's fine, but atleast I can know they know I will not tolerate such draconian measures in software I use.

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Digital Rights Management, basically just any form of copy protection scheme.

Yeah, software pirates hate DRM. Funny though, most honest people don't have a problem with it... :confused:

In all honesty, I played the game only twice. I found it boring, basic with no complexity or depth to it at all... The narrow gameplay, the almost no replay value, the sucky AI...

You don't mention which game you played only twice. SC2, SC2-WAW, SC2-PDE? The "game" has become more complex and robust throughout its development, with each successive game better than the previous. If you take some time to check under the hood, experiment with the editor or try some of the custom mods available, you may find there's more depth to the game than you think. ;)

I have since gotten into the Hearts of Iron series (a FAR superior game I might add)

To each his own. I have played HOI and HOI2 and personally cannot stand the single-country continuous time format. Yes it is a very complex game with considerable depth if you're into that sort of micromanagment. However, turn-based games like the SC2 series with relatively simple game mechanics are fast-playing and fun in their own right. Many players prefer playability over those "FAR" superior aspects of complex monster games. :cool:

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pzgndr (hey I think I remember you from the forums before :) ), I buy all the software I use. Unfortunately DRM never works, it's always defeated at some point, and it's the paying customer that has to jump through hoops while the pirate is enjoying a game with DRM defeated.

DRM is intrusive, and goes against my free use rights. I simply should not have to go online to get permission to use software that I payed for. That is my original argument. After SC2, I said no way ever again (and probably missed out on some cool games too, but I'm sticking by my standards).

You're right, HoI is very in depth, and I love the micromanagement, but what you aren't saying is, nearly all of that micromanagement can be automatically managed for you. I like that I can choose between any of 170+ different countries. I don't like that you can only play either the axis or allies. To each their own you're right. :)

eLicense was defeated quite a while ago, and if I wanted to, I could repurchase the game and not have to worry about ever activating it, but I wont, for two reasons. One, I refuse to support any company that employs DRM of any kind (sans cd check and product key), two, quite honestly, I just didn't enjoy the game that much. Too shallow and too basic for me.

You should read on some of the DRM schemes some companies have used. Namely read about Spore, and Starforce. Some install resident programs (trojans as far as I'm concerned), that you can't disable or even uninstall without a complete format to your hard drive. So many have reported problems, from blue screens, to having their legitimate payed for software just disabled because this program deemed it to be pirated. Some have wreaked havoc on people's computers. EA has chosen this kind of business model, and I will never, ever support them ever again (I just wont buy/use their games any more).

Granted, eLicense is more benign, but it goes back to my original point. It has been defeated, and why should I, the paying customer, have to jump through the hoops to be able to play a game I payed for, when the pirate gets to enjoy it DRM-free? If I felt this game was really worth playing, I still wouldn't, just based on these principles.

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why should I, the paying customer, have to jump through the hoops to be able to play a game I payed for

It's funny, I've never thought that typing a number in once to be quite the equivalent of jumping through hoops to play a game! As a beta tester I have far more versions of all the SC games on my harddrive than you could imagine, but even so, typing in that elicense number once per game has been effortless, so effortless that I can hardly recall doing so.

I checked out the DRM issue a while back when others were saying similar things to you, and the elicense system seems like nothing compared to the others you mentioned.

You're entitled to your opinion on DRM, but saying that it's a massive chore to input your elicense number is simply laughable. Your issue really sounds like it's simply with any kind of DRM, not with the work involved in registering with elicense, and it would be better if you said so. But Battlefront already know that a small number of people won't buy any game that has any type of DRM whatsoever, so what you're saying isn't really anything new.

I also find it a bit strange that you've waited more than two years to post about a game you bought and didn't like. It's almost like you've been seething with anger all that time, and your first post just reeked of arrogance and aggression. I showed it to a friend of mine and what they thought of it would be unprintable here (and they're not a big fan of SC2 either), so if you aren't a troll, that post sure made you look like one.

Besides, if you hated that game so much, why aren't you using your time more constructively on the forums of the games that you do like? Provide some positive input to the gaming community somewhere, because this negativity about a game you bought ages ago is simply amazing.

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I was following developement of the game way back before it was initially released. I preordered the cd, but once I found out about the draconian DRM measures used in the game...

Draconian?! Which planet do you live on? Honestly, after that doozie, no wonder no ones takes you seriously.

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@Bill101, I shouldn't have to get online to "authenticate" and get permission to use software that I payed for. DRM just treats everyone, including the paying customer, as criminals. No thanks. If a company wants to treat me like a criminal, than they don't deserve my money. Before you get all up in arms, I hope you read my previous messages (broken record anyone?); I buy all the software I use, I don't pirate. It's all a matter of principle for me.

@Normal Dude, some are Draconian. I did say that eLicense is more benign, I'll give it that, but I refer you to my reply to Bill101...

Although nobody agrees with me (I don't care), thanks anyway for taking the time and reading this thread. I believe I've said all I have to say on this matter ( over and over :rolleyes: ), so I'm out of here. My intention was never to "bring anyone to my side" or convince anyone I am right, but to send a message to Battlefront mostly. Your game, in my honest opinion, is not good, it is inferior, and I totally disagree with your use of DRM, and as such, you have lost all my support.

Goodbye everyone, and take care. :)

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I simply should not have to go online to get permission to use software that I payed for. That is my original argument.

In an ideal world I would not disagree with you. However there are lots of things we do these days that we should not have to do. I would appreciate not having to take off my shoes and be subject to search simply for using an airline ticket I payed for. If you want to be a Battlefront Don Quixote tilting at DRM windmills, enjoy yourself. Methinks there are better things to do.

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Although nobody agrees with me (I don't care), thanks anyway for taking the time and reading this thread. I believe I've said all I have to say on this matter ( over and over ), so I'm out of here. My intention was never to "bring anyone to my side" or convince anyone I am right, but to send a message to Battlefront mostly. Your game, in my honest opinion, is not good, it is inferior, and I totally disagree with your use of DRM, and as such, you have lost all my support.

Goodbye everyone, and take care.

Message received. Thank you. I am baffled how you can think that your opinion is of any value to us, however, coming from someone who so obviously is "not caring" about the opinions of others. But I guess everyone is entitled to have an opinion. Even if it's self-contradictory, illogical and factually incorrect.

I am going to lock this thread now that this important message has been delivered.

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