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Motorization of H.Q.s

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True John but in some cases its going to make a difference especially when the H.Q. is in full supply and a major attack is about to begin.They make a big difference in keeping the spearheads morale up and supply when they can travel with them.Im sure it would be very easy to program.

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I've thought about this often, but instead of the additional movement, I would promote a link capability.

This would allow a better supply projection into the more inaccessible areas and may open up new theaters to combat. The investment would represent a greater committment into the infrastructure, like building secondary roads, extending rail lines, upgrades for landing areas, etc.

It wouldn't be an indiscriminate decision on a player's part since it would be a great inhibitor for combat action in other areas. Think about how much it narrows your capabilities if you deployed 3 HQs in bad terrain just so you could have supply values greater than 5.

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This idea has come up from time to time but for some background on the current implementation, one of the main reasons HQs were never motorized was to allow for the effect of "outrunning your supply lines". This was especially important in let's say recreating the right feel for the eastern front for the German blitzkrieg etc.

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Have to agree with HC on this one. If u motorize HQ's, that would really change the dynamics of the game in certain areas. HQ's carry the supplies, and that always takes awhile to catch up to the troops. I also agree with John that the HQ's do have to remain close enough to the cities to remain in supply. Yes in some cases the motorization won't make a difference as u wait for the conquered city to come back up to supply (for range of the HQ.) But it will make a difference in the initial spearhead into Russia, where the HQ's can be right behind the troops and increase there supply, hence having better or faster "kill" numbers. It would certainly help in the Lenigrad area. And if u can kill units quicker or with less strength loss, that will only get u deeper into Russia faster.

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I undestand the part about supplys being slow to follow the advance but the actual commanders(Rommel,Patton etc)were always up with the troops,regardless of the overall suplly situtaion.I guess what im trying to say is that we would need a seperate icon for commanders and another that indicates supply dumps.I know its more units but to me the commanders should be able to keep up with the troops for morale purposes only.

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Dont most of your HQ's keep up with your troops as far as the command link goes? Since germany has a 6 space link, for the most part the HQ's are linked to my front line troops. The only time they are not is in some rough terrain.

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True about the command link but if your ground units are motorised level 2 then you can very quickly outrun your H.Q.s.Motorisation also gives the Commander a chance to escape when threated with encirclement.Because you can only operate H.Q.s out of trouble and thats only if they start their turn on a railroad hex their mobility is now already limited(not like regular SC2 where I can sort of see not having them motorized).All the enemy has to do is bomb the railhead behind the H.Q.and hes done while the units under his command can still escape.Doesnt make sense to me because there is noway the commanding officer would be left behind.I can see the supply dumps being cut off but not the actual commanders.It also sort of forces the Russians to leave their H.Q.s on railroad hexes(which in some case may not be the best spot)because they may have to escape quickly when in reality they would just drive away.

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Something you can do is increase the movement for any or all of the HQs. I did this with Advanced Third Reich. Since UK and USA had 3-4 infantry based on greater motorization, I set the movement of HQs and artillery accordingly. The other units can still research motorization, including UK and USA for greater motorization, but HQs are constant with UK and USA having the advantage.

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Doesnt make sense to me because there is noway the commanding officer would be left behind.I can see the supply dumps being cut off but not the actual commanders.

To a large extent the HQ represents the logistical side and all the supply dumps. Admittedly the HQ might be destroyed but as you can buy it back I think it works out pretty well.

I really like the effect that outrunning your supply lines has in the game, whether it be during Barbarossa or when the allies liberate Paris and race for the German border in 1944. It's actually very historic.

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I like the way HQs are handled, but that doesn't mean there couldn't be an improvement. As far as supply is concerned, I believe either it could be handled by the communication net like board games do following a continuous path of tile/hexes to a source(either primary or secondary) or you have a counter that represents a supply dump which is movable and expendable.

Now the supply dump either operates as a continuous accumulation point providing normal supply or you can expend it using offensive emphasis which gives the effected units additional combat prowess.

For HQs....well I think they manage the asset allocations for their controlled combat units putting additional factors at those units disposal, giving them higher morale and readiness, among other advantages.

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I understand the idea of outrunning supplys but what im saying is that if you allow motorized H.Q.s then there should be seperate supply dumps that can and would be outrun.The H.Q.s main responsability would be to lead the troops not to supply them.This way as the advance continued the supply factor would still be if effect as far as actual ability to move but the the units being lead that are out of supply range would atleast have some of their morale intact which would in some cases make the difference in taking an objective and holding it untill the actual supplys caught up.

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