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Peng Challenge Thread?

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Can anyone join in?

And if so i guess most Monty Python based insults have already been used? :P

Anyone can try to join lad.

Of course at the start you'll be nothing but a Scum Sucking Newbie (SSN) and will be treated with contempt and derision ... well, THAT part won't change but if you prove yourself the contempt and derison will be cloaked in ... oh ... pretty much just more contempt and derision actually.

A word of advice lad, if you're soft skinned or thinly armored you might think about adding a few extra sandbags or stand off side skirts.

Show at least a modicum of wit, have some class and be a bit above the rest of the herd here on the Outreboards. In other words, have a pair but don't talk about your pair if you get my meaning.

Realize that, as a Scum Sucking Newbie you have ZERO rights and everyone is likely to pile on initially ... and pretty much thereafter too. Realize also that we've been in one incarnation or another of the Peng Challenge Thread for ten freaking years now. We do what we do and we do it our way and if you don't like that then you'll probably not last.

What do we do? Mostly taunt and gibe, mostly about CM in its many varieties but sometimes about nationalities, states, cities, age, computer preference and the phase of the moon for all I know.

It's a community lad, not necessarily like any you'll see anywhere else but a community of like minded (or less than that in the case of many) souls who'll challenge each other to a game of CM over anything and nothing and then post AARs or just boast that their opponent has not only lost but lost in a such a monumental fashion such that even George McClellan would have to sneer at their ineptitude.

It's not for the faint of heart or those who would bend us to their ways.

Frankly I'd just advise you to sod off right now and miss the evening rush!

Oh ... don't hassle the Ladies of the 'pool or think that posting clever pictures from elsewhere on the internets will substitute for wit.

Or you could just sod off now.


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Seriously WTF is this all about? :confused:

Come on lad, come and join and you can tell us all about your discoveries?

See, I suspect you're one of those serious, disciplinarian types and the place needs a damn good measure of good old thrashing...

*thwack* *thwack* *thwack*

... order...


...and you're just the ticket to


.... to lick us into shape with some


... discipline.

Now laddie, if yer spot a little, red pointy hat... GO FOR IT WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT

*thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack*

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Actually, unless you appropriately Submit, they get quite nasty. And then get annoyed, when you out-nasty them (or, him, to be fair).

It's a private thing.

That's an extremely astute observation... one can't argue with it at all. I personally like a tight leather outfit and pushed into a dark cupboard. Some like stilettos... but if truth be known, one can't..ahem... beat a good, taut pointy hat. Thrills don't come near it...

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