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Does this Peng Challenge Thread make me look fat?

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Too bad about him losing his hand while demonstrating sword technique in that pub.


Well ... that's the STORY that went around ... in truth he was so distraught over Lord Nelson's success ...


... that he felt he had to do something to gain some measure of approval. If Waterloo hadn't happened he'd have gouged out an eye too.


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We were talking about movies not Marines you dolts.
Actually it was Wolfp Mk II who started the whole thing with his wildly innappropriate use of John Wayne as the gold standard for Jarheadedness.

Lads I have to announce that, at the express request of Nidan1, a ceasefire has been agreed to by my own munificent self. Obviously he could see the writing on the wall and knew that further combat against me would only result in even more casualties for his troops and more embarrassment for him.

Being the generous soul that I am I agreed even though the final result may go against me due to the early end of the scenario.

But that's just the kind of guy I am and shows yet another reason why, mark you well, that I am widely acknowledged to be the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.


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Lads I have to announce that, at the express request of Nidan1, a ceasefire has been agreed to by my own munificent self. Obviously he could see the writing on the wall and knew that further combat against me would only result in even more casualties for his troops and more embarrassment for him.

Being the generous soul that I am I agreed even though the final result may go against me due to the early end of the scenario.

But that's just the kind of guy I am and shows yet another reason why, mark you well, that I am widely acknowledged to be the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.

In other words, you noticed that the tide of battle was about to turn against you. Nidan1, being shall we say just a mite slower on the uptake, had not noticed his good fortune. Uhhhhhh-huh.


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Actually it was Wolfp Mk II who started the whole thing with his wildly innappropriate use of John Wayne as the gold standard for Jarheadedness.

Lads I have to announce that, at the express request of Nidan1, a ceasefire has been agreed to by my own munificent self. Obviously he could see the writing on the wall and knew that further combat against me would only result in even more casualties for his troops and more embarrassment for him.

Being the generous soul that I am I agreed even though the final result may go against me due to the early end of the scenario.

But that's just the kind of guy I am and shows yet another reason why, mark you well, that I am widely acknowledged to be the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.


Piffle!!!! you was whooped!!!

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Well lads, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread is pleased as punch to announce that Nidan1 finally bowed to the overwhelming pressure applied by all of you in your personal emails to him.

I'm confident that without your involvement he wouldn't have felt the obligation to send me the results turn of our recent game.

Yes lads, with YOUR assistance he finally sent it and I can now announce that, as I predicted, he went down to defeat and I was once again victorious.

His Syrians, despite having GOBS of high quality ATGMs and T-72s in overwatch positions and me on the attack AND with my brave Marines dribbled into the fight by the scenario, were unable to hold their ground and fled in disarray giving me a hard won tactical victory.


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Well lads, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread is pleased as punch to announce that Nidan1 finally bowed to the overwhelming pressure applied by all of you in your personal emails to him.

I'm confident that without your involvement he wouldn't have felt the obligation to send me the results turn of our recent game.

Yes lads, with YOUR assistance he finally sent it and I can now announce that, as I predicted, he went down to defeat and I was once again victorious.

His Syrians, despite having GOBS of high quality ATGMs and T-72s in overwatch positions and me on the attack AND with my brave Marines dribbled into the fight by the scenario, were unable to hold their ground and fled in disarray giving me a hard won tactical victory.


And off in the distance, a lone cricket chirrups...

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That would be a particularly retarded cricket i'm sure, an individual mocked by fellow crickets and always picked last on sports day. A cricket destined to resort to alcohol, petty crime and cheap prison sex antics in order to survive from cardboard box dwelling to cardboard box dwelling. A cricket destined to die unnoticed under a bridge as scirosis reaps its deadly reward of a life spent in a bottle of paint thinners.

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Have your fun lads.....but what the Justicar fails to mention are the casualty reports which indicate that 72 flag draped coffins will be heading home. Losing that many Marines in a 45 minute engagement is tantamount to total incompetence.

What actually saved him was accurate and incessant artillery, and B-52 strikes against my brave freedom fighters. I refuse to allow Joe to distort the facts.

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Have your fun lads.....but what the Justicar fails to mention are the casualty reports which indicate that 72 flag draped coffins will be heading home. Losing that many Marines in a 45 minute engagement is tantamount to total incompetence.

What actually saved him was accurate and incessant artillery, and B-52 strikes against my brave freedom fighters. I refuse to allow Joe to distort the facts.

B-52s? Hardlly, it was a couple of layabout, bone idle F-18 aviators who would, once in a very rare while, condescend to put down their copies of "Rubber Suit and Whip Quarterly" in order to make an ineffective bomb run ... once on a grove of trees that sheltered nothing but one of MY squads. As if the Air Force would waste a B-52 on Marines ... you should know better than that Nidan1.

And what, pray tell, was the final result? Let's not let "facts" get in the way of FACTS.

And lads, you should have seen the terrain ... even Boo Radley would have a hard time losing while defending that ground.

AND did I mention that my forces were dribbled in a bit at a time? The scenario designer was clearly a Syrian pawn and it was only my supreme skill that allowed me to prevail.


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...it was only my supreme skill that allowed me to prevail.

Your only "skill", if one may call it that, was in accepting play against a moron who flunked kindergarten four times. And even that more likely testifies to blind, dumb (emphasis on 'dumb') luck rather than any imaginable skills.


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Your only "skill", if one may call it that, was in accepting play against a moron who flunked kindergarten four times. And even that more likely testifies to blind, dumb (emphasis on 'dumb') luck rather than any imaginable skills.


Michael, Michael, Michael ... need I remind everyone AGAIN that ... YOU DON'T PLAY THE GAME!

Therefore you have even LESS credibility than you normally have.


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Joe, Joe, Joe. Are you still falling back on that same old red herring? No wonder you have a certain "aura" about you that announces your imminent arrival at any gathering. It is scarcely necessary to "play the game", as you put it, to state obvious facts. Everyone here knows that what I post is the plain truth and would have written the same things themselves. I merely saved them the trouble. And having done my good deed for the day, I will now take my leave. So there is no point in your posting yet another of your lame replies, as it will fall on thin air while I go romping in the fields of Elysium. Ah, Spring! It is so very good to be me!


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Joe, Joe, Joe. Are you still falling back on that same old red herring? No wonder you have a certain "aura" about you that announces your imminent arrival at any gathering. It is scarcely necessary to "play the game", as you put it, to state obvious facts. Everyone here knows that what I post is the plain truth and would have written the same things themselves. I merely saved them the trouble. And having done my good deed for the day, I will now take my leave. So there is no point in your posting yet another of your lame replies, as it will fall on thin air while I go romping in the fields of Elysium. Ah, Spring! It is so very good to be me!


Actually Michael, if you can romp on Elysium's fields I can't blame you ... don't much care for their music but ... wow ...




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