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Pacific World Campaign

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So...define..."a lot"? Here's the problem, since I almost always do a Sealion, the RN devastates my shore forces as the geography of the Isles lends to multiple attack positions for naval vessels, and obviously the UK has a few.

I don't mind my forces taking damage as it seems historical for bombardments, but there is absolutely no counter in inclement weather when airforces are grounded. Besides even when you do counter with subs, naval surface, or air, your units always take damage, in turn, bombarding naval vessels never take damage.

Land forces need a counter where they don't take damage and that should be artillery/shore batteries. By the time I do Sealion, the artillery has had a very short period of time to build experience.

Tell you what, seems that the experience thing is the real breaker for artillery, I understand, well let's get them up there quicker, give them double strikes.

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Research quibbling once again. In part this is a longstanding criticism of mine, only partially amenable by a scenario designer, but in my current game I put a chit into Japan's ampibious tech-and in 2 full years it has yet to pay off. Meanwhile the Italians put one into Motorization (to help with the race across Iraq)-and it paid off the next turn. Your percent chances are 8% across the board.

The issue is your one chit maximum; in this example the Motorization was a luxury, a shot in the dark which will be helpful, but wasn't an absolute necessity. But for Japan being stuck at 0 Amphib will really hurt their forays against the various Pacific island groups. If I were you I'd let players put in an extra chit at say +5/6% more; perhaps only a select few research areas could be given such an option. Otherwise your scenario will suffer from the wild randomness inherent in Hubert's design; a quick simulation I just ran gave no hits in two years in 10% of 100 trials (using your 8%), including two hits which took 52 and 59 turns to happen!

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The chips right now are @ the following

+2% for 1st chit TOTAL 2%

+1% for 2nd TOTAL 3%

+1% for 3rd TOTAL 4%

usually 1 chit in a category should yield 1 advancement per year. If players spend a lot of resources on it then you can get on average 2 improvements per year.

I couldnt find a way to make it scale right except this way.

The most you can invest in a tech is 3


Inf Weapons 4

H tanks 5

Adv Air 5

H Bomb 5

Nav WF 2


Adv Sub 3

Art NO tech

V1-2 Kam - Germany can advance only. They get the rockets in 1944 they can choose to pursue the tech. 5 levels (top level = V3 to reach USA) Abomb is just given to USA at 1 str point and costs a butload to build. Japs just have Kami, no tech.

Anti T 4

Mot 1 (anymore would make it pretty redic IMO) it costs 30% of base to motorized a unit. So while the axis can its rather expensive. The allies with their production should be able to ez. Jap and Italy dont start with it because they didnt have the capacity to do it.

Anti Sub 3

Radar 3

Amp 3

Intel 5

Infra 5

Prod and Ind 5 Here getting to level 3 by 1945 puts you at exactly historical.

Its just hard to balance a tech system based on randomness. If it were up to me Id simply make it invest over time like HoI2

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I dont like the random % for research. I would rather have it that you build up and eventually get it, with some randoms thrown in where you can have a setback or rapid progress. Intelligence could help too - right now it seems to defy logic how it works - you can get an advance higher than your opponent somehow. Until it changes I like this method because you cannot focus all in one area and get very high in only one area quickly. The downside is the random bad results - or good.

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Random tech can certainly ruin a good game, that's for sure. Nupremal Vypuero has had both sides of the luck coin versus me.

Facts about tech:

1) If you get hosed as tech by the Russians, you're toast

2) If the Americans or Japs get a strong naval tech advantage, they instantly own the seas.

The rest of the tech, isn't that big of a deal.

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I'll make one last recommendation then, and then speak of it no more. Switch to a 8%/4% system (thus 12% with two chits). This will simultaneously be less efficient overall (you use (waste) a chit at half effectiveness) while increasing the odds for a hit in that tech which you cannot go without. I think that is a good tradeoff; specialize in a few techs or spread it all around.

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John maybe I misinterpreted the way the game works - I have been thinking the whole time that the chits related to the levels - that if you were level 5 you had the level 5 chance of tech - now I think I have been in grave error the entire time... 1 chit is always at level 1 chance?

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Im a moron yall are right.

I apparently reworked my brain in how the tech levels worked and placed them in completely wrong in the scenario.

it was 2% level 1, 1% level 2, 1% level 3, and you could never get 4 or 5 even though it was in the game. Well now I understand how the tech works within the game.

The scaling is correct now.

Max 2 chits @ 2% per chit per level.

So to get to level 1... each chit gives you a +2% chance, max 2 chits per tech.

same for levels 2 through 5.

Since each year is about 22 game turns with putting 2 chits in a category you should get it within the year. So by 1945 a country that focused on X tech for 2 chits each time should have level 5. But you cant all get level 5 in everything without being very very lucky.

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No I re-read it and I am right -

Level 1 is 8% to get and it drops 1% each tech level, so to get to tech 5 is only 3% per turn

Nup, you have it at 8% for your one and only level-the editor easily allows you to set the %'s for each successive level, for each country if necessary. Level 1=8%, Level 2=8 + 7 = 15%, etc. In my recommendation, this would be L1 = 8%, L2 = 12% (or +5%, or whatever you think is best). And, if you think the Japanese tech sector, or that of the Italians, or whoever, is inferior to the Germans, Brits, and Americans, you could also drop the former countries down to ~6% if you wanted to). Not sure about you Al.

There is a hit imposed as you go up levels-at L4 tanks say your chance of hitting L5 with one chit is a meager 8 - 4 = 4%. I'm not sure if that is editable.

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