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Pacific World Campaign

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SeaMonkey --- Dude, bring your SeaLion. I invite you.

Ha! You'll soon be singing Wehrmacht Marching Songs. Already the English Channel should be renamed to the Deutschsland Channel.

Tell you what, we'll keep a little of the UK reference for the Channel and name that new bunch of sunken hulks on the bottom..the "Royal Reef".:P

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Hey this is my thread Big Al :)

I figured out why the USA AI was not building - there is an odd function of scripts in which an active nation is not the same as an inactive one. In other words, if I put in a build order or any type of script for inactive USA - whether it be 0 or 80 - it does NOT work when USA = 100

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Does that mean any current vs. Allied AI games are permanently broken until the fix comes out, Nupremal?

It is Jan '42. Japan is at 100% (and has been for several years), US at 94% (up from 81%). Germany just took Alexandria and London, Spain is about to enter, I got Ireland to join the Axis via a popup. Kito Budai is right off the coast of Hawaii. I've gone over the script in question with a fine tooth comb, and all parameters have been satisfied, but I get no popup decision box for the automated PH attack (which I was wanting to follow up of course with a real attack to finish off what's left). According to the script, Japan needs to be at 100% (check), US 85 or over (check), date is satisfied, Tokyo is controlled (and occupied). Most of the rest of the parameters seem to be dummy conditions which shouldn't stop it from triggering (including the LINK trigger, as in no other decisions should be preventing this one from activating).


#NAME= Japan launch Pearl Harbor?

#POPUP= Admiral Yamamota etc. [Yes = DoW on USA and Pearl Harbor strike. No = 3-7% deactivation of USA]


#SOUND= teletype_2.wav

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1

#AI= 0





#GV= 1[1,100]

#LINK= 0[0]




#DATE= 1941/01/01


#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 3 [2] [85] [0]

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 6 [1] [100] [0]

#CONDITION_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] [0]


Any clue, N.?

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I had made what I had thought were some minor changes (and of course the editor then goes through every script when you save the scenario). After replacing all files with the defaults, it worked-but triggered at the end of the Axis turn (March '42), which of course let the AI repair some of the battleships (or, if human, bug them off towards California). Toggling off the fog-of-war, I noted 3 damaged BBs-8, 7, & 5 points left. When I brought in my manual attack (4 CVs w/ +2 air tech, +1 naval and +1 LR, 3 w/ 2 bars of elites), they could barely dent their armor-knocked the 5 down to 2 with 3 attacks, the other 5 attacks did no damage at all. Not only that, the attacks did 2-4 points of damage to my air wings! I thought ships in port were vulnerable to bombing-guess not (at which point this becomes a Hubert issue). Note in the vanilla Pacific scenario the Japanese player has no trouble killing several of the US BBs (which aren't any more damaged than the ones I encountered).

Some more notes:

I understand why you did it (no deep penetration raids in Europe), but carrier strike ranges seem low to me-even a Tac Bomber can outrange them.

The Tirpitz was missing in action (unless it pops up later)-as I said upthread the German player needs to have at least some of the Plan Z ships in the force pool.

The Russian readiness reacts not a whit to a Sealion/captured London; obviously makes such a strategy more attractive for the Axis if Stalin sits on his hands.

I look forward to the next release.

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I know - I figure realistically Russia would not care really - this makes a non-Russia strategy viable.

Tirpitz is factored into Bismark - 2 to 1 ratio for BBs

Usually you can hurt the BBs even in Port quite good - were you set to Tac or using fighters?

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Mine is in the latest PDE version. A have not moved it over to pacfic theatre for a few reasons

#1 its not done. I have to complete the AI and I want to get it done for PDE then move it. If I make one for PDE I gotta do 2x the work to update both

#2 Pac doesnt have enough countries for my game to fit. So I have to figure something out for it.

Unless there is some outstanding reason to convert now? like editor better, AI better, more countries now.

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I know - I figure realistically Russia would not care really - this makes a non-Russia strategy viable.

Tirpitz is factored into Bismark - 2 to 1 ratio for BBs

Usually you can hurt the BBs even in Port quite good - were you set to Tac or using fighters?

Oh I forgot about that stuff (old habits die hard)-yeah, forgot to "set to Tac"...

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We'll see how your triple team "plan" works out! Japan is about to get active.

And Vypuero, how come when London falls you've immediately moved the UK gov't to Ottawa? My opinion is that at least one relocation into the Scottish Highlands, perhaps Inverness, or maybe in the Lowlands like Glasgow would be appropriate before going to Canada.

I agree, don't mess with Manchester, cause in the Scottish countryside the UK can mount an effective defense and probably won't need to mess with moving on to Canada. IMO, its historically viable, and it serves a good location to bleed the Axis until USA can get into the game.

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If the capital goes to Canada in the end, it does not matter if there is a 2nd capital on the Isle. Unless there is some 'extra reward' for taking Scotland/Manchester beyond the norm.

@SM --- You've got London with all that firepower. I've decided not to counter, no reason to get blasted on the beaches. You're strategy for the air is a good one in this version, because AA only gets 1-shot. I sent the turn back.

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Well I didn't get London just because I had the firepower, you backed off and left the opening after our little English Channel clash and as far as the beaches, my position is precarious at best. Think of it as just another "little carrot".:P

Now, I would think that after a capital relocation to another hemisphere, that pretty much is a surrender of the homeland and all subsequent builds by the UK would begin in Canada. As long as UK Government maintains a position in the Isles, with lendlease/resources to ports in their control, they should be able to continue home builds.

Does that sound like "extra reward"?

I'm assuming the later versions will have double strike AAA units? I like that. Now how about allowing the artillery units some "teeth" against your maurading RN bombardments. Shore batteries, which they would represent, were particularly effective against surface vessels.:confused:

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Yeah, but you left your subs in the Channel the turn I attacked, that was the incentive for me to counter-attack with the entire Royal Navy (4-carriers, 4-BB, etc.) There's no point of me allowing you to kill 3 to 4 ships to block the port you control on this turn. Plus, we haven't heard from the rest of the Bunta-Marines. No worries, you have London, but my units are intact. The Sun never sets on the British Empire.

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