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Imbalanced? In what sense? I've noticed not very many units are available to the Axis, perhaps three total for the Germans and without tech, they are not very useful.

My initial thoughts were to build them and tech them later for shore batteries since the Allied naval units are so potent at shore bombardments.

Kind of wish you'd leave them in.

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That's most interesting and informative PJ. So that's the origination of the phrase, no doubt appropriate for this thread.

Now Nupremal, one of my playing partners says he has your 1.01 version. I didn't know you had released it, where can I get it?

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Thanks Nup. My thinking is you should leave one level of tech possible for artillery. With the advent of doctrinal changes, like walking / rolling patterns, Forward observer communication upgrades and coordination, counter-battery developments and of course the proximity fuse, one level of attainment is appropriate.

Secondly it gives the player something to think about as a further dilution of MPP use.

Please reconsider the historical application vs the game play mechanics, one tech level max advancement for artillery. Make it expensive, make the upgrade or the cost of the artillery unit adjustment, but give the unit a further bump in naval attack CTV on the upgrade so we can use them as shore defense batteries.

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here is what happens - they get TONS of XP and so have 3 to 5 stars - then 12-15 strength, and so when attacking their fire does like 4-5 damage instead of like a point or so... I also deleted their air defense (which I had added to a lot of units) so they are more vulnerable to air attacks.

Oh also I have changed tech to 8-7-6-5-4 for each level so you will notice more hits

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It seems players are neglecting to target Artillery with their air units, assigning higher priority to other enemy units,.... bad decision making IMO. As was historical, air units were quite effective at taking out the deadly "Queen" of the battlefield.

Even more enticing were those shore batteries near landing beaches, like Pont du Hoc, they even get a Ranger/special Ops detachment in conjunction with a massive air assault. Kind of reiterates their importance...ehhh?

By the way Nup., one of my playing partners says 1.01 does not have Iceland on it. I've got 1.00 currently going and it has Iceland.

What's up?

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SeaMonkey, I'm sorry, but I have to completely disagree with you on what air units should target in SC. Fact is artillery are very cheap units which have practically no defense against any units, so it's only sensible that you would want to attack higher value land units with your air units such as tanks, and armies. Although in real life I would agree with you that you should target artillery with your air units, but in this game, I think you would be making a sizable mistake if you do that.

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When in the world has an artillery piece taken 4-5 points off of any defending unit? I think there is a much better chance of us witnessing the apocalypse then that lol. Anyway I don't like push over’s either, so it's a good thing that you don't want to play me :).

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Alright I guess it's rather obvious that I didn't read that post, but seriously unless you give the enemy your precise coordinates, and tell your men not to budge an inch, then this sort of damage should just never happen. In short it's not realistic at all.

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Of course its not, but if you neglect to inhibit your opponent's artillery or any other of his units' development for that matter then there should be a price and that's my point.

I'll cite a current SC2 world campaign I have going now with agamemnon, he was devastating my shore bombarding naval units with his strategic air, but finally I got LR tech with the appropriate range and took them out. They were destroying any naval unit with 2 attacks, so that was 5 strength points per attack.

This has always been the MO for SC with a variety of units, its not unusual, but people complain that the game gets too bloody towards the end. I think its alright because lots of units are engaged and their needs to be an adjusting factor for the map's unit density plus it represents an actual scenario of the use of highly trained troops using high tech weaponry.

Think about present day military operations prosecuted on a scale of activity that SC represents(WW2). All the high tech weaponry of today makes things very destructive in a very short period of time.

A culmination point arrives quickly. It is realistic.

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Well Summer of 41 is over and the UK continues to hold firm as the capital has moved deep into the northern highlands based in Glasgow. Losses for Seelowe so far have been 3 armies, a tank corps and a number of garrison units, which were anti-tank units in version 1.00, and one corps. The High Command is not exactly happy with my efficiency.

Both Manstein and Bock are now consolidating their positions which extend as far north as Manchester with strategic bombers reducing the UK lendlease ports. A large contigent of the Luftwaffe is now in complete control of the skies of southern England and the English channel as Wehrmacht forces shuttle back and forth from the continent without incident.

In Spain, after the fall of Madrid and subsequent move of the capital to Lisbon, the campaign continues according to plan. Ariete and both Panzer Korps have just about succeeded in cutting the Iberian peninsula in half with supply trains straining to keep pace with their rapid advance. Hopefully Autumn will see the cessation of all hostilities and a return of peace to Southern Europe.:)

UK forces have attacked Bardia and after a token resistance the Italian defenders vacated the area to deploy into the fortifications of Tobruk. Not being satisfied with the goodwill example of the Italians the deplorable Limeys assault Tobruk. The Axis will be preparing to give the Commonwealth forces a good dose of Karma in the coming weeks.

Elsewhere in Africa around "the Horn" the Royal Navy has sunk all Italian coastal patrol boats and Italian ground forces have moved inland after constant Royal Marine raids ruined more than just a few pasta dinners.:mad:

Asia has seen a mutual understanding between French IndoChina and the Japanese for cooperation and wouldn't you know it, the jealous American swine cut off all oil exports to the friendly Nipponese. These guys are just itching for a fight!

Well if that's what they want.....then they'll get it!:eek:

USSR and USA both at 61%.

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Iceland has not been in the game for a long time - previous versions were not 1.0 they were all betas. I only just now started giving them versions. Iceland was deleted because the sub warfare didn't have enough room. If I had to do it over I would make East Africa much much smaller and give more room in Atlantic - problem is you cannot move chunks of the map around.

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That's a nice thought Nupremal and I'm sure the sub scenario would benefit, but with historical perspective to the North Atlantic WW2 campaign, Iceland played a significant part.

Maybe you ought to consider a couple of land tiles with a port as a token deployment area for the Allies' efforts.

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I'm hip, Nupe! You have made an extraordinary campaign, I won't question your judgement, this thing is captivating. Thing is, I don't want to read about the campaign, I want to go blindly, I want the unknown as the original participants had.

Anyway, happycat and I are deep into Autumn 41 and Manstein and Bock are both bogged down in the Scottish Highlands with very difficult going. Even though the UK has been totally isolated the Royal Navy continues to be a royal pain in the butt. I've brought in heavy shore batteries to exact some sort of respect from the RN, but the land resistance continues to divert my attention from a focused naval campaign.

Spain, Portugal and finally Gibraltar have all fallen and I now have 2 Army Groups ready for redeployment, one German, one Italian, after I hand off the garrison responsiblities for the Iberian peninsula. I'm trying to figure out how to assault North Africa, specifically Morroco, Algiers and Tunisia and keep the British out of Tobruk. With one end of the Med sealed, half the objectives for that theater have been realized, only the Suez remains.

Japan is now at war also with UK and I have to admit I do not envy happycat's position, he is truly alone with minuscule assets, excluding the RN of course. I have an inclination to develop a strategy to attack India and then link up with Axis forces pushing through the Middle East in my own version of Operation Orient. Only one problem.....the Red Army. All my Allies are in, Finland, Rumania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, but I have this nagging feeling that this may be my high water mark....ominous it is!

The conflict continues.

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I have not converted mine. Too few countries to convert for my game. I am actually trying to finish the AI for Japan and still testing the Allied AI now that I worked out the bugs. After all that I will see about converting to PAC. Im anal, and I want the game to be done right.

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Yeah Nup, that's what I meant, thanks. I've been trying to get a new game going but have been having a problem with my opponent's turn giving me a "File read error".

Most probably an error with his internet service, just wanted to make sure as I also have other games going with this mod.

I'm going ahead with the upgrade, thanks again for a great campaign.

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