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Not Another AAR?! Tux Vs. Myglas

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Lol, it's ok I'll let you off. He certainly is aware of this thread, but he has been very honourable in agreeing not to view it until the game is over.

Turn 26

My Panzer wastes no time in hurling shell after shell at the nearby building, and a few exhausted crewmen are seen sprinting for cover just as the final shell lands its blow:


As the dust settles the battlefield goes quiet. In the next minute or so I shall offer a ceasefire, and we will get the final scores.

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Mylgas has surrendered and the an unholy silence settles over the battlefield.


A brief analysis, to be elaborated upon as and when people request:

I had two 'star performers', without which the entire fight would have been incredibly difficult. Firstly, the Panzer IV which I ended up routing Mylgas' rear units with. It accounted for 33 infantry casualties, two mortars, two (both) T-34s and an SU-122. My second star was the lowly SPW 251/2 mortar halftrack. It accounted for both of Mylgas' 76.2mm M36 F-22 guns (one regular and one veteran), thereby allowing my Panzers to throw their weight around and cripple Mylgas' forces during the critical stages of the battle. The majority of my other units scored useful but unimpressive infantry tallies in the low single digits.

Any comments, questions or points-worth-making? :)

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I was wondering if this one would fade to oblivion or finish out. Congratulations on your victory. I thought your flanking movements were well played. Some really aggressive action on the part of your Mark IV allowed you to secure the initiative and cause confusion in his rear areas. The odd crazy stuff that makes this game so interesting - and maddening if you are on the receiving end - was present. The two-for-one kill/damage against two of your panzers was a case in point.

As usual, your screenshots were well composed and kept us engaged to significant actions taken by you and your opponent. It is one thing to read about an engagement, but a whole different ballgame to actually see the screenshots. This always adds greatly to the entertainment factor, and allows us readers to get a better feel for the action, as well as learning new things/tricks/maneuvers.

It is always dicey to put your battle up on the stage for us to watch and critique. I salute you and Mylgas for your willingness to display your success and mistakes. We always enjoy your battles. Thanks to both of you for sharing.


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It has been an interesting fun tale and well illustrated. It is because of this that one can look at the terrain and discuss the game. If you asked me who should win this battle from the outset I would have send the Germans. In fact I would have given odds on it.

I appreciate what Tux has done by laying this out. This is particularly so given we have a common map to look at. I have maintained for some time now that the effects of terrain are very under-rated in there effects on battles and this is an excellent example of map bias.

The route to the main flag is very direct. It is also 3 squares closer to the German baseline and if measured on road distance closer still. The 300 point flag is also on the back slope facing potential German guns in position from game start. Ditto one of the 100 pointers.

If I were Russian I am not sure I would have been very happy at all as I reckon the placing of the flags in relation to the hill is a force multiplier of 20% at least.

As I am not a ladder player and I would rather play a good battle and lose rather than win a bad battle I do not get overly excited when I play if a map is biased - it just means you have to think harder on how to play. I do mind people when people attribute all their wins to their tactical genius without giving proper respect to the map and Lady Luck. That is a general point and not aimed at Tux at all

If I had had to play that game my feeling is I would have lain doggo for 35 turns on my side of the hill and then dropped smoke to go for the flags. Very exciting - not - but the only way I think it drawable : )

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Thanks for the encouragement guys. If there are any criticisms/ suggestions regarding the AAR style please feel free to post them as well. I do sometimes get tired/ lack enthusiasm when posting a report of some of the quieter turns, but I try and get all the important bits across.

With any luck Mylgas will soon be contributing his feelings and opinions.

I am 100% in agreement with Diesel. From the start I recognised that the game had 'handed' me a solid battle strategy by providing me with such a short and direct route to a reverse-slope defence of all three flags. I had to 'keep my head down' at first, since Mylgas was able to position guns overlooking my rear areas (as indeed he did), but once I'd covered the first 100m or so I was in mostly dead ground. Indeed, I didn't even have to use the 'advance' command often to get my infantry into position!

I, too, prefer an interesting, hard-fought loss to a dull, messy victory. To be honest I think this fight was dangerously close to falling within the latter description. Most of the threats my units encountered were brought about by rash - or even downright poor - positioning on my part. Another 'saving grace' with respect to interest value was the fact that Mylgas managed to get a gun into a position from which it had a keyholed view into the heart of the target village, and he was unlucky to only knock out one of my point tanks with that particular asset.

I'll send MeatEtr a message and see if I can't arrange a game, although something tells me I might be signing my own death warrant with that one...

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After being sucked in by the "Tux Vs. Juste" DAR (that sadly didn't finish) I thought others

would enjoy another DAR by Tux as much as I did and it seems some of you did.

Now a little about the game. This was the face I made when I saw the map:


I was expecting at least some forested areas, but what did I get? On this map all my SMG's would be almost useless.

And oh why didn't I get some more AT guns and better AFV's? Oh well, at least I had my few lucky moments

in the beginning. Btw I didn't even suspect that your other tank had lost it's guns, I was aware that the mortar had killed

an officer but that's all I knew. Still, no luck and homing mortars can help a noob like me against the 1shot=1kill panzers of Tux!

Reading this thread was almost as fun as playing the game itself, good job on the DAR Tux.

P.S. Do I get a chance for revanche (or another failure)?

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Absolutely mate, just email me a file and I'll pick forces. You can choose the settings this time, although I still prefer company-sized battles to anything larger.

It's interesting to hear your side of the battle. What were the exact forces that you purchased in the beginning, and why did you buy them?

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I loved that picture. It really cracked me up. And yes, I concur. The map did look like a tough stage to embark upon.


Your reporting style has been, in the past, and was, during this AAR, just right. You can't include everything, even though you might want to at first. Catching the highlights with your screenshots is great, and your reporting style allows us to get a feel on what you are thinking for your strategy, as well as explaining why you just drove that tank over to the right and then turned it just so, behind that building.

I don't think you need to change anything on your AAR reporting style. Of course more screenshots are always a bonus, but you can only take so many. Very nicely done, easy to follow, and always enjoyable to read.


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I had 2 platoons of motorized SMG and 3 platoons of motorized rifle B, some of them had heavy casualties

and had only one or two squads per platoon (all of them regulars exept two green sqd's) + company HQ

2* SU-122 (both regular)

2* T-34 M43 (both regular)

2* 76.2MM M36 Guns (one veteran and one regular)

2* AT rifles (one veteran and one regular)

2* 82MM Mortars (one regular and one green)

2* veteran Maxim MG's

and 2* regular DP LMG's

Why did I pick them? I clearly put my money on a terrain where the infantry would be the king.

This game clearly showed why you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. :)

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oh I get it now...

It must be a pro thing to avoid drastically the word "play "; then put everything at scale +4, turn off every trees on map, and stay with the barbaric textures on a gridded terrain.

Vomit every aesthetic criteria in orders to look you're above the notion of pleasure. Pleasure you get by keeping it core and away from fun.

It's even creepier than the atmosphere in any Warhammer/Games Workshop; where the smell of excessive sweat and sudation can covers those of solvent and paintings. A place where: if you don't fit the type; any footstep after the front door transforms every weirdos inside into alerted overweighted adults adjusting silently their hands to cover their painted toys. Just in case of an hypothetical thief.

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