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Mod comments at CMMODS

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One of my mods has almost 1000 downloads, yet only 3 comments. Id like to see more productive comments. I dont just want everyone to praise hours I put in making this stuff (though its a great encouragement), I want some comments from people on if you see something that you would change. Thanks!

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I just gave your Marines retexture mod a 5. Really beautiful mod I will be keeping on my hard drive from now on.

By the way, you have to change the image you've posted for that mod. The actual mod is way better. Your image doesn't do it justice. For one thing, it doesn't show the green camouflage ammo pouches, and for another you mustn't have had any AA or AF on when you grabbed that screenshot as it's quite jaggy. The mod itself is a masterpiece but some might not download it because the image doesn't really show it properly.

Can you also please explain about the numbering. I wasn't getting helmet 4 at all until I renumbered it to 2. I also don't seem to be getting the alternative M16 texture.

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I just gave your Marines retexture mod a 5. Really beautiful mod I will be keeping on my hard drive from now on.

By the way, you have to change the image you've posted for that mod. The actual mod is way better. Your image doesn't do it justice. For one thing, it doesn't show the green camouflage ammo pouches, and for another you mustn't have had any AA or AF on when you grabbed that screenshot as it's quite jaggy. The mod itself is a masterpiece but some might not download it because the image doesn't really show it properly.

Can you also please explain about the numbering. I wasn't getting helmet 4 at all until I renumbered it to 2. I also don't seem to be getting the alternative M16 texture.

Thanks a bunch!

My PC cant run this game with AA turned on, even with it off I get 10-15 FPS. I cant really play it proper, so I just do mods for it :)

Ill try to get a better screen somehow, or you can emal one for me, and Ill change it.

The extra textures are just that - extra. You can only have one weapon texture at one time, as far as I know. So if you dont like one, just flip the names, so that the one you like is named "M16"

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Ill try to get a better screen somehow, or you can emal one for me, and Ill change it.

Here's a pic I created showing a "ragtag" Marines unit entirely from your mod. There are several different variations of uniform/kit in the one picture. Unfortunately this forum makes the image smaller when you attach it, so if you want the full-size image just private message me with your email address. It isn't brilliant quality as I tried to keep it below 100kb for the CMMODS site but it might be OK.


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Actually, you can post a full size image into a forum post by simply copy+pasting the appropriate link from your Photobucket (or whatever) site. Don't use the "Attach Files" button below... or you end up with tiny images like you did. Took me a while to figure this out.

I usually do BFC the courtesy of not posting ginormous images -- I shrink them down to "medium" size on the file sharing site.

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Actually, you can post a full size image into a forum post by simply copy+pasting the appropriate link from your Photobucket (or whatever) site. Don't use the "Attach Files" button below... or you end up with tiny images like you did. Took me a while to figure this out.

I usually do BFC the courtesy of not posting ginormous images -- I shrink them down to "medium" size on the file sharing site.

OK, I've uploaded to "Mediafire". M1A1TC, click the thumbnail image below and then click "Download Original Image" once in Mediafire. Also, if you decide not to use the image I won't mind. It's your mod after all.


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Hi everyone,

I found that if you want a "ragtag" look to your marines, you need to have all files numbered. In other words, if you rename marine-helmet.bmp to marine-helmet 2.bmp, your guys will use both. The same goes for the other files. If you don't do this they seem to use 1 less version. For a bit more variety I also added in the stock "molle" file as number 4, so that 3 types of Marine have green camouflage ammo pouches and one has the original brown version. One of the files was also numbered 4, out of sequence to the others. I renamed it to get it in sequence.

Just thought I'd mention this as I don't think M1A1TC intended the files to be used as a "ragtag" mod.

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Oh, and M1A1, you are the God Of Mods (together with Mord, NormalDude and others). Keep it up, bro!

Hey, Thanks bro! I appreciate it! Gotta say though, my talent is very limited compared to the rest of the masters around here. But it made me feel good to hear you find me worthy to be in their company.


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Hi All,

Just to say, that although I have not taken the time to leave comments at CMMODS, I appreciate all the mods and scenarios that are made.

I have mods and scenarios installed from nearly everyone who has made them and "hats off to them all".

Last, and most certainly not least , thanks to the CMMODS site for hosting all efforts from all modders since CMBO. What a great service Todd Johnston has provided for all of us CM'ers.

regards John

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