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Peng is Challenged Searching for Seanachai.

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HA! I did. I just found it in the junk mail folder, sammiched betwixt c!al-is and a drive her wild with a longer todger spams. You'll have it back tonight!

Check the sender, perhaps MrsPeng is trying to tell you something.

Oh, and Nidan1, if you have to ask...then you do need MORE drugs. Never less. Always more. And never mind those pansy-ass warnings about 'safe doses', 'overdoses', etc. Those are for the feeble.

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I suppose a complete air dump would require one to squat?

Marvellous, one just can't get enough of this sort of information.

Yeah, it’s kind of like reading fine literature while enjoying a cold Budweiser. I have many fond memories of curling up with a Chilton’s of a good year; Ford, Chevy or Harley Davidson doesn’t matter as long as it was missing not more then just a few pages. I fondly remember the years in Southern California of jacking up Railroad Cars, setting them on jack stands and working under those 30 ton 90 footers while waiting for the next quake or tremor, sometimes it was pure adrenalin fueled fun!

If you want to stick around a bit I can tell you about working the oil rigs and Mines of Wyoming as well. Or the story of the Lynx that woke up inside the car tearing circles like a motorcycle in a

while going 70 mph down a two lane highway and a guy with a .357 magnum trying to steer the car with one hand and kill the cat with the revolver. The cat got away but the guy kilt a passenger side window and the spare tire in the trunk. Ahh, good times!
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Hey whine-oh!, I find I got some time on my hands. And Boo! says beating you is as natural as a redneck who beats his sisterwife.

Boo! is also handing me my own arse, yet again, and I need a W.

So, send a setup - CMAK if you got it.

Have you then fallen so low Peng? At long last have you no sense of decency? Must we be subjected to the spectacle of an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread BEGGING for a setup from an SSN?

Oh the indignity of it all.


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I see somebody left their computer on and wandered off to make a drink while a short one was about.

Happy B-day, and come over again. We'll move on from brownies and try this awesome cake recipe I just got.

psst, I'm going to need $200 for the ingredients...

[aside]Looks like this might be a good time for me to phone in that anonymous tip.[/aside]


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I suppose we might hear some more about auxillary pumps... and that is always tremendously exciting...

I prefer penny loafers myself. When I'm not wearing hobnailed boots, that is. There's nothing more relaxing than a good, solid pair of hobnailed boots, don't you agree? Oh, sorry; I suppose you only wear horseshoes, don't you? But I bet a stylish ass such as yourself has to have titanium horseshoes.


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Oh, and Nidan1, if you have to ask...then you do need MORE drugs. Never less. Always more. And never mind those pansy-ass warnings about 'safe doses', 'overdoses', etc. Those are for the feeble.

Indeed. Vicodin should always be taken by the dozen. If it works for House, it'll work for you.


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Have you then fallen so low Peng? At long last have you no sense of decency? Must we be subjected to the spectacle of an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread BEGGING for a setup from an SSN?

Oh the indignity of it all.


He's an ESS ESS ENN? Holy Moly where have I been? Prolly started out as a Damn Waffler too dint he?

Ah well, not the first time I been slummin, won't be the last.

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They look real to me but I prefer the 'hands on' check to make sure.

MrPeng, wha' be yer terms? Something serious? Something random? Something seriously random. Something randomly serious?

2000 base points, randomly serious. I'll leave the details up to you.

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Have you then fallen so low Peng? At long last have you no sense of decency? Must we be subjected to the spectacle of an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread BEGGING for a setup from a former Cheery Waffle?

Oh the indignity of it all.


The Wheel of Dharma turns. I corrected your mistake. You're welcome. Three smilies for all the happy, and some not so happy, penguin boys and girls. :D:D:D

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The Glorious and Sacred M.B.T. was on the last post of the page ... must I do EVERYTHING around here?

Well ... ?


No. The Garscon du oui oui carries the piss bucket for you. But pretty much everything else, yes.

And I haven't posted so many times to a single Peng Thread since the year 0, so stop your sniveling.

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Now look here lads, we must be ever vigilant. We must keep our eyes on the ball (yes, Boo Radley I'm aware that will require you to keep moving your head from side to side but I can't help you with that ... perhaps an opthamologist or pair of glasses not purchased from the Walmart "reading glasses" bin might help) in this time of uncertainly.

I refer, of course, to the plague of "Marine Module" posts on the BFC board. Now I've nothing in particular against the Marine Module, I've ordered a copy myself in the hopes that the game has been improved to rectify those unfortunate faults that kept me from winning a game here and there, but surely the denizens of the Outreboard needn't delve so deeply into this or that facet of the game that they forget the important things ... such as keeping the Peng Challenge Thread on page one ... it's rightful place.

Frankly I can't understand why Steve hasn't given us pride of place by automatically making each new Peng Challenge Thread a sticky ... but he's likely in over his head AGAIN trying to explain to the grogs why an LAV can or can't survive a hit from this or that ATGM ... as if they'll understand in the first place or agree in the second.

Anyway, I've done my part and more today ... time for the rest of you slackers to ... uh ... take up the slack.


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