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Flavor Objects List for the Normandy game


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lets make one. Hell, you can throw in Terrain types too if you want.

Flavor Objects


dead Cows

dead Horses

out house

signs for buildings

road signs

wagon/horse carts

hay bales/stacks


well/water pump

clothes line with clothes hanging

Rommel's Asparagus



grape vines

wooden barrels

pile of fire wood

head stones

some cars, for when we get to Paris

Apple tree



A leaf layer, so we can make woods a bit more foresty looking. It would mix with underlying mesh, such as grass, like brush does.

Hedges (not like in CMX1 all squared off) more like taller bushes we could place on the map but they'd touch.

Bocage (of course, like they'd forget that! Can't wait to how it's implemented)

Tilled earth (maybe some various crop types to put on top)

Special Buildings





Wall, (New types other than the tall and short ones which I hope they keep)


wooden fence

wrought iron fence

That's all I can think of for the moment...I've got a pinched nerve riding down my leg and I dropped a muscle relaxer LOL...so, it's warping my ability to concentrate.

Ok, lets hear them!


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Another example of false information posted by someone who has no link to Battlefront whatsoever turning into a rumor and, shortly after, almost-fact: 2013 is no relevant date for ANYTHING that is planned at Battlefront. WW2 is planned for next year.

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Another example of false information posted by someone who has no link to Battlefront whatsoever turning into a rumor and, shortly after, almost-fact: 2013 is no relevant date for ANYTHING that is planned at Battlefront. WW2 is planned for next year.

Just read a post with dates. I had no idea it was bad info. I will def be more diligent in the future. Thanks for the heads up.

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Well aprt from doodads, I just wish buildings woulnt be so geometrically symmetrical as in CMSF. Makes the environment look a bit sterile and unatural. At least textures should be made in a way to fool the eye, eg not perfectly straight building walls, roofs, balconies etc. A pseudo roundness (I know that 45/90 degrees orientation limit) on buildings would be heaven sent to break the monotony. Whenever I think of French countryside I think of picturesque. I like the touches TOW has, like the clothes Mord says, the carts etc. Also, CMBO was a bit on the bright green side. A drab pallete ala Saving Private Ryan should be the guide with a bit of brighter tones here and there.

Doodads in CMSF are quite a few and varied but there are insignificant in size to really add to the landscape, except when being stacked but then they become taxing for the system.

I'd like to see vehicles/buses/trucks/tractors/train wagons as objects too. Water towers and more distinguised building types, farm/village/urban/industrial-railway etc. The customizable storie/balconies/facade tool of CMSF wont do the trick alone imo, since villages in France were far more varied and interesting than the sterotyped concrete boxes of today's urban areas.

Maybe its too much for eye candy but with the graphical capabilities of the current engine it would be a shame not to try to make a WW2 title visually attractive and atmospherical. Also, a slight fog/haze should be made as a default feature even in clear weather. Depth of field and distance dont feel right without it.

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Not a 'flavour object' but:

I'd always wanted a 'ditch' element. A drainage, roadside-type ditch, a shallow muddy/grassy linear feature which could be chained like CMx1 trenches to follow roads, or line fields etc. It would be easy to enter, hard to leave, good cover and very slow to traverse (perhaps depending on the weather/season).

'Ditches' seem to feature prominently in eye-witness accounts.

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I think flavour objects will be pretty well covered, but more important to the creation of a simulated urban environment the building textures, lets hope there as clean and as Ali-baba says sterile as CMSF.

On another note it would be great if BFC introduced transparent vegetation around units. By that I mean in other games like the ones by madminutegames your units in forests, woodland etc are easy to see because the trees go transparent in a small radius around know unit locations.

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Well 98% of human structures are pretty much boxes of one kind or another, for very real architectural/structural reasons. And that was true in 1944 too.

As I've been yammering about since the day I first saw CMSF, what gives landscapes originality and richness are the details and accessories that surround and accent the core "boxes". Right now, all we've got are surface textures, windows, balconies, roof parapets/domes and walls (sans gates), together with some junk to throw in the yard.

We need

1. high-ceilinged industrial buildings and warehouses (also square).

2. little outbuildings -- porches, cookhouses, s**thouses, toolsheds, pigsties, paddocks. They can be flavour objects, not enterable buildings to avoid the movement headaches (You wouldn't put troops inside an outhouse anyway).

3. A circular building type would be useful too (about 1.5 squares diameter) even if troops can only stand in a square or diagonal subarea inside it for engine reasons.

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