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Peng is Challenged by a T-90....and wins!!!!

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No problem, welcome to the Peng Thread. Careful mentioning Rad Scorpions around here sets some of these guys off!

Thanks for the welcome Abbott. I can understand Rad Scorpions setting people off; they were a pain to get though. Then having to drink those darn antidotes to get rid of the effect, that never sat well with me.

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.....and we care about what you are doing....why?

Nidan, You should care about what I do because if you ever tried Fallout 1 and 2 you would be agreeing with me. You should Pre Order Fallout 3, I will be more then happy to help you though the more difficult parts.

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What if you just put everyone on ignore? Then you would have the whole thread to yourself, and you could post anything that you wanted, but you would never get a reply, either good or bad ones....now would that be any fun?

I won't use the 'Ignore' function. Someone may be 'Sent to Coventry', and I will honour that, because it means that their responses and participation have become so worthless that they're more trouble than they are worth. To be 'Sent to Coventry' puts you on notice that you are dead to The People. It tells you that, if this is a Community you wanted to be part of, you've failed. And it tells the Community: This is the person that We no longer want to deal with. And, because they are my People, and I am Theirs, I will observe the bann.

But if I choose to simply not see their words, then I am doing more than turning my back on them. I am removing them from the world that I perceive. Good, bad, stupid, insightful, bigoted, vile, interesting, foolish...I no longer can even hear their voice, in the parlance of the Internet. I have made them forever silent. And it is very easy, with technology, to do so. But it should never be an easy thing to do.

I totally understand the motivation of those who put them on 'ignore'. Lately, Abbott and his wife have been pointlessly abusive and vicious. Worse, they've been boring. But I will not put them on 'ignore'. Neither will I respond to them, because, in my estimation, they've been 'Sent to Coventry.

But I will continue to read their words. Not because I'm taking some sort of 'moral high ground'. But simply because even the worst of us deserve to be heard. But the worst of us do not necessarily deserve a response. So, I will see what they post, but will not respond to it.

That can be their victory. I had hoped for better from them.

For those who missed it, this is my 'More in sorrow than in anger' post (acknowledging the fact that I brought them home from the bar). Normally the smell of vomit goes pretty much unnoticed around here. At least until they start finger-painting with it. The welcome was theirs to wear out.

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Nidan, You should care about what I do because if you ever tried Fallout 1 and 2 you would be agreeing with me. You should Pre Order Fallout 3, I will be more then happy to help you though the more difficult parts.

The Fallout games were extremely good. But you have no standing here. This is a strange place, where everyone is already, in their own way, trying to deal with the Apocalypso.

The Justicar will pursue you with whip and spur, and make you toe the line, according to his own lights. And no one can say that he is wrong, because he is the Justicar. He is the Auditor, the stern-faced Father Figure with just enough stupidity to his cant to make it funny, for those who can see a joke, and just enough wisdom to his demands to make them reasonable, for those who can see beyond stupidity.

Mostly everyone laughs at him, and mocks. I mock him, but I never laugh at him. Mockery is the first step in respect. The second is laughing with someone. Most often, I laugh with the Justicar.

You are new here. A nothing, a nobody. What do you bring to us, a strange Community of fools, mockers and yahoos?

I haven't read all your posts. I've been busy, lately, kayaking, observing the wisdom of my Small Friends, and drinking.

I could go back, and read your previous posts, but life is too short. Especially for wastrels like me, an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread.

So, tell me. Why should we take any notice of you, or welcome you in, or think more of you than anything else found on the bottom of a shoe?

Amuse me. Enlighten me with your wit. You came in here, saying you'd seen no signs of it, in this, the most foolish of places, and the longest running Thread on the Battlefront Forums.

I've grown bored, over the last 5 years or so, reading the crabbed remarks of visitors who couldn't manage a paragraph of something clever, but deriding what they've seen.

You don't dive into this 'Pool and demand that we buy you a round, and juggle for you. You come in here and make us laugh, or piss off.

We're a very unassuming place. You want to pull up a log and sit by the fire in the Wasteland, then tell us a story, a joke, or give us a bit of wisdom. If you do it well, we'll send the bottle your way. If you do it really well, we'll acknowledge you as one of our own.

If you continue to do it well, we'll make you one of our own. And then you can go on Walk About, and by your very words, create a new world around you.

You'll also catch a great deal of ****e. A small price to pay for creating whole new topographies on the Web.

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dead to The People.

I am not surprised that you lack the balls to speak up with the little "Lunch with Leeo" game of yours and his. The only reason I made it public was to stop you from doing it again. Anyway I left the offer of driving over the hill open for a week and of course the only thing either of you were good for was lies and more talk. Nothing but worthless sh*t coming out of your mouths, like baby ducks running at both ends. Pussy. I laugh in your direction.

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the longest running Thread on the Battlefront Forums.

Originally Posted by Lawson

Nidan, You should care about what I do because if you ever tried Fallout 1 and 2 you would be agreeing with me. You should Pre Order Fallout 3, I will be more then happy to help you though the more difficult parts.

Wait until Seanachai begins telling you how much he thinks Battlefront owes him for this thread, that's worth a few laughs. Be careful; both Seanachai and Peng will say one thing to your face and then do another. Nidan1 is a good guy, why he puts up with the worthless hate that spews forth from Peng and Seanachai's mouths is a bit of a wonder. If you stick around you will likely see what I mean.

Anyway, good morning Lawson. I was viewing some screen shots of Fallout 3 yesterday, they look very, very good. Hopefully the game will be as good as the first 2 were and not be to compartmentalized. It looks like it will provide a bit of entertainment while I wait for the Normandy game from BFC.

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Wait until Seanachai begins telling you how much he thinks Battlefront owes him for this thread, that's worth a few laughs. Be careful; both Seanachai and Peng will say one thing to your face and then do another. Nidan1 is a good guy, why he puts up with the worthless hate that spews forth from Peng and Seanachai's mouths is a bit of a wonder. If you stick around you will likely see what I mean.

Anyway, good morning Lawson. I was viewing some screen shots of Fallout 3 yesterday, they look very, very good. Hopefully the game will be as good as the first 2 were and not be to compartmentalized. It looks like it will provide a bit of entertainment while I wait for the Normandy game from BFC.

I put up with it because I do not take any of it seriously.....I once got riled on these forums, not this thread, but some silly thing I had started in the GF a few months back. I simplly took unbrage to a comment made by a poster that I felt was rude and insensitive.

After trading insults for a few lines...I just let it go..I was embarassed that I had let a few words get my goat so easily, and how I was able to spew insults at a total stranger with equal ease. Anyway it still bothers me now, and although words can beed indeed hurtful, they are in fact, just words. It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword, in this thread that is certainly true, the internet has given us all the ability to form sentences for immediate publication on a scale unheard of only a few years ago.

Abbott I always had you typed as the kind of guy I could sit down with, have a few beers, and kindle a fast friendship based on common experience and upbringing. Your on-going feud with Seanachai and Leeo is confusing to me frankly.

People say and do dumb things all the time, and in far more serious situations than on an internet web site. I do not have first hand knowledge of how you have been grieved, if it started with those pictures by Patch , then I am truly confused because she has done something similar to that to everyone in this thread, but perhaps to you that was a line she should not have crossed...again its OK for you to feel that way.

I will not take sides in this feud...I will continue to post in the MBT in the spirit in which it was created. I hate all of the posters here equally, so it should be easy to sling crap in any direction, if I so choose....but to reiterate...it is not serious.

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We're a very unassuming place. You want to pull up a log and sit by the fire in the Wasteland, then tell us a story, a joke, or give us a bit of wisdom. If you do it well, we'll send the bottle your way. If you do it really well, we'll acknowledge you as one of our own.

If you continue to do it well, we'll make you one of our own. And then you can go on Walk About, and by your very words, create a new world around you.

Why should he have to be witty and show some wisdom? I am still waiting for the same things from you and a few others here.

Lady Redneck

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Too much effing seriousness. Dance! MrLawson! Give us a jolly sing-song. Be vile, be spirited, give Seanachai the red-arse. Do somefink already instead of yammering on about some silly game. The only game in here is skinned, gutted and hung to cure in the smokehouse. Mmmm smoky 'possum stew!

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Too much effing seriousness. Dance! MrLawson! Give us a jolly sing-song. Be vile, be spirited, give Seanachai the red-arse. Do somefink already instead of yammering on about some silly game. The only game in here is skinned, gutted and hung to cure in the smokehouse. Mmmm smoky 'possum stew!

LOL, you double talking pansy there isn't a damn thing in here skinned and gutted except you and your dumb assed routine. Piss off you worthless toad! I am still and always will be the one and only Redneck and Official Greeter of the Peng Challenge Thread! :D :D :D

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Abbott I always had you typed as the kind of guy I could sit down with, have a few beers, and kindle a fast friendship based on common experience and upbringing. Your on-going feud with Seanachai and Leeo is confusing to me frankly.

Same here Nidan and the thought of you taking sides never entered my mind. No it didn't start with Patchy and I didn't have much to say about the picture she posted of me, I took exception to her portraying 2 of my sons as queers. It started with a dumb assed e-mail that Seanachi asked Leeo to send me.

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But if I choose to simply not see their words, then I am doing more than turning my back on them. I am removing them from the world that I perceive. Good, bad, stupid, insightful, bigoted, vile, interesting, foolish...I no longer can even hear their voice, in the parlance of the Internet.

Saaaay, are you That Guy? The guy who defends the heckler as he's being escorted from the comedy club or the movie theater?

Was the young, pink-faced Seanachai told one too many times that 'little boys should be seen and not heard'? Is that when your crusade started?

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Is Seanachai making any of YOU LOT a drink? No, he's not, because he's making ME a drink. And we're watching a movie with Sam Waterston, Elliott Gould, Hal Holbrook, O.J. Simpson, Brenda Vacarro, and Telly Savalas.

You people talk about Seanachai, I make him bar tend for me.

Think about it, won't you?

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