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Peng is Challenged by a T-90....and wins!!!!

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Righto....you armor grogs...this is the Peng Challenge Thread . This is not Jane's Armor Review. We use wit here, not ERA, we have class here, not a smooth bore 125mm cannon.

Don't come in here all wide eyed expecting to see the latest armor mods...forget it bucko!, none of that will be permitted here. Come here if you want to throw down a challenge, pick some one as low on the evolutionary scale as yourself and call them out. Don't expect to use thermal imaging either, we do all of our challenging in broad daylight!!

Don't think of yourself as superior, just because you know a little about a BMP, or a LAV. In here you are just a piece of road kill created by the aforementioned BMP or LAV.

Be nice to the ladies at all times...failure to follow that simple edict will surely result in your demise....in fact just poking your ugly mug in here will surely result in your demise. I know what you will say now...."don't call me Shirley, and I can come in here if I please."

That certainly is true, but if we disaprove of the cut of your jib, then it will not matter how much Chobam you have on your side skirts...you will be told to SOD OFF!!!.

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That is not much of an opening post Fred , you didn’t say anything about getting drunk or prison or Mom or trucks. Try adding something like this the next time;

Well, I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison

And I went to pick her up in the rain

But before i could get to the station in my pickup truck

She got runed over by a damned old train

Now there is some poetry, oh yeah, now we gots some class in here!

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What armor girds my killer knee?

Why, subterfuge and levity.

What plating layers o'er me?

Why, joking and hilarity.

What laser guides my barbs at thee?

Why, mocking jocularity.

What smoke descends so you can't see?

Why, proud cool stench, absurdity.

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That is not much of an opening post Fred , you didn’t say anything about getting drunk or prison or Mom or trucks. Try adding something like this the next time;

Well, I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison

And I went to pick her up in the rain

But before i could get to the station in my pickup truck

She got runed over by a damned old train

Now there is some poetry, oh yeah, now we gots some class in here!

I've thrown off that yoke, my friend. All of those things you mention are happenigs for people who feel opressed by the man. I am free as a bird and beholden to no one.

This is my world...like it? I'm wavin' at ya from the front porch.


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In other news, or not-news. Stuka has decided that parts for

his uber-guzzler are more important than playing games. After his much vaunted troops were found camping in the village of our last game, and not actually firing their weapons. (something about needing to keep their ammo for the next battle, or something). Unfortunately, they forgot to hold the flags...

Consequently my much outgunned Brits pulled off an amazing win!


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I've thrown off that yoke, my friend. All of those things you mention are happenigs for people who feel oppressed by the man. I am free as a bird and beholden to no one.

Nidan, are you saying that you are no longer a tool apt to my hand? No longer a weapon to be wielded against my enemies?

Are you saying that, when I give the command to...just a second, I'm checking the code book...what the hell is that? That doesn't make any damn sense...Trailer what?!...Oh, here it is, to 'Gang Swarm the Foes of Righteousness', that you won't snap to and deliver yourself, teeth bared, at the throat of My Enemies?

So, I must needs ask, Nidan. Will you obey my every order, without question? And will you submit your will to mine, and seek only to destroy those that I name enemies?

More importantly, will you sign this affidavit from my current Employer, assuring them that, to the best of your knowledge, I've never actually been convicted of a psychotic act? No 'Death Rays', no 'Weather Control Machines', no 'Directing Minions to Destroy Humourless Redneck Oaf'?

Because if you could see your way clear to doing that, I'd really appreciate it. They've got all these new rules, you see, sent down by HR. Fussy as hell, but there you are. As an 'Independent Contractor', I've got no real rights under The System.

Oh, and do me the favour of 'hearing' all the above in that 'James Earl Jones, Bucket On the Head' type voice. As an Arch Villain/Controlling Mastermind, I have to acknowledge that sometimes I don't sound as scary and purposeful as I could.

I blame my Father. He had a great voice. But apparently he wasn't willing to let it pass to me unless I turned out to be really good at sports.

I did pretty well at soccer. And archery. But this is America. You're not going to get far without Football or Baseball. And I couldn't skate for ****e. Sigh. No Dark Lord of the Hockey Rink for me, eh?

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I wanna be Dark Lord of the barstool and hookah. Please?

Dark Lord of the barstool and... hookah? What the hell?! Did we suddenly become a Turkish bath, or are we taking in refugees from the "Alice in Wonderland" series?

No, you cannot be 'The Dark Lord of Barstools and Hookahs'. Jesus Christ, Leeo!

Okay, we need to do maintenance on that chip I placed in your head. You know, the one that allows me to control you utterly, and moves you to viciously attack anyone who thinks that the only thing keeping me from World Domination is the fact that their sons might cry like 8 year old girls if they're depicted as wearing dresses that don't match their beards...

Okay, time for a Systems Check.

Code: Leeo

Activation Word: Redneck

Confirmation Code: What chronic disease do we both suffer from?

Make the appropriate response, so that we can begin modifying your programming.

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Steve, did you read the e-mail that Leeo sent to me? I did.

So, now I have access to your email? Christ, Abbott, you need to talk to your ISP. How the hell would I have access to your email?

You need to climb down off the Conspiracy Cross. Would you like to SEND me Leeo's email, so that I could gain some perspective on your self-righteous posturing? With Leeo's permission, of course.

Or, frankly, without it. If I AM the Puppet Master, I don't need his approval. If I'm not, then you're just another delusional whiny bitch who thinks that the best defense against the fact that people think you're a bastard is to blame someone else for the fact that you're disliked.

Like Gaylord. The only reason people disliked him, according to him, was because 'Seanachai is his enemy'. And he was an amazingly immature whiner, hated by all.

Are you this season's Gaylord, Abbott? You've sent me emails congratulating me on defusing situations, and being fair, previously. If we've disagreed on anything lately, you're the lesser man to suggest that I've set people on you, rather than confronting you myself.

I don't need 'minions' to put you down, Abbott. If I have issues with you, I'll confront you myself. Have I ever shown you that I'm afraid of you? I'm willing to take your paranoia with a grain of salt, because I have friends here, and you mostly don't. But if you continue this business of claiming to be a victim of bullying, we'll have to examine the fact that you're a bigger bully than I could ever dream of getting away with.

So, put up, talk to me, or shut the **** up and stop claiming to be a victim.

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More importantly, will you sign this affidavit from my current Employer, assuring them that, to the best of your knowledge, I've never actually been convicted of a psychotic act? No 'Death Rays', no 'Weather Control Machines', no 'Directing Minions to Destroy Humourless Redneck Oaf'?

Because if you could see your way clear to doing that, I'd really appreciate it. They've got all these new rules, you see, sent down by HR. Fussy as hell, but there you are. As an 'Independent Contractor', I've got no real rights under The System.

Feck, first they make you show up at 9 am, wearing pants and a shirt....now this indignity? It's a travesty that the Gnome is forced to lower himself such.

Oh, and do me the favour of 'hearing' all the above in that 'James Earl Jones, Bucket On the Head' type voice. As an Arch Villain/Controlling Mastermind, I have to acknowledge that sometimes I don't sound as scary and purposeful as I could.

Could you do a couple of bits for us as an example? You know, break out the bucket, microphone and make us some .wav files.

I blame my Father. He had a great voice. But apparently he wasn't willing to let it pass to me unless I turned out to be really good at sports.

I did pretty well at soccer. And archery.

Those are actually hobbies in America. I knew you were Belgian at your core.

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Those are actually hobbies in America. I knew you were Belgian at your core.

The Belgians will never be good with a bow. That is why God gave them adding machines, and the ability to deal with bureaucracy. He knew that someday Europe would need them.

There is no other reason for their existence.

I, on the other hand, can use a bow. Also, I can kayak. The Belgians are not a nation of kayakers.

Controlling the EU is their consolation prize. I much prefer paddling.

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You and Leeo suffer from an over inflated ego and bull****itis.

Oh joy, and it's terminal!!!!

Lady Redneck

Over inflated? I can't speak for Leeo (there's that inconvenient truth, again!), but my ego is far smaller than my waistline.

haunting Torgo theme

I'm just as God made me, madam!

attempts to stroke Bugged's hair

The Master isn't going to like this!

And as for terminal? Yes, I am going to die. You're probably going to go first. Despite my best efforts. It would be way cool if you could send word back as to whether I'm going to get that corner office overlooking the Abyss, or whether I'm going to have do time in Middle Management, first.

Perhaps I could mention your name?

I'm only saying...

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So you are Canadian? Why the feck did you hide this from us? You are dodgy gnome aren't ye?

Bah! I wave my hand at you! If there WAS a Just God, the Canadians would surrender to Minnesota, and make us the Capitol of the new, Northern Hegemony.

With our American sensibilities, and their vast natural resources and friendly if lackadaisical population, we'd become the greatest nation on earth.

We'd annex the Upper Peninsula, Maine, and the nicer portions of Washington State and Montana. Probably northern Wisconsin, as well. After deporting the population, we'd also take Idaho, North and South Dakota.

We'd make a nation that was very polite and friendly. But with a core of steel. We'd leave all the Red State/Blue State ****e behind, put an end to the Canadian struggle to 'define what it means to be Canadian, eh?' and concentrate on preparing to lead the world into the post-Apocalypso period of human history.

The beer would be better, the days more filled with promise, and anyone who wanted to speak French could do so, as long as they shut up about it. Free at last of the slovenly parochialism of the South, the elitist pretensions of the East, the general annoyance and psychosis of Texas, and the self obsessed idiocy of California, America would finally flower in the North.

You'd sell your immortal soul to emigrate to the new emergent nation of North America.

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What amazes me is the fact that Herr Gnome is still posting. WTF? Isn't it like 5:30am? Are you waking up or going to bed?

I have never, in my life, woken up that early. That I remember. I have, on more than one occasion, gone to bed relatively late. I often suffer from a form of insomnia.

It's only like 3 AM here. Tomorrow, I will go to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival with Small Emma, and Smaller Nora. At this point, I will probably sweat blood to do so, and still be chipper, and run after Smaller Nora, who has a tendency, when given broad horizons, to run around like a very small loon, shouting at the top of her lungs and hugging people.

Tomorrow, look for a new 'Tales of Small Friends'. I started to write one tonight, but lost it in a Browser error, and am not coherent enough to reconstruct it.

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In other news, or not-news. Stuka has decided that parts for

his uber-guzzler are more important than playing games. After his much vaunted troops were found camping in the village of our last game, and not actually firing their weapons. (something about needing to keep their ammo for the next battle, or something). Unfortunately, they forgot to hold the flags...

Consequently my much outgunned Brits pulled off an amazing win!


Amazing win my hairy butt! It was a minor victory to Noba.

Noba had 4 Shermans left against my single, gun damaged MkIV and still he couldn't take a flag! Forced to attack with PIAT teams and mortar crews (nothing *cough* gamey *cough* about that is there Noba?), after I'd kicked all his squads to hell and chased them out of the village my troops were simply hunkered down in the rubble waiting for the clanketeys to get within grenade bundle range.

Bravely Noba stayed out of range all buttoned up until the final turn when he was gifted the minor win even though I had troops at both flags. He would never had taken that village, NEVER!

Muahahaaa hahaaaa hhaaaaaa!!................

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Over inflated? I can't speak for Leeo (there's that inconvenient truth, again!), but my ego is far smaller than my waistline.

haunting Torgo theme

I'm just as God made me, madam!

attempts to stroke Bugged's hair

The Master isn't going to like this!

And as for terminal? Yes, I am going to die. You're probably going to go first. Despite my best efforts. It would be way cool if you could send word back as to whether I'm going to get that corner office overlooking the Abyss, or whether I'm going to have do time in Middle Management, first.

Perhaps I could mention your name?

I'm only saying...

May I suggest rubber gloves and some insecticide before stroking her hair. Who knows what

she maybe carrying.

As for my early demise, think again. Native American's have a long lifespan at least in my family. Opps, there I go again playing the race card.

And I highly doubt you will get the corner office,slugs like you are doomed to shoveling it as you have done while you were above ground. And I doubt we will end up in the same place.

My journey takes me across the western sky to my ancestors. Yours is just a flush away.

Lady Redneck

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